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  1. ganjamisfit

    When is it too late to plant outside?

    The rule of thumb is to have your plants in the ground by june 1st. Your plants might not yield the same as they would have if you started months ago but you should be ok.
  2. ganjamisfit

    Need some GOOD advice.

    Just grow!!! Its been many years since I had to buy a bag from a scummy dealer and its worth all the work.
  3. ganjamisfit

    Predator Mites

    Has anybody here used predator mites to combat spider mite problems. Seems like a better solution than spraying your plants. sells them.
  4. ganjamisfit

    container question?

    Sorry Im not exactly sure how to pm you. If you Google "grow bags" you will see them. Most grow shop carry them. It basicly a small thick garbage bag with drainage holes designed to plant in.
  5. ganjamisfit

    too much light to sprouts?

    I dont think a 400w lamp is too much for them. Just keep em away from the bulb so they dont burn. If your going to put them outdoors under full sun I would wait until they are a little bigger and gradually introduce them to natural sunlight.
  6. ganjamisfit

    container question?

    Im talking about soil bags instead of hard plastic pots or keg cups.Just unfold add soil and add plant. Maybe there is another name for them im not sure. Ive been using them exclusively and they work great. When your plants are done you can fold them up and stash them away until next crop. Then...
  7. ganjamisfit

    First outdoor grow/northern climate

    Make sure that the soil has good drainage and not swampy. Often soil next to creeks holds too much moisture. If your going for the woods make sure they get plenty of light. You wont have much success if your plants are shaded all day by the forest canopy. Also soil around pines tends to be more...
  8. ganjamisfit

    Soap And Water

    Check your ph levels. How much soap did you use to make your spray? I usually spray for mites while my lamps are off. It helps keep your plants from burning especially if your spray mixture has oils in it. It is never to early to combat mites. If you can control them now then they will be less...
  9. ganjamisfit

    Please please help sos mayday mayday!!!

    You should cut the light back to 18/6 cycle so the plants can have a little rest but I would try to stabilize them and figure out exactly what your problem is before you flower them. You dont want your problems to perpetuate during flowering.
  10. ganjamisfit

    Please please help sos mayday mayday!!!

    Generally you dont need to add nutrients for several weeks if you are using a high grade soil already rich in nutrients.
  11. ganjamisfit

    Please please help sos mayday mayday!!!

    You could move your lamp back a little and see what happens but it doesnt look like its getting burned from the lamp. It more likely nute related. Plants that size only need have strength nutrients and not every watering. What kinda soil are you using?
  12. ganjamisfit

    Please please help sos mayday mayday!!!

    Maybe its not the problem but letting your containers sit in puddles of stagnant water will just breed mold and bacteria and predispose you to root fungus problems. The tubs your pots are sitting in look kinda scummy to me.
  13. ganjamisfit

    container question?

    Just use the small black soil bags sold at your local hydro/grow shop. They are cheap and work well.
  14. ganjamisfit

    Please please help sos mayday mayday!!!

    Cut back on the watering. It appears from the pic you posted that your plants are resting in a puddle.
  15. ganjamisfit

    Yes or No Stoners

    Clones, Clones and more Clones!!!
  16. ganjamisfit

    Quick harvest question

    Trim it while it is fresh and then hang dry it for a couple days then put in in brown paper bags and shuffle the product every day until it is fully dry then cure in jars for atleast two weeks opening once a day to air out and check for mold. your finished product should taste great and burn...
  17. ganjamisfit

    underwatered or overwaterd?

    Over watered under lit!
  18. ganjamisfit

    Will This Heating Pad Be Enough Heat For My Clones to Take RooT?

    Try using Dip N Grow rooting hormone. Use the product along with rockwell cubes or peat pellets and I have 100% success rate rooting clones without heating pads or anything fancy. I just use small rubbermaid clear tubs as my cloning environment. I will use the lid as the base and just lift the...
  19. ganjamisfit

    Clone Question

    A mild soap and water is an effective spray against insects but its hard to say what infestation you have without definitive symptoms or pictures of your bugs!
  20. ganjamisfit

    Hermaphrodite plants?

    Your just going to end up with a bunch of seedy ass pot!! And yes pollinated herb can be less potent!!