Their website has the price specs. I believe they're still having a summer sale on everything.
I am not the best person to talk about lighting an area your size, as I merely have a 4x4 tent, and I'm running 1 XGS beside an Apollo8 with a couple of 46W T5HO (for now...may end up getting a RW75...
Are you stuck on only Hans or AT? Have you investigated other brands that may also be suitable for your needs? All those Hans panels would be crazy to wire up...cables everywhere!
And, we're off, Day 1. Everything is fired up and ready to begin. The party cup tray will be filled sometime after the germ window opens.
The PB's are on the left...this is the last run I'm going to do with them for a while. They're super frosty and tasty, but I've only got so much space, and...
I'm partial to Shantibaba's offerings, so my choice would be any one from the MNS line. Medicine Man is supposed to be the original White Rhino. Its potent. I've so many favourites in the MNS line, I'm not sure where to begin recommending. :)
Update: I've installed my Green Gator filter in my tent, and couldn't be happier with the results. Its a big unit...bigger than the generic chinese ones I've used to this point. Glad my new tent is rated for the higher weight, as the combined weight of lights and filter would put stress on my...
Its been a few days since I've posted to this thread...just not too interesting while I'm still vegging the PB's.
I have finally finished the new tent setup, and have installed my fantastic 3rd place prize from last party cup round. If you're looking for a filter, just get a Green Gator, and...