The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

  • Total voters
Then why are you wasting our fucking time posting about it like there is??

Focus on what you can change....

Don't try me order about, you drunk.

I am discussing science and the Politics around it.

Change your diaper. You could do something about that.
And if we follow that quote to it's point...

"The treaty itself set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. In that sense, the treaty is considered legally non-binding. Instead, the treaty provides a framework for negotiating specific international treaties (called "protocols") that may set binding limits on greenhouse gases."

Yes yes, the Quote Industrialized Countries Unquote must cut back on emissions while the other countries pinkie swear to try to reduce emissions... LOL!!
Don't try me order about, you drunk.

I am discussing science and the Politics around it.

Change your diaper. You could do something about that.

So, you are reduced to childish attacks...

Have fun running around screaming about the end of the world!!
just follow nasa studies. They have weather satellite that photographs and tracks ocean and wind and air quality changes. There's a group of nasa scientists currently doing global warming studies. They are at the ice bridge that connects Alaska to Russia / Asia conducting their research.
You cant waste what I dont want to spend...

Nice change of post. I guess I really pissed you off eh?? LOL!!!

You said I was wasting to your time. GOOD.

If you think I am doing anything but sitting here, compiling a bunch of code, and discussing the idiots, you are wrong.

I'm quite entertained and it is a lot of code. Takes more than an hour.
Yes yes, the Quote Industrialized Countries Unquote must cut back on emissions while the other countries pinkie swear to try to reduce emissions... LOL!!

"For some strange reason, while we agree on science in almost every area of our life, in this area, we have a party that says "no climate change is not real, it is maybe a hoax. It is something concocted by Al Gore or Hollywood. I am very proud that today, and I want to thank very much the panelists who are here, especially the former EPA administrators who were appointed by republicans. I thank you so much for being here. Because while we can disagree on a million issues, we should not disagree on what scientists tell us. We should not disagree when scientists tell us that we have a window of opportunity, 10 or 15 years to turn this thing around, to lead the world, sure John Kerry said the rest of the world has gotta go forward, he's right but somebody has gotta lead, this country leads. And by the way, when we lead in transforming our energy source away from fossil fuels, you know what we do? We create millions of jobs, through weatherization, through energy efficiency, through wind, solar, geothermal and other technologies that are out there."

-Bernie Sanders
somebody has gotta lead, this country leads.

A large portion of the world doesn't buy it and gives zero fucks.

Country Awareness Caused by
human activity Perceived
as threat
Afghanistan 25 29 18
Algeria 56 54 46
Angola 43 70 38
Argentina 76 81 71
Armenia 78 28 65
Australia 97 54 75
Austria 95 51 54
Azerbaijan 58 42 43
Bangladesh 33 62 32
Belarus 80 48 30
Belgium 89 50 68
Belize 53 59 45
Benin 21 46 15
Bolivia 55 73 51
Botswana 38 26 30
Brazil 79 80 76
Burkina Faso 36 52 34
Burundi 22 38 20
Cambodia 58 34 51
Cameroon 49 52 32
we should all live underground, practice permaculture, and eat every third baby.
I don't know... that plan sounds flawed.

A certain Lajos M., a Hungarian prisoner, who spent about a
decade on the far northem Novaya Zemlya Island—^but who did not wish
to be identified by name—also related a number of gruesome incidents
of cannibalism.

I have also eaten human flesh. The head cook, Ivan Vasilievich.
This was still in the prisoner-of-war camp. They used to make bran
soup there every day, which should have heen cooked with oil.
Sunflower or god-knows-what-kind-of oil. Yes, but this Ivan stole
the oil. Instead of mixing it into the soup, he sold it to civilians.
Several of our men got to talking one day: We will screw this cook.
Of course, everyone was hungry. The soup was being cooked in a
huge cauldron. It was so large that the bran had to be poured into it
from the top of a table. Ivan would stand on the table, stirring
away, not caring a damn that half of the bran stuck together in
clumps as big as my two fists. They were like hig dumplings that
never got cooked. Well, as Ivan stood there stirring the bran, two
guys grabbed his legs and dumped him into the hot stuff. On with
the lid real quick. They screwed it on real tight. By morning it
boiled down, the meat coming off tender like. We ate it. We were
jumping with joy. 'Look, there is meat in the soup.' Of course,
those who knew about it wouldn't eat, but kept quiet. Ivan's bones
and jacket were found at the bottom of the cauldron. There was a
frantic head count. Roll call five times in every barrack. Who's
missing? Who was eaten? The Russians would count us repeatedly
and write down the results on match boxes. How many prisoners
are there? They don't add up.... Let's do it again. What a circus
this was! Finally they figured out that it was the cook who was
missing. But they never found out who cooked him.^'



What does that mean?? It is pretty clear that CO2 and temperature are somehow correlated although which leads and which follows is still in question.

Also, the earth has had demonstrably higher CO2 levels than currently.

IF I make a graph of the temperature rise in Phoenix today from 1 am till 3 PM we can assume that by midnight everyone will be dead of heat exhaustion because the temperature will keep going up and be over 140 degrees!!! FUCK!!!

that is a retarded and unfortunate argument to be making.