Yooooooooo, lil P........read it and weep.
CAIR (Council of American and Islamic Relations)-----in the White House working side by side with our "American" leaders
CAIR official Ahmad saying: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant," and, "The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
.......bet you didn't know sharia law is already being practiced in neighboring Canada.
But "surely" it will not grow or be tolerated, eh?
Well, I guess I understand a little better why you hold such extremist views...
Christianity is losing its footing by the day here, what the hell makes you think Islam will take its place?? Lmfao! That's like saying people are going to choose a shit-steak sandwich over deep fried cow balls when there's a perfectly good pizza sitting right on the table. Pizza being represented in reality by reason. Atheism is on the rise, religion on the fall. Eventually, it'll be atheists/agnostics as the majority. I seriously doubt some other form of bullshit wearing a different disguise is going to come along and trick the educated among us, as we're already to vast in numbers.
Internet/information/education FTW.![]()
Replace 'stuff we can't see' with 'stuff with no empirical evidence to support its existence.'i realize at the core its a dis belief of deities. stuff you cant see. but you dont see gravity yet we are pulled to the earth, you dont see air but we breathe, cant see radio waves yet we hear?
I dare you to research it.....warning, you think Christianity scares you?
what do atheists think of the placebo effect? do atheists have a spirit? even believe in a spirit? when you dream do you have dreams of tangible things or unnatural things?
what made you turn atheist? was it seeing the inconsistency of the bible or other religious texts? (serious questions)
i realize at the core its a dis belief of deities. stuff you cant see. but you dont see gravity yet we are pulled to the earth, you dont see air but we breathe, cant see radio waves yet we hear? just curious, any info appreciated.
and just so we're clear im not a blind pursuer of any faith. i have a mind i use it and i see the bible for what it is, mechanism for control and deceit.
I wonder what the next big thing will be when Christianity and the other religions of today become the myths of tomorrow. They essentially keep the same back story, and change up the names and locations and other minor aspects.
Islam is on the rise, I hear it's the fastest growing religion, I suspect because of the dominance it demands of it's subjects.
Christianity is on the clear decline in the States, and worldwide as far as I can tell. I think the one thing we have that people in the Middle East don't is the reason - freedom. To any rational, thinking person, there's a lot of stuff within organized religions that's just simply too hard to swallow. Islam doesn't allow it. Question it and die. Think it's wrong and you blasphemed! You deserve death!
Anyway, just some shit to pass around for thought. Fuck Islam, that shit will never infect western society. We're too far advanced to succumb to the bullshit it brings to the table.
Mathematically nothingness is unstable and eventually something will pop in to fill its place. Look at zero point energy, a phenomena that can't be seen yet happens everywhere at all times. The calculations state that inside an atom, between the proton nucleus and the first electron ring, there is more energy popping in and out of existence then there can be created from all the matter known to man! Thats about 5% of the stuff in the universe is actual matter, ~70% is dark energy, ~25% is dark matter and the remaining is tangible, dividable and quantifiable.
I vote for more of a toaist understanding of the universe, being an entity of one consciousness. Infinitely dimensional, and infinitely spaced apart. Maybe dark energy is just a different frequency of thought not allowing us to see its existence but our model of understanding wouldn't work without it. The workings of the universe are just as much of a hurdle as the workings of consciousness. Do you think its an accident that we use 5% of our brain power and 5% of the universe is observable?
If you wish to have a relationship with Jesus, it does not require you to open your eyes nor even your mind...
There are things that we cannot perceive in the flesh, we must believe. God works in mysterious ways, and if he wants his existence to remain a mystery, then he will. Little newsflash to those who have given up... EARTH IS NOT HEAVEN! Satan is at the center of our world ("symbolically" the core of the planet) and has much influence in our lives since the time of Adam. God created earth and its creatures, perfect in its design and humanity as its caretakers. Because of mankind's attraction to evil, we have become its destroyers. If the world has gone to shit, you think its because of God? No my friends, we are to blame. I would not at all be surprised if you strike out against my comment but just think about it. If you wish to have a relationship with Jesus, it does not require you to open your eyes nor even your mind... but your spirit.
I guess I never even thought of the placebo effect in religious terms. Do religious people actually think it's god doing something? I just assumed it's the body being tricked via the mind. I guess I don't see the fact that our bodies/minds are incredible, complex, and powerful as being incongruous with not believing in magic spirits.
I do agree that there is a certain amount of faith that goes with belief in scientific principles and theories. There's a lot that I can't see, as you said. And often the scientific explanations are so complex, that I don't completely understand them. To some extent I'm putting faith in the intelligence of others; taking their word for it. (Though, generally, I can understand the basic logic of it). Still, they're based on logic; on studying something. I'm sure a couple of thousand years ago, if you didn't understand something, just calling it magic seemed like a reasonable conclusion. Not anymore IMO.
LOL....nobdy actually has a relationship with Jesus........they just belive they do and IMHO that shows a week mind.......great stories to guide you though life and help with situations somtimes.......but all in all YOUR DOING IT YOURSELF......there is no divine intervention...lol....and most of the poeple following and preaching at churches and synagogues do not carry it home with them....or else this world would be a much better place and the RCC would not be the richest organization in the world but the most humble......and not molest little children......additionally with other religions, we just had a case here in canada where a father and son conspired and killed the sister because she didn't want to wear a headress and wanted to live a normal life.......they killed her because she disrespected their religion and family......why would god give somebody that mindset, in that type of family, so she can be killed for here beliefs.......its fuckin rediculous
Anything which does NOT require thought is for entertainment purposes only.