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  1. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    Its not near as expensive as an hps or a mh so as far as im concerned thats not bad.
  2. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    $18-$20 per bulb? ive been thinkin about checkin that site out. I can only find 68 and only in 2700k.
  3. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    actually scrog is pretty easy until you actually start 12/12 and then all you do is pull tops through the screen. But im with you its all about keepin it simple and easy. Im about to check the clones now but im feeling confident. I do need to get some different cloning solution, i just picked up...
  4. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    Its good to know the yellowing is normal, im thinkin that one of my clones might not make it but if my other clone makes it ill be happy with my first attempt. Im try to test out both scrog and sog at the same time and see which one i like better. Props man you make this look so easy. + Rep
  5. Junya951

    Why does my PH always fluctuate?

    are you talkin about the PH is the res? cause im noticing the same thing only i use straight vinegar to lower the ph in my 10 gal rez and after 2 or 3 days the ph slowly rises to back around 7. I dont get it either.
  6. Junya951

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    its hard to guess yeilds especially because we dont know what nutrients your running or the size of your area or what problems you may have. Just make a journal, post pics along the way,and tell us the yield when your done and try to improve on that grow with your next. but your probably gonna...
  7. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    Thanks man. Im clearing some space in my veg cab for the clones now. do you root your cuttings in rockwool, or just straight into soil?
  8. Junya951


    We're assholes for trying to keep this guy and his parents out of trouble? Where do you live that no one cares about a couple weed plants? Growing is illegal and doing it in your parents house is just asking for trouble, yeah it might have worked for you but there is no guarentee that this guy...
  9. Junya951


    i would just do out door if possible dont waste you time or seeds tying to hide your plants. If you cant hide seedlings you def cant hide a flowering plant. wait till you move out to grow indoor.
  10. Junya951

    a)Female. b)Male. c)Hermie. d)All of the above. e)None of the above.

    It def has female flowers, but it could be a hermie. I would wait a little longer and just keep checkin on it. good luck, hope its a female.
  11. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    you got me thinking about doin a perpetual grow on the side. Im testin out cloning right now, just pulled off 2 lower branches of my PE hoping they survive. When you pull clones you wait for them to root then veg for another week right? My clones are in my flower cab right now because i dont...
  12. Junya951

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Why dont you trust femm'd seeds? Im currently running 2 cabs. One is nothing but pineapple express, i have one in a 5 gallon bucket that im gonna pull 2 clones off of in hopes to harvest around 6-8 ounces. The other one is running a kannabia special that ill most likely clone, because it doesn't...
  13. Junya951

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    that sucks man. it happened to me twice this year and its just a huge let down. Thats why i only buy feminized seeds. Im hoping that my apple kush ( got it from a friend) doesn't turn out to be a boy. but it would be cool to breed some seeds.
  14. Junya951

    Feeding Plants Pure Green Tea & Molasses???

    Haven't tried it and dont know that it will help the plants any. Ill be curious of your results though, any experimenting is good. Good luck
  15. Junya951

    Skunk #1 CFL grow harvest

    CFLs have horrible light penetration so if you dont have an even canopy yield is gonna be tiny, and the buds are gonna be fluffy and light most likely. You should really get a magnifying glass or a 420 scope to look at the trichomes. If they are starting to go from milky white to amber your...
  16. Junya951

    sweet tooth first week flowering cfls

    You can trim the lower branches that aren't receiving any light this will help the plant focus on producing buds on the plants that recieve good lighting. Its a little late for LST though. If you wanna maximize your yield without fear of damaging your plants next grow try LST/and or Scrog...
  17. Junya951

    is it bad to wait for your plant to wilt then water?

    yeah waiting till it wilts is not ideal but it wont kill the plant. Ive actually heard that when you deprive a plant of water for a short time, its roots will grow faster in an effort to find water. Then after watering growth will progress a little quicker due to the root expansion. Now im not...
  18. Junya951

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    def. possible. an even canopy makes all the difference.
  19. Junya951

    CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op

    Great grow/technique. Love the fact that your using cfls, so many ppl underestimate them. Good luck, not that you need it.
  20. Junya951

    HeadBand Grow

    That is one of the best looking plants ive seen with just cfls. nice and bushy. have you considered SCROGin'? I think it would def help as far as light penetration goes. anyways again nice grow.