***PPACA - The Facts***

Why does Obama install a mandate on more "taxes" for the poor? Nobody can pay for ACA on minimum wage. 50% of the country is or near minimum wage... Do the math, it is financial ruin.

For an employee making $21,000 a year, 9.5 percent of their income could mean premiums as high as $1,995 and the insurance would still be considered affordable.

the people of ObamaCare Communism are 10% poorer..

subsidies for low income are available in order to not place financial burden..money is available money, money, money, money, money, money
Do they also get free money to pay the deductions?

To me that is the most cynical part of this "coverage" ... massive deductibles out of all proportion to what strapped individuals and families can pay on top of high premia. I'd rather have true public healthcare than this neither-fish-nor-fowl nonsense. Jmo.
To me that is the most cynical part of this "coverage" ... massive deductibles out of all proportion to what strapped individuals and families can pay on top of high premia. I'd rather have true public healthcare than this neither-fish-nor-fowl nonsense. Jmo.

Those low cost plans have such high deductibles that they aren't worth it except in the case of catastrophic injuries.
Even the higher-cost ("silver" and "gold" plans have deductibles and copays far in excess of what the employer-sponsored plans had. They took us to the cleaners imo.
Most people looking at the exchanges dont have employer sponsored plans. And the individual market was WAY fucking higher in price than what is on the exchanges

Hey RollItUp - Admin.. Don't get pissed at me if I said something stupid. har har! Anyway. ObamaCare is made by the insurance companies to ruin this country. I did myself and they want me to pay over $900 a month but I get like $700 back, unless the Gov is shutdown.. (see what happens if you have a dependent aged 21-25)

THIS IS INSANE! The insurance companies are robbing America BLIND! LOOK AT IT! The sky IS falling. Do the math!

Hey RollItUp - Admin.. Don't get pissed at me if I said something stupid. har har! Anyway. ObamaCare is made by the insurance companies to ruin this country. I did myself and they want me to pay over $2,000 a month but I get like $1,700 back, unless the Gov is shutdown..

THIS IS INSANE! The insurance companies are robbing America BLIND! LOOK AT IT! The sky IS falling. Do the math!

According to the National Journal’s Influence Alley, at the very same time the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)—the health insurance industry super lobby—was cutting a deal with the White House leading to its stated support of the proposed Obamacare legislation, they were secretly funneling huge amounts money to the Chamber of Commerce to be spent on advertising designed to convince the public that the legislation should be defeated.

How much money?
A stunning $102.4 million spent over just 15 months.


Hey RollItUp - Admin.. Don't get pissed at me if I said something stupid. har har! Anyway. ObamaCare is made by the insurance companies to ruin this country. I did myself and they want me to pay over $900 a month but I get like $700 back, unless the Gov is shutdown.. (see what happens if you have a dependent aged 21-25)

THIS IS INSANE! The insurance companies are robbing America BLIND! LOOK AT IT! The sky IS falling. Do the math!

until i'm able to go into www.health.gov and run numbers, i reserve the right to not comment on yours..but i will thereafter..
Put your lighter down and step away from the bong and be the first one on RIU to say you signed up for health care......I am still looking for someone that signed up...The stoners here at RIU that support the Dems need to set an example....sign up and post it here at RIU....

i will be doing just that..ftw

Didn't you mention awhile back that you already have health care?...

I guess you don't have a good answer for that ?
According to the National Journal’s Influence Alley, at the very same time the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)—the health insurance industry super lobby—was cutting a deal with the White House leading to its stated support of the proposed Obamacare legislation, they were secretly funneling huge amounts money to the Chamber of Commerce to be spent on advertising designed to convince the public that the legislation should be defeated.

How much money?
A stunning $102.4 million spent over just 15 months.


nothing but a bunch of obstructionist motherfuckers..