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  1. ResistanceIsFertile

    Iran Update...

    There are alot of people in the US who view the State's monopoly on violence and repression through a partisan lens. It isn't bad if their party does it. When reactionary movements take power by force, it is usually from an elected government, it does originate with military officers, like...
  2. ResistanceIsFertile

    Doom and gloom or hope?

    Here's some hope. People are expropriating and redistributing food
  3. ResistanceIsFertile

    new jobless claims up to over 660K last week

    It's only tragic if they were decent jobs. So many of the low paying jobs (the only ones I've ever been qualified for) are so lousy and interchangeable, that an 18 month paid vacation is probably welcomed by some. Anytime they've talked layoffs at places I've worked, I'd volunteer to go. No...
  4. ResistanceIsFertile

    The 2nd American Revolution and the Bible predicting it?

    This is a photo from the FTAA summit in Miami in 2003. The police activity in these photos occurred at a peaceful, permitted, AFL-CIO march of only 10,000 or so. Those of us who favored more militant action, had negotiated in good faith with the union bureaucrats that we would not incite the...
  5. ResistanceIsFertile

    FBI’s 5-Step Process to Criminalize First Amendment Activity as “Terrorism”

    I'm no fan of animal rights extremism, despite my fondness for other kinds and have even end my association with groups I have worked with when they set out to forge ties with a local animal rights organization, which had already been accused (but not charged) of "redecorating" some restaurants...
  6. ResistanceIsFertile

    new jobless claims up to over 660K last week

    They just raised the benefit amount, too. I'm don't know how much, but I'm sure the coke man and the vending company that owns the poker machines my little brother stuffs his money into are rejoicing.
  7. ResistanceIsFertile

    Will Obama Reinstate the Draft?

    It looks like he did, late (like me) but in LA and not Hawaii. I had to sign up to enlist, when I was 20. I never bothered until I had to. When the sent me packing, they made me RE-4. I don't know what they call it now. Not my problem unless they start calling up babies, old men, and the...
  8. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    A Democrat used to be a Republican in a cheap suit. I think they may have finally found some tailors.
  9. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    It's relative to the US political spectrum. The center has moved so far right. Clinton's policies made Nixon look like a pinko. He had to pander to the theocratic base of the GOP, and perpetuate their myths to maintain power. Bush himself, just seemed like a rich boy, who played dumb and...
  10. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    Any self-respecting government has "shadow assassins". Dubya's term may have been a unmitigated disaster, but Hitler is really pushing it. It's a long walk from genocide to not being able to say "no" to your political appointees. While I don't get taken seriously too often, I find that when I...
  11. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    Right you are.
  12. ResistanceIsFertile

    Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes

    Of course a government (the only legitimate dispenser of violence between the imaginary lines on a map) has WMD, such as high explosive, but only one Middle Eastern country has nukes, whose plans were stolen from the US. Although I'm a civilian, I share the military view that chemical/biological...
  13. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    Hopefully Hillary C. can send some global warming my way, because I'm sick of this winter. China has its own attack helicopters to use for union busting activities. The Colombian State would still be using obsidian swords at Drummond's behest. $419 million of almost $700 million (which seems...
  14. ResistanceIsFertile

    ACORN's Stimulus ...

    The only surprise is that they haven't set up some kind of toll free anonymous tip line. They admit ahead of time that the first time they use their new laws that they will likely be appealed and overturned, but they pass them anyway. It's especially harsh on older folks who don't own enough...
  15. ResistanceIsFertile

    Obama Stimulus Plan Dangerous to Your Health..CODE RED.

    I'm afraid of heights anyways, and oh to be a teenager again (but in the 80's again with my current "wisdom"). Talk radio has taught me that the US is not a democracy, but rather a federal republic, which was founded by Christians, for Christians. Having participated in some direct democratic...
  16. ResistanceIsFertile

    Doom and gloom or hope?

    Everybody loves throwing rocks. That's why riot cops wear ninja turtles suits. Nothing like see the glee in the face of a sorority girl throwing her first rock a the phalanx during a sports riot.
  17. ResistanceIsFertile

    Intelligent design

    I think both sides of the argument can take solace in the fact that these schools haven't proven themselves capable of teaching much of anything, let alone heavy shit like the origin of the universe. I was lucky to skip kindergarten and stay in daycare an extra year with my little brother, since...
  18. ResistanceIsFertile

    Be Careful What You Wish For

    The tobacco companies must love every hurdle they put up for their clientele. Making smokers into victims creates unit cohesion, and that unit cohesion translates into customer loyalty. The fact that their fiends (myself included) will go to so much trouble to use their product has to be the...
  19. ResistanceIsFertile

    Will Obama Reinstate the Draft?

    Don't forget the US/China proxy war in the Sudan.
  20. ResistanceIsFertile

    Hillary - Human rights can't interfere with crises

    The job was way stupider than the people who worked there. There was no catching up, let alone getting ahead in your workload. There was no end to the tunnel, let alone a light, and that has a bad effect on attitude, too. Someday I will write a book about that year and a half.