Cloning in a Cup of Water

I dont mist my clones. Sorry i forgot to comment on that.
Seriously bro i do exactly as described in the first post for best results.
Have patience bro.
Some clones can take 1-2 weeks to root.Some even 3 weeks it all comes down to the health of the mom plant being cut from as well as the stage of growth its in when cutting.
Point is if u hold tight they will clone.
No misting eh? I guess since they are sitting in water them stem absorbs enough moisture? I'll go to no misting so far I've just misted lightly when I change the water. Patience is one thing I have plenty of. I waited almost 2 1/2 months before flowering my seedlings. They are getting pretty damn big and sooooo healthy looking. I LOVE it. This is by far my favourite hobby.
just a quick question cos i'm doing the cup method tomorrow, when you say you use the top fan leaves to hold the clone in the cup, do you keep the stem elevated from the bottom of the cup or just let them sit?
Hey bro my clones rest nicely on the bottom of the cups.. What i meant by that was depending on the size of the clone i sometimes cut the cups down to match the clone size. So the leaves dont fall in the water more or less.. Its pretty much just to suspend the leaves really. And keep them basking in the lamp.
No misting eh? I guess since they are sitting in water them stem absorbs enough moisture? I'll go to no misting so far I've just misted lightly when I change the water. Patience is one thing I have plenty of. I waited almost 2 1/2 months before flowering my seedlings. They are getting pretty damn big and sooooo healthy looking. I LOVE it. This is by far my favourite hobby.

No misting brother. At least i havent tried it. Im sure alot of things could be done to further fine tune this method. In fact im positive. As suggested by another post earlier i think it would greatly benefit the clones by setting them on something warm with a dome slightly cracked.
Watch them closely the first few days man. They will drink up to a half cup of water a day depending on the size of the clones man.
I think by doming them. U would more or less be accomplishing the whole point of foliar feeding as well as raisng the humidity and heat temps they say is better for cuttings..
I can say that from experience. Other cloning methods do very well with a dome and on a heat mat. So i can only guess that giving the cups the same treatment would only benefit them.
im still experimenting but do have roots forming on well vegged plants now in as little as 5 days firm.. Simply by scraping them dipping in superthrive and placing them in a cup next to thier moms in veg tho.
thanks man, really appreciate your help +rep to ya, i'll let you know in a week or so how they're doin :leaf:

Cool bro any feed back is appreciated. I can tell u depending on the make up of ur water it may take a little longer for them to root although ive seen several people try this and have great results fast as well. Patience is the key man. Sometimes ill have clones take in 5 days sometimes ill have them root in 2-3 weeks. Taken at the exact same time same everything really. Just watch the water level. Change it daily. And have patience. It will work. Cloning is alot more simple than i once thought it was.
U will get comfortable and learn alot cloning this way. It just makes all the other methods that much easier.
Yea man never fails. Some people just dont really know how to act man its to bad. I chalk this up to poor upbringing. So i give everyone the benefit of the doubt cause honestly acting like that everyones gotta know at some point its easier to just be cool. Then again i think its the complete simplicity of the idea of this thread that really annoys people that want to make things harder than they have to be in general..

TRIBUTE TO Widowmaker should have been the name of this thread originaly man. He was cloning using a simple cup of water on his window sill. Check the 101 questions thread stickied at the top of the newb section.
Thats where i got this idea originaly. Plus on another note. The bouncing bewbs really had me sold before i even tried it..

Some of that was for the peanut gallery.
Some of that was for peeps just getting started in cloning.

While I was changing the water today I got a pleasant surprise. The cutting from TW6 has a little tiny root hair poking out of the bottom of the stem. :D I took another cutting today that I was able to dip in rooting solution. It will be interesting to see how it performs in comparison considering it is a couple days behind. All of the cuttings look very healthy still. Just as green as when they were still on the plant. Everything looks grand so far. Will keep you posted.
Dude man that shit is awesome bro im very happy things are working out for u. I dunno.. It seems like this works great for some and not so great for others.
Like i said early in the thread my water out of the tap ranges from 4-700 ppm and all the way into 8.2 PH.. I dont know if it would be wise to try to mimmick that or just try the tap water u have.. Its so simple tho.. Good job hemp.
The water I am using is 7.2pH and labelled as 350ppm. I don't know that I will get a chance to change the water today. Is two days with the same alright? I think it should be fine.
Yea bro it should be fine.. Also ive found its not really neccesary to wait for full blown roots hanging off the stems man.. Once u have established root bumps or "stubs" they are good to be transpalnted right into the medium.. It actually helps speed up the process..
I should have clearified earlier... When doing multiple clones.. Its best to keep them consistent when transplanting like not mixing clones with full blown roots with clones with only root bumps because obviously the clones with the roots will beat out the other clones in the light competition war..
I have began putting clones with bumps in my coco. I think its helping speed up the process greatly.
I think the root bumps argument kinda makes sense. If the plant has full out roots you would crush them a little when you bury them in the medium. Where as if it just had the bumps there would be no damage and the bumps would expand out into the medium. Should cut out any risk of transplant shock.
Yea it seems to be working ok in coco man. Im sure it would be fine in soil as well. The only reason i wait for roots otherwise is because they tend to do better when transplanting to hydroton in my DWC system. With roots transplanting to hydro in hydroton it makes getting ur water levels very easy.. Ur leaves will droop to much either way.. Only want to keep the rock wet in hydro and force the roots to the feed solution. These are very easy clones to work with either way i think. There deffinentely are plenty of great cloning methods but this is the first one i had great success with.. Good to see peeps trying it out.
Day: 9
It has been about 5 days since I was last in here. I have been regularly supplying the cuttings with fresh water and they are all looking very healthy. They are all very green and in some case appear to be beginning to form root bumps. The one with the little root tip has yet to expand that tip so I have not yet transplanted. Oddly enough the only one that is looking sick is the that was taken a day later and done with rooting gel. This plant seems to be very droopy and feeble when compared to the other cuttings. I think I can see the beginnings of root hairs when it is in the water. When I remove it from the water though I am unsure if I do actually see roots. I would like to get this cutting into some soil very soon to help give it some support. The leaves still look very healthy but the stem is very weak.


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Hemp. Ifu have root bumps bro id reccomend going to soil right now bud.. I let mine go a little longer sometimes cause i place mine in hydroton in a dwc cloner.. But once u transplant them to soil the roots are going to take off.. Im keeping my Coco nice and moist and that should do it for the soil as well..
The reason i say transplant now is cause they are going to expend alot of energy growing the roots and taking nutrients from the leaves making them look sick.. I think thats what is happening to ur one clone by the description u gave.
U have a pic of ur cuttings root bumps man?
The only camera I have available to me is my iSight on my laptop. It is hard to take zoomed pictures with it. I'll try. They are very undeveloped right now. Just look like what might be the very starting of the bumps. Also it is only a couple cuttings. I don't want to be dropping them in soil every couple of days if I can avoid it. I'd rater go all at once if possible.