Attention Atheist

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You idiot. If you dont believe in Intelligent Design then you believe in the Big Bang if your an atheist.
Many atheists do not feel the need to "believe" in anything...I have no freaking idea if the big bang theory is true...and I am ok with it...more important things still left to ponder...

I worship the devil so that hopefully one day when i go to hell i will be praised, and rewarded with the daily task of shoving a pineapple up hitlers ass.
fuck we back on stonner religion again well thanks to the musos that made sence for a minute,

i been practicing heaps since i fucked off all th jehovahs witness, and mormons

n i dont get interupted mid root no more, either

im just playing some zztop, today like, cheap sunglasses, tubesnakeboogie, francine, la grange,

getting shit right and that live sound , happening

peace trippers
heres a question for you... so tell me why should we spent all of our time argueing about the question of how we came to be? It is enevitable that everyone will have their own view or beliefs pertaining to the beggining of life instead should our time not be focused on how we are going to live our lives today? the only thing mankind can be certain of is death not how it happens nor what happens after so as for the question of the creation of life why waste your life away dwelling on the beggining isnt it more important we live in the spirit of eachday and do our best to not JUDGE others just out of moral....after all your god does say let yee who is without sin cast the first stone and according to your beliefs you have sinned several times in this thread alone...instead of spreading your hatred embrace mankind for how they are flawed but still progressing everyday. i leave you with this thought in hopes your next visit to this thread will bring a more open mind and peace within yourself.
The beliefs people hold get in the way other people, who don't hold the same beliefs, live their lives. If they didn't, I'd agree with you that it wouldn't matter what someone believes, it's how they live that matters.


OMG!!!!What the hell does the "STB" after his name stand for??? Silly Torry Bastard??? Benevolent Dictator??? What a douche!!!! This is a great example of how religion is DANGEROUS!!!! I live in SoCal...the rest of the world thinks of Cali as being very progressive...Northern Cali yes...this place is Oklahoma with shitty beach...I have been all over...rednecks with a nice tan. There is a huge billboard on a major connector freeway that says "Jesus is coming soon!" and evidently he is going to make his appearance on-line as the billboard directs you to the sandiegojesus website!!! Damn near everyone here is bat sh!t crazy about religion, and they are not afraid to expose their psychosis!

Here is a question for all. If there is no God than what is your foundation of truth? Where do people get their moral beliefs of right and wrong? In order to say something is true, you must have a foundation of what truth is.
Here is a question for all. If there is no God than what is your foundation of truth? Where do people get their moral beliefs of right and wrong? In order to say something is true, you must have a foundation of what truth is.
which truth?
which morality?
which god?

the belief that there is some grand universal truth is the illusion that keeps greasing the wheels of religion. there are facts, there are lies, there is the unknown and there is that huge grey area where no one can agree. we have yet to find any universal truth or to fathom what it might entail. we have made up the fantasy of the great truth without even understanding what it might govern. do we really need a reason to live or is this existence enough to justify itself?

we have proven time and again that morality is not a static set of rules. even the most basic and obvious evils, murder and theft for example, are allowable should the culture decide they are necessary. nations are permitted to kill by the thousands for the sake of their ideologies and mothers are even allowed to kill their unborn children if the pregnancy is considered too much of a burden. theft by the state is not only allowed, but expected. every moral commandment is as fluid as its society deems necessary.

our gods are as varied as the mind of man can make them. they are vengeful, benevolent, furious, maniacal and even downright malignant. they are mothers, fathers, warriors, tricksters and always as flawed as their creators. what is the point of god? is it just something that set the machine in motion and now sits back to watch the show, waiting to pass judgment on the failing of its creations? aside from filling our need for some beginning, it seems more the absent slumlord than anything else.
which truth?
which morality?
which god?

the belief that there is some grand universal truth is the illusion that keeps greasing the wheels of religion. there are facts, there are lies, there is the unknown and there is that huge grey area where no one can agree. we have yet to find any universal truth or to fathom what it might entail. we have made up the fantasy of the great truth without even understanding what it might govern. do we really need a reason to live or is this existence enough to justify itself?

we have proven time and again that morality is not a static set of rules. even the most basic and obvious evils, murder and theft for example, are allowable should the culture decide they are necessary. nations are permitted to kill by the thousands for the sake of their ideologies and mothers are even allowed to kill their unborn children if the pregnancy is considered too much of a burden. theft by the state is not only allowed, but expected. every moral commandment is as fluid as its society deems necessary.

our gods are as varied as the mind of man can make them. they are vengeful, benevolent, furious, maniacal and even downright malignant. they are mothers, fathers, warriors, tricksters and always as flawed as their creators. what is the point of god? is it just something that set the machine in motion and now sits back to watch the show, waiting to pass judgment on the failing of its creations? aside from filling our need for some beginning, it seems more the absent slumlord than anything else.

Your post leads directly to my point. You say which truth. In today's society truth is a perception. Which also means that right and wrong are only perceptions. But every man, woman, and child are born with this little voice inside that tells them what is right and wrong. whether or not they choose to listen to it is another story. So where does that voice come from?
.....every man, woman, and child is born with this little voice inside that tells them what is right and wrong.
we aren't born with that voice or any perception of right and wrong. if an infant were capable of killing, it would do so without hesitation. we are born as amoral creatures with little concept of the needs of anyone but ourselves. we are impressed at an early age with the morality of our culture and this is the voice we choose to listen to or not.
Here is a question for all. If there is no God than what is your foundation of truth? Where do people get their moral beliefs of right and wrong? In order to say something is true, you must have a foundation of what truth is.
From their parents!!!! Duh!!!!
