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  1. HiIGrow

    Grow No2

    Clear cups = bad
  2. HiIGrow


    If its got only a couple more weeks, then leave her go. Looks like a def of some kind. Not heat stress.
  3. HiIGrow

    seedlings wont grow

    Dont transplant again. Just feed em! Would also start using tap water if your not already.
  4. HiIGrow

    15 days old seedling...

    Well from the pics, it looks like you just watered then? Hope you will wait at least 2 days before watering again. That pot is huge so it will take a while to dry out completely, maybe even longer. A plant that size I would have put in a 1 gallon pot.
  5. HiIGrow

    yellow leaves this morning

    The first pic looks like its mutated. I give nutes at week 1. You PH you water to 6-6.3?
  6. HiIGrow

    Weird problem, hoping someone can point me in the right direction.....

    Foilar spray just before the lights go out. If you are foilar spraying.
  7. HiIGrow

    15 days old seedling...

    Looks over watered. Does that pot have drain holes? I would have used a one gallon pot for a girl that big.
  8. HiIGrow

    Help Am I Over watering???

    Looking good!
  9. HiIGrow


    Research them!
  10. HiIGrow


    Imo since you have the height, I would say grow four girls no auto's. Auto's grow shorter you will be wasting the space and light with a 400w.
  11. HiIGrow

    What Is This?

    Feed them!
  12. HiIGrow

    Need help asap! Everything keeps dying within 5 days, don't know what I'm doing wrong

    I would say no fan inside the dome. bowl of water to bring humidity up. I PH my water to 6-6.3, soak the cubes, then pop the seeds in. Maybe dont use the root nutes or any nutes for that matter. Never actually checked my runoffs after the rockwool cubes but hasnt effected me yet.
  13. HiIGrow

    super slow growth

    Never start a seedling on 12/12. I always do 24/0 for the first week then switch to 20/4. I use 3 26w CFL's. I also gives nutes around 1 week old. Hope this helps.
  14. HiIGrow

    What Is This?

    Looks like some kind of def. Adding any nutes to the water yet? I would start.
  15. HiIGrow

    minor problems, coco, let me know what you think

    Regardless, its a solid medium. hydro requires different PH levels. I use 3 26w CFL's for seedlings. They grow for a month uder them. You want to foilar spray them just before they go lights out. The nutes in the water will leave burn dots on your plant under the light. Water acts like a...
  16. HiIGrow

    Seedling Needs little help!

    I dont smoke my own piss, sorry. Just make sure you have holes cut in the bottom so water can drain out when you do water her. She looks moist so I would wait atleast 2 days before checking to see if you need to give her some water. What lights you got on her?
  17. HiIGrow

    Nute burn?

    Let them grow!
  18. HiIGrow

    PH....PH....PH+ rep plus direct wire transfer of $5 lol

    Couple flushes will help. Soil is prob not draining well enough. Do you show signs of nute burn? You plant will keep taking nutes and burn itself. 6-6.3 is good for soil.
  19. HiIGrow

    minor problems, coco, let me know what you think

    In my opinion 6.2 is perfect for soil. What type of lights you using atm? How close are they to the plants? Do you foliar spray them? If so, when do you do it?