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  1. karr

    The police have a a new canabis detection device.

    im only catching the tail end of this... but is an English man talking about how America has been ruling the world and is just coasting off the work of their ancestors? WTF am i the only one that sees the hypocrisy?
  2. karr

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    light cycles 24 vs 18/6 is a very often heated debate. It really goes either way depending on preference/cost the 24 hour light guys claim (and this is backed by some good science) that since cannabis is a type of plant (cant remember class) that does not need a dark period to photosynthesize...
  3. karr

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Personally i hate sprouting in paper towel. I just have really bad luck with it. I have been using little seed starting disks that expand into little soil pods, much better germ rate for me. I usually sit the seeds in for a few days, then i carefully dig them up and poke the tap root down into...
  4. karr

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    In early on for this one, I have always been a fan of mikes lights, have a spectra 180 myself. Hw is the spread? Would one of these cover a 4x4? Also as far as blackstar goes, shady company. Gotham hydro(seems to be their sole distributor) has a lot of lies and misleading information on...
  5. karr

    Is this stress from repotting? Leafs pointing up and slight curling.

    sometimes they will curl up when too much light or heat is on them, so check temps first. i doubt its a nutrient issue as they dont need much for quite a while, much meaning hardly any(whats in the seed/starter soil). ive had seedlings respond like the pics to too much light, are these two...
  6. karr

    Rainforest 66

    Yes and no. By most standards yes, it is aero that is also dwc when the roots are long enough. Then no because some technical definitions dictate that a true aeroponic system must produce a certain micron of water, which the rainforest 66 does not. For our purposes you can call it aeroponic...
  7. karr

    Just bought a digigro co2 monitor and regularator anyone have this? You have 30 cu feet of space to fill, less really. A tank should last a looong time, use the calc too see.
  8. karr

    Wow Shrinkage!!

    Yeah they say around 80% loss during drying. This also depends on when last water was. I have bought into the letting them dry out a bit before harvest, forces plant into a last ditch effort to max budding. He'll I don't know, just usually ends up going that way.
  9. karr

    GrOw RoOm SetUp 400watt

    Looks good, just be vigilant when it gets warmer, that place is going to heat up a lot and fast. Nice little spot though.
  10. karr

    Help me with planning 2nd grow!

    A 400watt CMH(ceramic metal halide) would be a nice bulb for it. Nice tight nodes that just explode in flower.
  11. karr

    new white widow feminized WEEK 3 of grow

    Lots more cfls would work in a pinch, but it adds some good heat, don't let them fool you
  12. karr

    Problematic 600w ballast

    Just a Chinese knockoff. That inference would be worrying me. It sounds liket the same issue as when digs first came out. That inference could go throughout the neighborhood and cause them to call their cable company, then they come out with a sensor and find the interference. Kinda scary.
  13. karr

    HPS & MH - Time to go big.

    No shock from different lights, just make sure they are appropriate distance from the plant. With an open hood like that i would say 12 inches minimum with a fan blowing up at the light. It will be a good stepping stone for sure. this light will help eliminate having too little light so you...
  14. karr

    Help my plant! I'm having hard time with temps!

    Above said it all. Is there any fresh air coming into the closet at all? If you need a cheap fix you can buy a cheap inline booster fan from home depot and punch a small hole in your closet ceiling. That will help suck the air out and into your attic. If your not on the top floor you need to...
  15. karr

    DR80, 400w HPS, Snow White & More!

    I haven't read through everything yet just wanted to add something. Mg seed starting soil. You do know that seed starting soil has no nutrients in it at all right? Some brands will put in a minute amount of nutes to help people out that leave their plants in it for too long but the whole idea of...
  16. karr

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    9 oz would be over 1g a watt, with that 250. The pros can get numbers like that, but I've never seen anything like that.
  17. karr

    Better yields with home made co2...

    try to search for desert rats co2 mythbusting thread. he broke down the math and you are very right, the sugar adds up very fast. the yeast adds up in cost as well, though you should be able to breed and keep recycling it, so in theory you could just buy that part once.
  18. karr

    Pc grow box affect my electric bill??

    he already did the math for you, and even showed you how to do it. Take some initiative man :) find your local electricity rate. If you cant find it use 15 cents per 1000w per hour(1 kw/h). Thats about as high as most rates get. now take your grow area and find out the electricity total. 93...
  19. karr

    Better yields with home made co2...

    roots like oxygen, so this would be bad. pipe it up and around the leaves towards the top of the canopy. It will trickle down and feed some of the lower leaves too.
  20. karr

    is it bad to wait for your plant to wilt then water?

    Yeah waiting until the leaves droop is not ideal. It is not the most horrible thing, but we try to maximize our plants as best we can. When starting out going until the plant droops a little can help you get an idea of how often to water. Better though would be a potted plant water meter. It's...