Well-Known Member
A valid argument for what?
A valid argument for what?
IDK what villages your talking about... But the old testament called for a lot of killing to ensure the survival of the chosen people so that Jesus could be born and ANYONE who choses to accept him is saved. Before that, any sin would not go unpunished so sacrifices were made. I know the catholics killed many that didnt convert, but i dont support them whatsoever.
If you have a valid arguement, i would like to hear it because so far, all ive read is a desperate defense of evil.
IDK what villages your talking about... But the old testament called for a lot of killing to ensure the survival of the chosen people so that Jesus could be born and ANYONE who choses to accept him is saved. Before that, any sin would not go unpunished so sacrifices were made. I know the catholics killed many that didnt convert, but i dont support them whatsoever.
If you have a valid arguement, i would like to hear it because so far, all ive read is a desperate defense of evil.
IDK what villages your talking about... But the old testament called for a lot of killing to ensure the survival of the chosen people so that Jesus could be born and ANYONE who choses to accept him is saved. Before that, any sin would not go unpunished so sacrifices were made. I know the catholics killed many that didnt convert, but i dont support them whatsoever.
If you have a valid arguement, i would like to hear it because so far, all ive read is a desperate defense of evil.
That being said, no thought is required with the here and now dangers literally at's purely entertainment.
Yes it does comfort me very much knowing that my soul will be reunited with the creator of Heaven and Earth. Does it comfort you knowing that there is a possibility that you might be wrong and burn in hell forever?
You are completely wrong. Whenever you see LORD in the Tanak, it is representing the tetragrammaton YHVH (the Hebrew letters Yud Hay Vav Hay יהוהgod didnt command death, it was the LORD. dont believe me? read the bible. who is the LORD? its the devil. it all makes since now doesnt it? people in the old testament were really worshiping the dark LORD. and even today. bad things happen when the blind lead the blind.
go to the above links i posted and read or watch.
- wrongthis world has 3 planes of height, width, and depth.
- wronghumans also have 3 planes of mind, body, soul/spirit/whatever you want to call it.
- wrongit all makes since now doesnt it?
- rightgod is unknown.
Uh, are you defending atheism or you just like to randomly post BS?
You are completely wrong. Whenever you see LORD in the Tanak, it is representing the tetragrammaton YHVH (the Hebrew letters Yud Hay Vav Hay יהוה, the unpronounceable name of a specific Canaanite deity. Since it is blasphemous to speak the actual name of God except by a high priest during certain ceremonies, people replace the name with something else when speaking or reading. Jews have used the term Hashem, literally 'The Name' as well as Adonai, literally Lord. To claim that the term LORD in the bible refers to the devil means you have very little understanding of the origin of the bible and Judaism. In fact, the early Jewish tribes of Israel and Judea had no concept of a devil figure to begin with. Why then would they write about one?
care to divulge? cause i dont see any contribution to the conversation here.- wrong
- wrong
- wrong
- right
The problem I see is that you accepted the word of some unknown web author on his interpretation when it doesn't appear that he is even familiar with biblical Hebrew and makes pronouncements with nothing to back it up.well im sorry if jewish tribes cant discern acts of love, from acts of hate, as what the LORD commands they do in the tanakh, old testament to kill, rape, sleep with virgins, and various other crimes on humanity. it may very well be the name of a deity. the devil IS a deity. the devil has many names and LORD as referred to the bible just happens to be one of them.
jesus was sent to correct all the wickedness and corruption that the church had become because of the "worship" of the "LORD." he preached against all ruling authorities and that included the high priests of the time. jesus obtained salvation and guess what, he didnt have to kill to get there.
theres only one word for someone or something that will bring harm to people/nations, thats evil. and i dont need a history lesson to come to that conclusion.
well im sorry if jewish tribes cant discern acts of love, from acts of hate, as what the LORD commands they do in the tanakh, old testament to kill, rape, sleep with virgins, and various other crimes on humanity. it may very well be the name of a deity. the devil IS a deity. the devil has many names and LORD as referred to the bible just happens to be one of them.
jesus was sent to correct all the wickedness and corruption that the church had become because of the "worship" of the "LORD." he preached against all ruling authorities and that included the high priests of the time. jesus obtained salvation and guess what, he didnt have to kill to get there.
theres only one word for someone or something that will bring harm to people/nations, thats evil. and i dont need a history lesson to come to that conclusion.
care to divulge? cause i dont see any contribution to the conversation here.
Speak for yourself, friend...
That being said, no thought is required with the here and now dangers literally at's purely entertainment.