Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable


Pimp-Pimp, Hoo-ray!! Pimp-Pimp Hoo-ray!!

Bringin' new game to the tables and shit...

Tell us how you really feel. Holding it in will only give you ulcers.
i would but then i'd run the risk of insulting the little people like yourself

sure it would be soothing to let people know the utter contempt i hold for them but i dont believe in berating the severely disadvantaged, it would just be cruel

so with that i'll have to soldier on, holding back my feelings about the degenerates, exchanging pleasantries where applicable
i would but then i'd run the risk of insulting the little people like yourself

sure it would be soothing to let people know the utter contempt i hold for them but i dont believe in berating the severely disadvantaged, it would just be cruel

so with that i'll have to soldier on, holding back my feelings about the degenerates, exchanging pleasantries where applicable

Fine, be that way...but before you go sulk in the corner, tell me which chart looks better to you.

This one,
CO2 BBR 280ppm.PNG
Or this one,

CO2 BBR 400ppm.JPG
i would but then i'd run the risk of insulting the little people like yourself

sure it would be soothing to let people know the utter contempt i hold for them but i dont believe in berating the severely disadvantaged, it would just be cruel

so with that i'll have to soldier on, holding back my feelings about the degenerates, exchanging pleasantries where applicable
lol little people like yourself. Don't make me laugh. I almost spilled my drink.
Typical heckler bullshit post
So... you can't even answer a simple question with your opinion.

Those two charts mean a helluva lot to savvy alarmists. But the question is, can you tell which one is "good" and which one is "evil humans"? And when you figure out how to make up your mind, can you quantify that great amount of supposed warming which CO2 is responsible for?
Are you afraid it's a trap? I can assure you, those two charts are very different. And I'm not talking about the inadvertent "fuzz" on one of them (it was an accidental high-light).
One chart is a political weapon, the other is never discussed.

The fact you can't see the difference only lends more evidence to how apathetic thumb-twiddlers such as yourself have been duped and used as pawns.
My investigation started with a question and continues to uncover holes (both in my cognizance and in the "story"),
while yours started with an "answer" (of no merit) and abruptly halted.

The only bullshit here is what's filling the ziploc baggie in that vacuum between your ears. How much do you have in there, anyway? About a pound...?
How did you arrive at the percentages?
as usual, he made them up

i do own a fedora, and i am a little overwieght, and some might argue i am a dickhead, but the rest is pure fantasy

my mother stayed with ME while her house was rebuilt after a fire, and every now and then i go to her place for a few days to help her round the house, since she is gettin older.
bucky cant understand how anyone would let their mum stay over after her house burnt down, and even less how one might go 100 miles away to help his mum around her house for a few days every month or so, thats unimaginable to a hatefilled little troll like bucky.

i DID pick fruit, for several years, but i dont follow the harvests any more.

i havent worked for any part of the walmart empire since 1999

marxism and multiculturalism have no relation to my relationships, except i would never date a leftist.

as to the main thrust "not having a girlfriend" lulz.

i see a lot of ladies, just none seriously at the moment.