"Purity tests"

Sorry I should have realized not to post where snotty kids with no answers would just make fun of trump rather than make a decent argument. They probably grew up saluting the flag and mindlessly saying " just say no" . "just say no". This type of environment permanently turned them into a bunch of little retards who were left unable to think in little more than one liners they learned on watching the tonight show.
There are now psychiatric beds being made available for those whose mouths spit out drivel and oatmeal all day long. Nobody wants to talk to them because its rather a sad experience watching somebody's brain as it goes down the old shitter. I suppose kids will always find a way to play in the crap if that is where their brains are at. Don't worry too much, as they grow a few will grow up to be real democratic turds and the rest if lucky will be flushed down the dirty johns of this world where they will be reunited with their familys.
If you live in a big liberal city like SF you can find the little turds underfoot all day as you jump over them because there they changed the laws so anybody could pull down there pants and dump one in the middle of street with impunity. And here people thought SF was screwed up in the sixties. Remember when you vote as a democrat you will be voting for people that want to do away with cars and aircraft and wish to become Amish. Fortunately there is a warning smell when these people approach and one can quickly understand there is no intelligence behind their brown eyeballs.
Sorry I should have realized not to post where snotty kids with no answers would just make fun of trump rather than make a decent argument. They probably grew up saluting the flag and mindlessly saying " just say no" . "just say no". This type of environment permanently turned them into a bunch of little retards who were left unable to think in little more than one liners they learned on watching the tonight show.
There are now psychiatric beds being made available for those whose mouths spit out drivel and oatmeal all day long. Nobody wants to talk to them because its rather a sad experience watching somebody's brain as it goes down the old shitter. I suppose kids will always find a way to play in the crap if that is where their brains are at. Don't worry too much, as they grow a few will grow up to be real democratic turds and the rest if lucky will be flushed down the dirty johns of this world where they will be reunited with their familys.
If you live in a big liberal city like SF you can find the little turds underfoot all day as you jump over them because there they changed the laws so anybody could pull down there pants and dump one in the middle of street with impunity. And here people thought SF was screwed up in the sixties. Remember when you vote as a democrat you will be voting for people that want to do away with cars and aircraft and wish to become Amish. Fortunately there is a warning smell when these people approach and one can quickly understand there is no intelligence behind their brown eyeballs.

Cry harder, pussy
Look, aren't they so cute when learning to talk. Of course they don't make any sense but hopefully that will change when they grow up. Did you fall on your head when defecated? ooochy coochy little brown one
these pictures show a plump trump. :-) I hate to break the news to you but There is this thing going on in our bodies called aging. Trump is over 70 and he suffers from it just like everyone else. When you get old your muscles turn to mush and the body also doesn't burn the calories nearly as fast as it does for the young. good thing he works with his brain and not his body. Sorry kids those with the one liners work with their backs. You will find this out if your parents ever stop supporting you.
now I know why dems are for socialism, because the government gives you a free low quality of life. section 8 housing and food stamps forever, hooray! I don't need to work, I can try to do a piss poor job of annoying people instead. children children, you need to beef up your argument a little. When you can only write two or three words it makes it look immature like an infant. ITs sad really all the free info on the internet and you can't understand it and use it to your advantage instead of proving your mom should have aborted you. Little children attempting to play with the adults and finding they aren't cut out for it. Go ahead and squawk a few more words for us so we can be amused. come on you can do it.
You know its possible that I have been wrong about some of you.. You may have problems I am unaware of and your behavior and lack of vocabulary isn't your fault. What if a few years ago mommy bought one of those defective child restraint seats and at the first red light you flew head first thru the windshield of your dad's yugo. That would give you an excuse to act as a big negative in this world. So please when you give us your few words let us know if we are picking on someone who was badly treated as a child and maybe you got hit too many times by a pipe wrench. Let us share your pain
Do you know the history of the democrats since 1960? I am 70 years old and I know It was Kennedy and then Johnson that earned me a trip to vietnam as infantry. At that time the enemy was communism not the republicans. Both sides of the aisle supported the war and kept it going. The two parties were not that far apart and did not regularly fight in public. They were mostly civil because they had different ideas but the members of the same country and both sides worked together for the sake of the country.
And then the Civil Rights era began in the 70's and all the Wealthy White Heterosexual Males Only politicians dreamed up the Southern Strategy and they decided to keep their power they would become Republicans and only focus on legislating for their one demographic and troll everything else as some sort of 'ism'. Then under Reagan the legislation to allow hate radio and political agenda news allowed them to create a 'right' bubble with cherry picked statistics to scare their voters into hating the other side using whatever means they can.
Since that time our country has had numerous crappy presidents of both parties that have pushed the country apart. We had Nixon who was caught lying, clinton caught lying, the old bush caught lying about taxes. We are electing the wrong people because the democrats and republicans are responsible for it because they nominate two poor leaders and we are left with no choice but to elect one or the other.
I think if we get to be able to have a honest conversation about the Presidents you would see that really the Democrats have only had about 6 years or so to actually get things done (having House, Senate, and President) and about 4 of them were spent dealing with recessions that the Republicans dumped on them. Democrats have been the only party trying to legislate for the entire country, and although it has taken a while, today represents them and have a 1st hand understanding of growing up within the countries communities that have never been properly allowed to thrive and because of this have a stronger understanding of how to fix them (if they are able to).

No the democrats are not a cult but they sure do have the same words and ideas coming from all members because they have their talking points where the same words descriptive words are released to the public as they talk from subject to subject. Let me know if you think the republicans do the same.
I am not sure what you mean with this, if you could provide some examples I am happy to look them over.

But do think it would be worth you listening to a town hall of Biden, if you mean talking about education, healthcare, being decent and reaching out to all Americans I think it is because it is things people care about and understand that the smarter and healthier we get as a society the better off we all are.

So you think obama had his hands tied and could do nothing more than he did even with both houses of congress in his pocket. Come on he could have done a lot more with his majority but he didn't. You talk about me believing trump and his minions but instead of being neutral you defend obama whose record as a human being may be good but as a president he was a joke. Your excuses for his lack of results is all about how other forces stopped him even when he had the majority. Come on if you have both houses of congress you can do anything and fast. But if you build a monster like obamacare it will fail and you will be responsible. I believe in universal healthcare but implement it better.
The Democrats and Obama first had to fix the economy Bush left them.

I suggest that you take the time to understand the trolling campaign that started around 2008 towards Obama, ever since then the information bubble on the right was airtight for a lot of people, it is real and it has been very effective.

Worth taking a minute to look over: https://washingtonmonthly.com/magazine/marchapril-2012/obamas-top-50-accomplishments/

He got a tremendous amount done in those two years.
I know you don't like trump (I don't like him either, he is a bit of ass) but take a look what he has done in office as president. He is not just talking he is acting. All of his changes to the tax laws, his dropping of obama regulations and his handling of trade. All of these things and more have jump started our economy and pushed our unemployment lower than its been in my lifetime. And don't tell me he has had less resistance that obama did. The dems have been after him since before he was elected.
That is simply talking points Trump says enough and has his online propaganda machine push enough that people think this is somehow true.

Yes Trump changed tax laws, that benefitted the wealthiest of our nation and really has not helped much anyone else. Even things like his farmer bailouts have been soaked up by the wealthiest farmers.

His handling of trade, deregulations, and tax cuts to 'jump start' the economy is just another cult talking point of Trump. Obama's last three years had 1.5 million more job created than Trump's first three years. It might not seem like it because Trump had his administration lie and overestimated job gains by 500,000 jobs in 2018 to make it sound better and everything he says is a con to sell his people on how great he is and lying about everyone else.

He has barely used the military compared to obamas days and he is still getting results. Look what he did to the Iranians. The Iranians have been playing in IRAQ and other countries for a long time. Finally someone has told them if you kill Americans you will pay the price.
The democrats screamed world war III and doom, what happened. Iran looked at choices and decided to back down, they shot 15 missiles into the sand at one of our biggest bases. They even contacted us thru the iraqs and told us when attack would start because they didn't want to hurt Americans. Then they told us they were done attacking us.
deterrent is a word the dems should put in their game plan. appeasement doesn't work ever .
It is too early to know what happens next, the short attention span is how Trump tricks his cult into believing whatever he says.

The dems at one time knew how to use a deterrent . After all they did drop two atomic bombs on Japan and that deterrent ended the war and saved millions of lives. I would have been a democrat then.
Anything before 1970 is not really relevant in discussions of D vs R due to the above mentioned Southern Strategy.

I see you don't like the way Trump talks. He lies. All presidents lie. Everybody is different and handles the job differently. Don't look at his words look at the results. The job of president is too complicated to look at anything else. Curse him as a man but love his hard working attitude as president.
Do you know anything about the burnham doj investigation. That is going to be very interesting to both parties . keep your eyes open
People say things that end up not being true is not the same as the lies that Trump does continuously. He has no idea what he is doing other than the most honest thing he did by filing his re-election campaign day one of his Presidential term, all he is concerned about is not being re-elected. Trump is a criminal and is afraid that when he is no longer president his future will be up to 12 American citizens.

Sorry I should have realized not to post where snotty kids with no answers would just make fun of trump rather than make a decent argument. They probably grew up saluting the flag and mindlessly saying " just say no" . "just say no". This type of environment permanently turned them into a bunch of little retards who were left unable to think in little more than one liners they learned on watching the tonight show.
There are now psychiatric beds being made available for those whose mouths spit out drivel and oatmeal all day long. Nobody wants to talk to them because its rather a sad experience watching somebody's brain as it goes down the old shitter. I suppose kids will always find a way to play in the crap if that is where their brains are at. Don't worry too much, as they grow a few will grow up to be real democratic turds and the rest if lucky will be flushed down the dirty johns of this world where they will be reunited with their familys.
You are not going to out troll the people that post here. All you will do is work yourself up and that closes off any actual conversations you can have with people without resorting to trolling yourself. If you are feeling picked on you have a ignore button for a reason and should use it. And serisouly learn about the Russian/Saudi/Iranian/Trump online trolling campaign. Especially if you live in a battle ground state you will be targeted heavily and with their technology and data collection methods that they got smuggled to them in 2013 it is impossible to not fall for the hate rhetoric if you are not aware of it (and from time to time even if you are aware you will feel it).

If you live in a big liberal city like SF you can find the little turds underfoot all day as you jump over them because there they changed the laws so anybody could pull down there pants and dump one in the middle of street with impunity. And here people thought SF was screwed up in the sixties. Remember when you vote as a democrat you will be voting for people that want to do away with cars and aircraft and wish to become Amish. Fortunately there is a warning smell when these people approach and one can quickly understand there is no intelligence behind their brown eyeballs.
If the rural red areas would quit looking to the cities to subsidize their homeless population by giving them a ticket out of town, it would be very welcome I am sure.

Your last three posts were just trolling so I won't worry about you actually wanting to talk through them.
Once again maturity takes a back seat. I suspect talking about sexual arousal is always on the minds of those in puberty.
Giving yourself a name like Captain Morgan must make you feel like a pirate or a drunk. How adult when writing to your fellow human beings please take off the smelly clothes and put down the sword and don't talk about sex with adults. they have already experienced it and don't get excited by the mere words that get children over stimulated.

tRUmp supporters actual prefer fake wrestling but anything with violence or simulates it or gets bloody will sexually arouse them.
You know its possible that I have been wrong about some of you.. You may have problems I am unaware of and your behavior and lack of vocabulary isn't your fault. What if a few years ago mommy bought one of those defective child restraint seats and at the first red light you flew head first thru the windshield of your dad's yugo. That would give you an excuse to act as a big negative in this world. So please when you give us your few words let us know if we are picking on someone who was badly treated as a child and maybe you got hit too many times by a pipe wrench. Let us share your pain


Convoluted bullshit didn't read (by 15 post expert)

Once again maturity takes a back seat. I suspect talking about sexual arousal is always on the minds of those in puberty.
Giving yourself a name like Captain Morgan must make you feel like a pirate or a drunk. How adult when writing to your fellow human beings please take off the smelly clothes and put down the sword and don't talk about sex with adults. they have already experienced it and don't get excited by the mere words that get children over stimulated.


Oh look, a retard.
these pictures show a plump trump. :-) I hate to break the news to you but There is this thing going on in our bodies called aging. Trump is over 70 and he suffers from it just like everyone else.

Thanks for setting me straight, boss. Here I thought it was because he ate garbage like McDonalds. But it's actually because he's got a 70 year old metabolism.
Once again maturity takes a back seat. I suspect talking about sexual arousal is always on the minds of those in puberty.
Giving yourself a name like Captain Morgan must make you feel like a pirate or a drunk. How adult when writing to your fellow human beings please take off the smelly clothes and put down the sword and don't talk about sex with adults. they have already experienced it and don't get excited by the mere words that get children over stimulated.

You stayed up all night methposting
And then the Civil Rights era began in the 70's

Since you are not doing personal attacks I will be glad to inform you of a few things if I have time to correct so much. First I take it you are talking about a time when you weren't around and only read about it. Anybody from that era knows civil rights really got going in the sixties. Martin Luther King was killed in 1968 and was marching long before that.

"and all the Wealthy White Heterosexual Males Only politicians dreamed up the Southern Strategy and they decided to keep their power they would become Republicans
you aren't a racist are you? are you black ? must have heard this on msnbc. because it is fantasy. George wallace the governor of Alabama was the biggest racist of all and he was a democrat and remained one. Johnson and the rest of the white men are the ones to pass the civil rights laws so did all the white men then get together and make a southern strategy working against the laws they just passed? makes a lot of sense

I have to walk the dog and then get back to your non facts, I think you can see the way this going but if you want me to dig thru the rest of this I will do it slowly. later
I have to walk the dog and then get back to your non facts, I think you can see the way this going but if you want me to dig thru the rest of this I will do it slowly. later

TMI. But make sure you use these. I don't want you to get hurt.
