Here's the BlueMystic in soil; 3 days before she comes down. She's been without lights for 1 day now and is sitting in a Dry Reservoir.
How does she look?
On a personal note: This may be common knowledge, but I figured I'd bring it up anyways.
I think that there is a notable downfall to using CFL bulbs;
There's little consistency amongst the Tri's when looking at them with a 420 scope. Some are cloudy, some are more or less clear, some are darker..etc...etc..
Would this be an affect of a typical CFL bulb's inability to penetrate evenly over a larger area?
there's the AeroGarden hood and 2 CFL housings that hold 3 cfl bulbs each. One of those is used exclusively on the BM in soil, the other as side supplemental lighting for the one in the Aerogarden.