Gun control is coming

More than a few
I really don't want you to take what I'm saying the wrong way. Something needs to be done to stop violent crimes. I'm just saying banning doesn't work, and won't work. The problem is much deeper than that. Bans are surface level bs. The people it hurts are the people who went through all the steps to legally obtain a firearm. That's it. Criminals will get whatever they want despite bans. All it's going to do is drive the price of illegal guns up, making illegal arms dealers more money. How many things are banned and you can literally walk downtown and obtain any of them.... Silly. Ok. Now I'm really out. I can't do it anymore.
dude you need 5 shots to bring a deer down?

all i need is 1...that's it
I did say if you can't bring a deer down with 5 rounds, (or even one for that matter), then you probably can't shoot worth a fuck! I could put a 3 round burst damn near through a keyhole with a 7.62mm FN-C2 machinegun at 100 yards using a peep sight, back when I had much better eyesight and far better looks!
Semi auto means pull the trigger and bullet comes out no cocking. Has nothing to do with how many rounds are in a magazine.
So it's ok to own a gun that you have to cock, but not one you don't? Because you can kill less people? Instead of 5 people shot it's only 2 or 3, so that's ok now?
Nice man. Making the world a better place. Now you can rest easy tonight.
Happy I can help in Canada you are limited to 5 round mags for rifles and can still use a semiautomatic rifle or shotgun too. Pistols are severely restricted though and hunting and target shooting are generally ok. It's not the ones hunting in the woods that concern us, it's the ones hunting humans in the towns and cities who are the concern and where the focus is. We also have safe storage laws too, because as guns become more restricted and rarer, their value to criminals increases and in America all one has to do is break into 3 houses while the people are at work to hit the jackpot, in some states it's only about 2 houses before they can be armed to the teeth.
Happy I can help in Canada you are limited to 5 round mags for rifles and can still use a semiautomatic rifle or shotgun too. Pistols are severely restricted though and hunting and target shooting are generally ok. It's not the ones hunting in the woods that concern us, it's the ones hunting humans in the towns and cities who are the concern and where the focus is. We also have safe storage laws too, because as guns become more restricted and rarer, their value to criminals increases and in America all one has to do is break into 3 houses while the people are at work to hit the jackpot, in some states it's only about 2 houses before they can be armed to the teeth.
My guns have trigger locks, are stored in a locked gun safe bolted into the wall and floor, in a locked room. Good luck with that.
You can tell you don’t live here. There are just as many young white Trump lovers as there are old ones. New ones will just step up. Republicans aren’t just going to die off.
That is not what the stats say or the trends being reported, I'm sure there are many callow youths, but the trend is clear. Many of these young people were forming their politcal opinions over the past 8 years and one of the reasons the red wave was blunted was because of the high youth turn out in 2020 and 2022 especially. Abortion and guns are driving this for the most part and they trend heavily democratic.

That is not what the stats say or the trends being reported, I'm sure there are many callow youths, but the trend is clear. Many of these young people were forming their politcal opinions over the past 8 years and one of the reasons the red wave was blunted was because of the high youth turn out in 2020 and 2022 especially. Abortion and guns are driving this for the most part and they trend heavily democratic.

I hope you’re right. I’m just telling you what I see with my two eyes living here. But I do live in a red state
Oh god how did I get drawn back into here. I'm lost. Help
Don't take it so hard, I can tolerate a wide variety of views and my own views have evolved on guns over the years. I like to fly FPV Planes and drones and my views on government regulations have changed since the Ukrainian war too and I see these thing as potential weapons of war much more than in the past. Everybody in the hobby knew their potential for this though, but RC planes and drones haven't killed anybody, until they were used as weapons of war with bombs and grenades attached. I'm licensed and my craft are registered, but the restrictions and regulations keep coming.
I hope you’re right. I’m just telling you what I see with my two eyes living here. But I do live in a red state
Older people tend to be the most upset by social change and the average age of a foxnews viewer is about 68, not many kids get their news from TV anyway and they are not as concerned about culture wars. Many young men are callow, but racism is not as ingrained in them as with past generations, They often grow out of it as they get older and mature as human beings. We saw this with the large numbers of white youth during the George Floyd protests that often outnumbered the black people on the streets in many places. All those TV commercials with gay and mixed-race couples do have an effect and it is a normalizing effect.
Don't take it so hard, I can tolerate a wide variety of views and my own views have evolved on guns over the years. I like to fly FPV Planes and drones and my views on government regulations have changed since the Ukrainian war too and I see these thing as potential weapons of war much more than in the past. Everybody in the hobby knew their potential for this though, but RC planes and drones haven't killed anybody, until they were used as weapons of war with bombs and grenades attached. I'm licensed and my craft are registered, but the restrictions and regulations keep coming.
Ban em all!
I'm anti drone
No drone zone!
What are American gun advocates CURRENTLY advocating? Background checks, waiting periods and banning the sale of military style assault weapons, Biden mentioned banning semi-automatic weapons. Do you think those demands will increase over time? Do you think these actions will have an effect on the number of gun deaths? You posted an encouraging graph based on state laws and rates of gun ownership, but will it be enough, fast enough?

I believe the republicans are headed for a major downfall over the next decade and democrats will be in charge federally and if they are, there will be many ideas to reduce the number of guns in America. Your argument is one of American exceptionalism and I don't believe such a thing exists. You will follow the trend of other liberal democracies in this regard eventually and the way it will happen is by the democrats increasing the effect of democracy on the American political system. With foxnews and their ilk gone, and the republicans reduced to their base eventually, other voices will come to the forefront.

I gave a summary of a measure that I voted for and am supporting as it works its way through the process. The post can be found a few pages back or in the reply below:

20,000 dead each year and the answer is talk. :roll:

Oregon passed a gun control initiative (OR Measure 114) by a slim margin but we did pass it with a fair amount of votes coming from gun owners. Specifically, it:

  • Requires a permit before a person may buy a gun. To get the permit, the applicant must take a class in gun safety that include safe storage, discusses suicide, its causes and where to reach out for help. It also requires the applicant to demonstrate proficiency in the use of a gun, safety practices when handling loaded gun.
  • Another part of the measure was a ban on the SALE of guns and gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds. Ownership of existing hardware is grandfathered in. But it can't be sold legally.
  • Another part of the measure was closure of the gun show loophole that allows sales without background checks and provides more time and resources for conducting background checks.

These laws are not new, they are already in place in districts in this country. A midwestern state actually reversed a law that required a permit before purchasing, so we have a clear example of what happens when the opposite became law. The data are clear. These measure save lives. Hard data shows rates of gun deaths are reduced by 25% when these measures are in place. Numbers of people harmed in mass shooting are greatly reduced. Suicides are reduced. Accidents in the home go down. Why would anybody NOT want that?

Despite all of this, the NRA and other gun lobbies have this measure tied up in state courts and a hick judge in a county of less than 15,000 people is obstructing the movement of this measure throuh his court, preventing it from review in higher courts where his "unconstitutional" ruling will be challenged. I believe his ruling will be overturned if it gets its day in court.

I'm kind of bothered by all this talk of talk when we have a bill that was legally passed into law and is being prevented from even proceeding through the courts at an appropriate speed. The will of the people have spoken. That should be enough but its not.

So OK, we will double down. The state legislature is taking up this issue and drafting its own bill patterned after Measure 114. Gun adocates aren't going away and neither are proponents of Measure 114.

Measures in OR 114 will not prevent anybody with the legal right to own a gun from getting one. Pro gun groups who are obstructing Measure 114 are not protecting the constitution. They simply don't care about the lives guns cost our society. I'm not really interested in having a conversation with people like that. Our objectives aren't aligned. I don't think they can win without majority support and they don't have it. I think the time for talk is running out. It's time for gun advocates to put up or shut up.
I gave a summary of a measure that I voted for and am supporting as it works its way through the process. The post can be found a few pages back or in the reply below:
We don't have annual taxes on handguns in Canada and people who target shoot and hunt don't usually have too much trouble, semi-automatic long guns are allowed, and mag sizes are restricted to 5 rounds. Where the hammer really came down is on handguns and military style assault weapons have been banned for decades. Up until the 70's-gun ownership and regulations were comparable in Canada to the US, but have grown further apart with the number of murders, mass shootings and the influence of the NRA in America. Recent provisions make inheriting, selling or transferring a handgun impossible, and the gun dies with the owner.

Our biggest problem is with smuggled handguns from the US and they are flying them over the border with drones FFS! Harsh penalties won't slow it down, certainty of getting caught will though, and less guns in America will help a lot. The street price for an illegal gun is much higher in Canada than in America and this increases the incentive for smuggling. If America implements some Canadian like restrictions (if you are able to constitutionally) they will start with an FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) from the police to buy any firearm or ammo, it is the same thing as a background check proposed in the States.

Not being allowed to sell, transfer or inherit a handgun would eliminate most with in 10 to 20 years, but they must be registered to do that, even if the tax was just $10 per gun for 5 years and the registration expense just covered the cost of the system.