Hi HP,
I like lots of room too. Been growing for years and many guys used some MH in the mix. A few 315 cmh would be a great supplement to all your hps.
It's my understanding that with the greater efficiency of leds...the watts per square foot can be lower. 30 is just the number I've seen guys quote. Seems reasonable. 50 w/sf or more....is what guys do with hps. You could go higher on the leds and dial it back for even greater efficiency.
Hi Al,
I agree with the mixed spectra idea. Did MH and HPS together back in the day. Now use cmh and led. About 600w of each.
For a 3x3 using 30watts/sf you would want way more then 100w. My math shows 270w minimum.
Plant elements are categorized into mobile and non-mobile. Though the categories are sort of loose. Has to do with how easily elements pass through cell walls. Non-mobile elements can still be moved around...but the plant expends energy doing that.
And...as coincidence will have it...the...
Hi CC,
I see you're still hanging in there...had a few thoughts. I don't think any more food is needed...over and above your soil. The organic microbes are most beneficial in P absorption...so if giving microbes...and especially in 12/12...a little extra P won't hurt. Just be gentle.
I think a newbie grow is best done in quality soil. You said you knew your soil had nutes in it. These timed-release nutrients are released as the plant is watered. Very common to have problems with this soil. That's probably causing the slow growth. Nutes are too high for the plant...
That does nor surprise me. First grew WW a decade ago...and learned all about Mg then. Still love the Widow...though only one in the garden at th moment. Most WW derivative strains also have that characteristic. White Russian and even G15Widow...but not so bad.
I'd feed a small WW...
I can't say I agree with you...but you're there with the plant and know it's feeding history.
It's been my experience that nutrient salt lockouts usually cause more then one deficiency. While you are only showing one. Marijuana is a Mg hog...and some strains worse then others. White...
Hi Mozz,
Ya, it looks like a Mg deficiency. If yiu just want to add Mg...then us epsom salts. The sukfur won't hurt anything. 1 tsp/gal max. Or calmag if you choose that route. I didn't see any brown spots so maybe go with es.
Hi Roy...with the new software here...the edit button gets hid in a little pull down button.
Good for you. I live in a rural area but nearby town has Home Depot. Got lots of stuff there. I've used their Black Gold brand coco and it worked great.
Well hopefully the organic guys can get you back on track. As long as you're learning...it's all good. Do not get that newbie "eye on the prize" attitude. How much will it yield and all those related questions. You want a more caring approach. Chicks usually make better growers because that...
I have confidence that you will sort it out. Add epsom salts if you want. At this point...anything that causes a difference is good news.
I think you should post about your soil in the organic section. Maybe those guys can give you more useful advice.
Mornin' CC
If your water stayed at 145ppm...you would be good. Many places have water that changes seasonably. Mine does...higher ppm and ph in summer. All good reasons for using RO...so that when you mix stuff up...you know what you have. Consistency.
I wish you hadn't told me about your...
Truthfully...I've been using this combo of stuff for so long that I know it doesn't matter which I add when. Never had an interaction causing sediment in a decade...so I've gotten a little sloppy.
OK...let me talk about epsom salts. Very useful stuff in a canna garden. I'm trying to develop a way to use more of it...near the end of flowering. The sulfur helps terpines near end of bloom and of course...it adds Mg. You may have an opportunity to use it...but not now. If the...