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  1. Freethoughts

    Baby Seedling w/Pics!!

    Growth seems very slow if that plant is 2.5 weeks old. Did you mean 2 1/2 days?
  2. Freethoughts

    one female clone and one unknown

    I would lst the plant to get lots of branching, then take a few clones. It should take 1-2 weeks for the clones to root. In a separate chamber put the clones under 12/12 lights. 1-3 weeks later it will show sex. Also you can just veg the plant until it shows sexual maturity and shows...
  3. Freethoughts

    after done budding out can you keep them.

    Yes this is done all the time. You need to leave a few remaining sites with some popcorn buds and leaf so new shutes can grow. I would suggest a rootball trim and new soil if you are using soil. It will take a few weeks for them to start new growth.
  4. Freethoughts


    Start small? Tell her that you want to pop one seed and see what happens. If you get a lady, its happy times. If it's a male, kill it and pop another seed. You could hide a lollipopped plant very easy in a computer case or something.
  5. Freethoughts

    Plan B - Indoor Grow

    You should figure out just how big your flowering chamber will be before buying lights, if you are really putting forethought into it. I'm using 2 150s and 2 26w cfls in my flower box with 3 bushes and 5 clones, its very tight but it works. You could do all sorts of things. You could select...
  6. Freethoughts

    how tall will they get??????

    Well without any pruning/lst practices they will probably get near 5ftish maybe more, maybe less. However, you can control their size with topping and/or lst.
  7. Freethoughts

    The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training

    A second season girl that needs to be tied down again.
  8. Freethoughts

    Thrusting a plant into 12/12 for identity

    You can do what you described and it will work, but it will slow the plant down and stress it. I think you should get a few cuttings and try to root them. If they root throw them in your 12/12 chamber and see what sex they are.
  9. Freethoughts

    Is Humidity good or bad for germinating seeds?

    I've had the best success with the paper towel method in a sealed container in a warm place. The last time I germed seeds I couldn't get them to pop for the life of me, the problem was temp. Seeds need moisture, oxygen, and warmth to pop open. I think the accepted temps for proper germination is...
  10. Freethoughts

    Need Help with indoor growing. (Pics inside)

    Ok first of all, i'd be very cautious about growing in my parents home. It looks like you have 4 plants going, two per pot. The general rule is one plant per pot because if you have more than one their roots will tangle and cause you problems. You need to have your light closer to your...
  11. Freethoughts

    Low wattage HPS, heat and micro grows...

    You might be able to get away with a 150 in that space with a cooltube. They are easy to make yourself with a few items from walmart. I'm running 2 150's in a 30"w 30"h 20"l box and my temps are around 85F atm with a busted AC. I think you can do it.
  12. Freethoughts

    new grower

    Are you flowering now? If not i'd suggest getting a few 6500k cfls. They will love you more since that spectrum is best for veg. Those 2300k's will work but you'd probably have better results if you mix it up some.
  13. Freethoughts

    What would be the 1 tip you'd give to a newbie grower?

    Never tell anyone except people that have to know. Never have seeds shipped to your grow house if you can help it. Build/buy a filter asap Be safe.
  14. Freethoughts

    Can someone tells me the name of the solutions that calibrate the ph

    I use aluminum sulfate as a ph down. Got it at my local garden supply center.
  15. Freethoughts

    Best things to do on 420?!!?!?!

    I am constructing two small cfl grow tents today.
  16. Freethoughts

    Cloning question

    Alright, that clears things up a bit, thanks for the advice guys.
  17. Freethoughts

    Could I make or buy a carbon filter like this? (PIX)

    hope this helps
  18. Freethoughts

    Getting Caught

    Lol, I must of read that out of context, didn't know we were talking about heat. Lol, i'm tired as hell.
  19. Freethoughts

    Getting Caught

    Use this to find out
  20. Freethoughts

    white widow

    Go to the forum you want to post in, on the right side of the page just above the page numbers of that forum there is a button that says "new thread" click and the rest will follow.