Lockdowns don't work.


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Japan’s Coronavirus Cases Fall Sharply Without Compulsory Measures
Unlike many Western countries, Japan hasn’t imposed a lockdown backed with fines or other penalties. Instead, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has asked people to reduce their contact with others by 80% and encouraged businesses to reduce hours of operation or close. Restaurants may open but are asked to close by 8 p.m.


Well-Known Member
COVID-19: US records 2,502 coronavirus deaths in past 24 hours

After two days of a relative easing in the toll on Sunday and Monday, the numbers have spiked again the past two days.

Yesterday there was a recorded death rate of 1700. It gone up 800+ death in 24 hours.
Cancer, and Heart Disease kills 1770 per day.
At least 60,853 people have now died in the country, according to the Baltimore-based university Johns Hopkins.


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World on a ‘knife edge’ as coronavirus cases spike and cities shut down again after lockdowns are lifted

The dangers of easing restrictions have been highlighted this week after Germany and Spain saw cases spike as they try to edge out of quarantine, while China was forced to tighten regulations to fight off a “second wave”.


Well-Known Member
Top coronavirus model predicts 100,000 Americans dead by the end of this summer's first wave - as death toll passes Trump's best case scenario of 60,000 dead
The MOBS model from the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University also estimates that there will be about 89,000 deaths by mid-May if stay-at-home orders remain in place.
That death toll would increase to over one million in an unmitigated scenario, according to the projections that are among those used by the CDC to forecast the pandemic.



Well-Known Member
Top coronavirus model predicts 100,000 Americans dead by the end of this summer's first wave - as death toll passes Trump's best case scenario of 60,000 dead
The MOBS model from the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University also estimates that there will be about 89,000 deaths by mid-May if stay-at-home orders remain in place.
That death toll would increase to over one million in an unmitigated scenario, according to the projections that are among those used by the CDC to forecast the pandemic.

A million dead means more cheeseburgers for the people who live!!!


Well-Known Member
A million dead means more cheeseburgers for the people who live!!!
A million dead to get to moo day, herd immunity, without effective treatments. With the red states leading the way along the path to perdition America is headed for the slaughter house.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
A million dead to get to moo day, herd immunity, without effective treatments. With the red states leading the way along the path to perdition America is headed for the slaughter house.
That’s no where near what’s required to achieve herd immunity. I, even though I’m not a conservative, was extremely proud of Ontario premiere Doug Ford, basically telling every nonresident of Ontario to stay away even though AC says lockdowns are a fools folly.


Well-Known Member
That’s no where near what’s required to achieve herd immunity. I, even though I’m not a conservative, was extremely proud of Ontario premiere Doug Ford, basically telling every nonresident of Ontario to stay away even though AC says lockdowns are a fools folly.
I'm being "conservative" about the death toll, it's a nice round number that scares the shit out of politicians, normal ones anyway. Ya can't reopen in any meaningful way without testing, contact tracing and isolation (don't spread it to your family unit) NPIs, social restrictions, effective treatments and adequate PPE, then ya got a plan and a hope, I figure we will have all of those bases covered here in Canada.

I'm glad I'm Canadian and I even more glad we've got a fucking border! I'm glad we've got responsible sane leadership, even the fucking Tories are acting normal!


Well-Known Member
That’s no where near what’s required to achieve herd immunity. I, even though I’m not a conservative, was extremely proud of Ontario premiere Doug Ford, basically telling every nonresident of Ontario to stay away even though AC says lockdowns are a fools folly.
Doug did good so far, he looked like a man scared shitless and if there ever was a time for a provincial or a state leader to shine it is now, political futures depend on how they handle this hot potato.

Doug took this very seriously and I figure he should come out ok, if the coronavirus doesn't do him..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Doug did good so far, he looked like a man scared shitless and if there ever was a time for a provincial or a state leader to shine it is now, political futures depend on how they handle this hot potato.

Doug took this very seriously and I figure he should come out ok, if the coronavirus doesn't do him..
Ya he seemed to have a bit of a cough today :o!


Well-Known Member
Ya he seemed to have a bit of a cough today :o!
They will have a pint of convalescent plasma for Dougie, they are putting all the pieces into place to hit the ground running as soon as the studies come out showing efficacy, most places are. We can easily collect and distribute enough plasma to treat everybody who is seriously ill, it's cheap and can be rapidly scaled, deployed and it might save a fortune in healthcare costs. We should have convalescent plasma therapy up organised and running by summer.


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While Trump minimizes the toll, government orders 100,000 new body bags
The federal government placed orders for well over 100,000 new body bags to hold victims of COVID-19 in April, according to internal administration documents obtained by NBC News, as well as public records. The biggest set was earmarked for purchase the day after President Donald Trump projected that the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus might not exceed 50,000 or 60,000 people.

Body bag contracts bid by the Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs departments are just one illustration of how Trump’s sunny confidence about the nation’s readiness to re-open is in conflict with officials in his own administration who are quietly preparing for a far worse outcome.

Around the same time as it wrote the contract for the body bags, FEMA opened up bidding to provide approximately 200 rented refrigerated trailers for locations around the country. The request for proposals specifies a preference for 53-foot trailers, which at 3,600 cubic feet, are the largest in their class.

The cache of internal documents obtained by NBC News includes an April 25 “pre-decisional draft” of the coronavirus task force’s “incident outlook” for the response, a summary of task force leaders’ meeting the same day and various communications among officials at several agencies. The documents show that task force members remain worried about several major risks ahead, including insufficient availability of coronavirus tests, the absence of a vaccine or proven treatments for coronavirus, and the possibility of a “catastrophic resurgence” of COVID-19.
The president has also said that testing “is not going to be a problem at all.” But officials from FEMA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services clearly disagree. They flagged concerns with the testing plan in the draft of the incident outlook report, which was circulated to task force members along with a summary of the meeting.

The list of testing problems includes: "Limited number of diagnostic supplies. Limited capacity of test facilities. Limited trained response personnel to administer the tests. Unknown epidemiological information regarding COVID-19. Access to testing sites by underserved areas and at risk populations. Effective vaccines and therapeutics will not be available in sufficient quantities to meet the need. PPE is required by [medical countermeasures] developers and manufacturers."

Those possibilities were raised by task force officials as they developed the “incident outlook” two days before Trump unveiled his “Reopening America Again” plan Monday. That strategy is designed to hand off more responsibility for the response to governors and local officials.

The documents show that the White House and its coronavirus task force are transitioning quickly toward an advisory role in public health decisions made by states while maintaining power to acquire goods and allocate them. Simultaneously, the administration is preparing for many more casualties across the country.


Well-Known Member
This Is How Horribly They’re Treating the Dead in Brooklyn

Zeqway Clarke was in the back pew in the upstairs chapel at the Andrew D. Cleckley Funeral Home in Brooklyn when he chanced to gaze under the coffin and see what looked like a bare foot.

“You could see it,” he later told The Daily Beast. “You could actually look under the casket and see it. I asked somebody else, ‘Is that a foot?’”

Clarke was there on April 9 with his wife and daughters and a small number of relatives in masks and gloves, bidding farewell to her grandfather, 88 year-old Francois Jules. The pastor continued conducting the service as Clarke gazed at what was indeed a bare foot visible beneath the hem of the cloth backdrop closing off the front of the room.

At the end of the service, Clarke went up for a final parting moment with Jules, a military veteran and retired graveyard security guard, who was recovering from a stroke in Kings County Hospital when he was fatally struck by COVID-19. Clarke used the moment by the coffin to raise his cellphone above the cord on which the backdrop hung.

“I stuck the phone up and took a picture,” the 39-year-old entrepreneur recalled.

He did not see the result until he returned to his seat and checked his phone.

“It was just bodies, bodies on the floor, people on top of each other,” he said.

Twenty days later, the whole city was horrified when police responded to complaints of a foul odor coming from two trucks parked in front of this same funeral home. They discovered dozens of bodies decomposing inside.

The owner, 41-year-old Andrew Cleckley, told police that he had been unable to get cemeteries and crematories to accept enough bodies to keep his facility from overflowing.

“I am out of space,” he was quoted telling The New York Times. “Bodies are coming out of our ears.”

Clarke lives in the neighborhood, and he had walked past the funeral home with his daughters, aged 15 and 16, as the pandemic was intensifying. He noticed that the usual hearse and men in suits and ties had been replaced by rental trucks and men in work clothes.

“It looked like they just picked up some winos off the street: ‘Yo, we’ll give you some money,’” Clarke recalled. “I said to my kids, ‘It looks like they're bringing these bodies in U-Haul trucks.’ It looked like they were bringing in more and more bodies and the place is not even that big.”