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    Barneys Flower Power

    Dude smart as fuck!
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    would be thank full

    What happend to the other three?
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    Markings in the woods

    Out here we use pink/orange/red ribbins to mark landlines and hunting trails
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    2010 Medical Monster Attempt

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    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    If you got the money to invest i would go with the store bought stuff, but thats alot of soil
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    been given a plant! now what?

    If its an autoflowering strain keep it under light 20/4 the whole way through... the plant will do the rest. Now if you want some alright bud you need to invest in some nutrients and alot more light.
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    When will they be ready??

    They look healthy just let them do their thing and watch for bugs. You may have to water as much as once a day in the summer to keep them from dryin out in those buckets. Keep them hidden and dont tell anyone... i hear georgia and florida are like the two worst states to get caught growing in.
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    Would this work for flowering???Pics Included

    If you are in the south the black lining may cause mold/bud rot due to humidity.
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    Guerilla Grow

    I would go with no smaller than 3 gallon pots
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    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Thats a funny ass movie man!
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    A Question About Green Houses

    Its 7ft in the center... for $100 you can't beat it!
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    waterlogged soil

    Even if the holes did finally dry up... if they filled up once they will fill up again and too much water is just as bad as none at all. I would start lookin for another spot.
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    a question most ppl have never thought of

    Im with goose on that i think it will kill the seed but its always somethin to try. It might work well for transplanting seedlings
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    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    I guess you could go plant a few on their land and call it payback....
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    Blackberry Kush Harvest!(pics)

    Now now lets not wish death upon plants.... its not their fault they're not blackberry kush
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    If I started a plant 24/0 then put it outside, would it flower?

    I would say a 10hr jump is most definitly goin to shock your plant into flower. To avoid this unnessissary stress i would suggest a more gradual approach. Try reducing light by 1hr every other day and in about 2 weeks you should be good. As for the gradual increase it should be fine just give...
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    Newb question: can I hang dry...

    I was wondering this same thing and i was thinking hang the entire plant upside down from a rope and wrap it with a tarp to help keep light out but im in Georgia and with the humidity im thinking mold might cause some issues
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    If I started a plant 24/0 then put it outside, would it flower?

    You should glance over the existing treads before making a new one... at least the first page anyway!
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    B.C. OutDoor Clone Guerrilla 2010

    A drought and your creek dryin up could be a problem but what could pose even more of a threat is a nice heavy rain!
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    Indoor 2 outdoor transplant

    Ive used peat pots before and just put the whole thing in the ground... looks like a dixie cup but has a hole in the bottom and is made out of peat moss.