Attention Atheist

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tardis you logic is usefull but rather rambling, i agree with some of you statements, escpecially the 10,000 years stuff, and had many a wasted discussions with quakers about this geological proof , only to have a grown adult or groups of grown adults stand in front of me stead fast in the belief the bible doesnt lie, so if man walked on the planet for only 10,000 years as creationists would have you believe what about fossil evidence,

here in australia our native aboriginies, have lived here since the gondwanna period when it was possible to cross by foot to the australian mainland these native australians have a history dating back at least 40,000 years

are they too not the seed of adam??? or evolution

me thinks evolution

sorry christian loosers......... we win........ha ha haaaa
Ok care to shine a light on the subject? What is there not to know? I've heard the big bang theory from hundereds of different sources. Whats so complex or hard to understand as the big bang? It is self explanatory. You keep saying that I lack basic knowledge, really?
You really should finish high school before you go trying to question the knowlege of a college grad.

oh yea, Then a college grad must have be cheating to pass, if their as close minded as you.

anyway im off to smokem up
There is no possible way this infinite world of complexity arose out of nothing. Behold we must worship our almighty creator
...Behold the mute, powerless space wizard with poor self esteem!

Like G. Carlin said...Don't break the big ten or you will burn in a pit of fire for ever and ever...but he LOVES you!...He loves you and he NEEDS your money!...All knowing, all powerful...yet just can't seem to handle money!

You like to tell people to use their brain...nobody...not even the poop himself has ever heard from...much less laid eyes on your space wizard/imaginary friend...and anyone who says they have is a freaking liar or a con-artist in what cannot be seen is the basis of the psychosis.

It is often hardest to take the advice we give.

hello pot.... Theists have the burden of proof not us. Everyting has allready been said. You are not willing to have a intelligent FUCK OFF
He hasn't answered ANYONE'S questions, either here or in this thread that he hijacked

He won't explain how he is not a Christian when he believes that Jesus is God (the only definition of Christian that means anything).
He will not admit he was wrong or offer up any evidence that his 'ice asteroid theory' is an actual scientific theory is given any consideration by actual scientists.
He will not discuss or detail the supposed evidence for a deity, yet continues to claim that WE aren't using our brains.
He will not discuss why he thinks the big bang cannot be correct or offer alternative explanations for the evidence that supports it.
He will not acknowledge that the question of how life began (or the universe or the solar system) is irrelevant to our current understanding of biological evolution which has to do with life that already exists.
He will not respond to any questions put to him asking him to explain his position more clearly. He appears to be incapable of having an intelligent conversation as an adult while insinuating he is old and wise.

My assessment, he's a 14 year old with too much time on his hands
He hasn't answered ANYONE'S questions, either here or in this thread that he hijacked

He won't explain how he is not a Christian when he believes that Jesus is God (the only definition of Christian that means anything).
He will not admit he was wrong or offer up any evidence that his 'ice asteroid theory' is an actual scientific theory is given any consideration by actual scientists.
He will not discuss or detail the supposed evidence for a deity, yet continues to claim that WE aren't using our brains.
He will not discuss why he thinks the big bang cannot be correct or offer alternative explanations for the evidence that supports it.
He will not acknowledge that the question of how life began (or the universe or the solar system) is irrelevant to our current understanding of biological evolution which has to do with life that already exists.
He will not respond to any questions put to him asking him to explain his position more clearly. He appears to be incapable of having an intelligent conversation as an adult while insinuating he is old and wise.

My assessment, he's a 14 year old with too much time on his hands

Your probably going to make him kill himself.bongsmilie kiss-ass:wall:
Attention Atheist

Hey all you ignorant atheist out there, Ive tried getting an answer to my question on your athiest thread but all of you just answer with some nonsense that has nothing to prove or do with the situation.Anyway my question is if god is not the creator of the heavens and the earth & you dont believe scientist big bang, ice asteroid theory then how in the hell did everything come about?Do you seriously think that the universe just accidently created everything & everyone for no reason? You cant just ignore reality your whole life & if you can I feel terribly sorry that your children must be raised upon lies. and Please id love to hear your bullshit explanations

Lol you have to be one of the dumbest people I have ever heard say something like this...soo you believe in an imaginary unproven unseen man who lives in the clouds has super powers and had a son he gave a woman via magic fertiliztion for emacculate conception only to allow him to be painfully tortured by those he could have stopped and allowed to see he existed and those who don't believe that are crazy?? Is that what your saying? Thats more plausable then the option that we as human don't have all the answers but from that which is science it is provable that in many universes development or creation does happen by chance and that maybe from some place we have yet to get a final answer on a living creature may have formed and evolved and adapted and thats how life possibly could have started to form and is still forming. Or that evolution is a provable answer to show how humans as related to other primates and through geno mapping are proven to have a realitive in time that evolved or adapted just as different strains of marijuana have adapted to different climates and geographical places...Yeah your right imagainary being living in the clouds who made us from dirt and then woman from a rib bone who allows his playthings to murder rape and destroy the world he built is a more realistic way to love those who need any story they can find to accept life.
he still doesnt understand that something never came from nothing,

even though the equation E= mc2 has been proven to him (im sure he has seen an atomic bomb exploding on tv) he still refuses to see the science...
i still cant get over the fact that anyone who calls themselves a christian or faith believer is on this site.... i come here to get away from radical nut jobs like that. so i can speak to sensible normal people, that have their head firmly attached to their shoulders.
i still cant get over the fact that anyone who calls themselves a christian or faith believer is on this site.... i come here to get away from radical nut jobs like that. so i can speak to sensible normal people, that have their head firmly attached to their shoulders.
and you start a thread about losing your goat? lol just messin around man
i still cant get over the fact that anyone who calls themselves a christian or faith believer is on this site.... i come here to get away from radical nut jobs like that. so i can speak to sensible normal people, that have their head firmly attached to their shoulders.
Welcome to the webz

Dont post a reply unless you have read the thread. I AM NOT CHRISTIAN.
do you really think that i am going to go through a hundred and 30 pages just so i can read on one of them that your not a Christian? nope thats not me. and either way you need to learn how to respect others religions just cuz u dont see the world the same way. get a life and post something useful or you could put your head in some books read and try to understand instead of spreading all of your ignorance around RIU. also i doubt half the people in here read the entire thing before they posted or after because its prolly mostly you insulting others religion and people saying something back to you and you trying to be a hardass and come back with something good, but you cant win when everyone is against you.

Oh and for everyone against Christians now all of us grow up getting taught about God different ways and some people (me) has sat there thinking about so much shit is just confused but hold on to their religion for their own reasons. me seems like only bad shit has gon on through out my entire life and yet im still a Christian i may not pray every night or go to chruch(to long and loud) but still. Either way though when something terrible has happened in your life who do you have to turn to when no one is willing to help? atleast i can pray and seek help from God even if sometimes it doesnt come but when i really do need it, what ever it is God always delivers for me.
and i dnt believe the whole God lives in the clouds thing id say that our world is made up of dimensions and i see one for heaven and one for hell and earth is the true limbo. try seeing the world as if you were in some one elses shoes then it only gets harder to understand but it makes it worth it because then you can really start to think about more and try to expand your mind past the gates that it seems we all have.

biased but some how unbiased hard to believe right