The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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do you remember history class. The American Indians migrated from Africa through Asia across the ice the bridge.. Its frozen a couple months out of the year. They even showed it recently on those wildlife ranger shows on natgeo... It exists!!!

I wouldn't be so eager to trust what you were taught in "History class".
no, they didnt. Neil Degrasse Tyson would never say anything so ignorant.

they might have come from a guy named Neil who watches Degrassi Jr High, and eats Tyson chicken, but they didnt come from any reputable source

he said it on cosmos. The episode about global warming. And on the daily show and in his book.
he said it on cosmos. The episode about global warming. And on the daily show and in his book.
no. he did not.

how do i know? cuz he has a reputation for not being an idiot.

heres how the AGW assumptions work, you fool:

1: "Natural" co2 emissions total ~771.4 gigatonnes per year
2: these "Natural" emissions are magically balanced out, EXACTLY by natural "sinks"
3: the "sinks" remove that "Natural" co2 constantly, creating an almost supernatural balance. very similar to the sort of claims made by "intelligent design" proponents
4: HUMAN caused co2 from fossil fuels is UN-NATURAL and has no natural sinks to absorb it, and totals ~34 gigatonnes per year.
5: as a result 100% OF THE INCREASE in co2 is "man made"

meanwhile, in reality, human contributions to the overall co2 cycle is miniscule, but, according to the theory, thats why the overall concentrations are increasing.

one kid pissing in the swimming pool is irrelevant, but 9 BILLION kids pissing in the pool over decades causes an overflow, and turns the water into pure piss.

and 100% of that piss is man made, even if the amount of piss excreted at a time is just a small portion of the pool's volume

you following me here?

nah, your still trying to figure out how to turn greenland into alaska.
and bucky cant tell the difference between the IPCC's numbers and The Heritage Institute's numbers.
but the IPCC's numbers are real, while the identical numbers FROM the IPCC are fraud when quoted by The Heritage Institute.

bucky also cant tell the difference between a graph from Noaa, and a completely dissimilar graph from Cook, that claims to be based on Noaa's numbers...

the mind boggles.

awwww, still can't read a graph, can ya?

and i see you're still trying to pass off your dishonesty of not including NATURAL co2 sinks along with natural co2 emissions.
no. he did not.

how do i know? cuz he has a reputation for not being an idiot.

heres how the AGW assumptions work, you fool:

1: "Natural" co2 emissions total ~771.4 gigatonnes per year
2: these "Natural" emissions are magically balanced out, EXACTLY by natural "sinks"
3: the "sinks" remove that "Natural" co2 constantly, creating an almost supernatural balance. very similar to the sort of claims made by "intelligent design" proponents
4: HUMAN caused co2 from fossil fuels is UN-NATURAL and has no natural sinks to absorb it, and totals ~34 gigatonnes per year.
5: as a result 100% OF THE INCREASE in co2 is "man made"

meanwhile, in reality, human contributions to the overall co2 cycle is miniscule, but, according to the theory, thats why the overall concentrations are increasing.

one kid pissing in the swimming pool is irrelevant, but 9 BILLION kids pissing in the pool over decades causes an overflow, and turns the water into pure piss.

and 100% of that piss is man made, even if the amount of piss excreted at a time is just a small portion of the pool's volume

you following me here?

nah, your still trying to figure out how to turn greenland into alaska.

at 13:00 Neil Degrassi Tyson says all the volcanic eruptions total makes up less than 2% of all co2 in the atmosphere
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wow i guess he did say ONE of the claims.

looks like his reputation may be overstated.

he used bullshit numbers and flawed assumptions to develop his assertion of 500 megatonnes per anum.

the bullshit is expanding geometrically.

ohh look yellowstone park's Mud Volcano emits 176,000 short tons of co2 per year, EVERY year for... THOUSANDS of years. and thats JUST A SMALL PART of the yellowstone caldera system

theres over 3000 active surface volcanoes on the earth, and nobody knows how many under the sea, and nobody knows how much co2 comes from the tectonic expansion joints.

he took an assumption, turned it into a strawman, and beat the shit out of it. but it was for the popular press, not a journal so i guess he felt the need to get in a few cheap shots.

thats not all hyroot claimed though...
but where does he say "man made machines are making 90% of the co2 emitted every year"?
where does he state that "all the forests were cut down"?

the mystery deepens
wow i guess he did say ONE of the claims.

looks like his reputation may be overstated.

he used bullshit numbers and flawed assumptions to develop his assertion of 500 megatonnes per anum.

the bullshit is expanding geometrically.

ohh look yellowstone park's Mud Volcano emits 176,000 short tons of co2 per year, EVERY year for... THOUSANDS of years. and thats JUST A SMALL PART of the yellowstone caldera system

theres over 3000 active surface volcanoes on the earth, and nobody knows how many under the sea, and nobody knows how much co2 comes from the tectonic expansion joints.

he took an assumption, turned it into a strawman, and beat the shit out of it. but it was for the popular press, not a journal so i guess he felt the need to get in a few cheap shots.

thats not all hyroot claimed though...
but where does he say "man made machines are making 90% of the co2 emitted every year"?
where does he state that "all the forests were cut down"?

the mystery deepens

towards the end he says vehicles make up 98% of co2 green house gases. the whole episode he explains how man is causing global warming. explains how,

you are quoting NY times which is practically a tabloid that has admittedly lied about several articles.

i found the nat geo ep about the ice bridge it was one connecting to another land mass not the bearing straight ice bridge. there is an instagram pic from nasa's ig page showing the ice bridge team taking samples from the bearing straight area. They were on a mass of ice. so I was wrong but it appeared they were on an ice bridge. the link i posted earlier was a quick google from my phone while on the road. I'll look for the article I posted greengenes thread.
do you remember history class. The American Indians migrated from Africa through Asia across the ice the bridge.. Its frozen a couple months out of the year. They even showed it recently on those wildlife ranger shows on natgeo... It exists!!!
Not denying the ice bridge thing, but they don't know for sure how the native Americans got here. That's a plausible theory, but they may have sailed here, too. It was 8-10,000 years ago, so there would have been an ice bridge then. But people had boats then, too.
Not denying the ice bridge thing, but they don't know for sure how the native Americans got here. That's a plausible theory, but they may have sailed here, too. It was 8-10,000 years ago, so there would have been an ice bridge then. But people had boats then, too.

read the other posts you are so far behind on this thread
towards the end he says vehicles make up 98% of co2 green house gases. the whole episode he explains how man is causing global warming. explains how,

you are quoting My times which is practically a tabloid that has admittadly lied about several articles.

i found the nat geo ep about the ice bridge it was one connecting to another land mass not the bearing straight ice bridge. there is an instagram pic from nasa's ig page showing the ice bridge team taking samples from the bearing straight area. They were on a mass of ice. so I was wrong but it appeared they were on an ice bridge. the link i posted earlier was a quick google from my phone while on the road. I'll look for the article I posted greengenes thread.

ohh you dont like the NY times, not trendy enough? not like an Episodic Network TV Show, where all the "Real Reporting" happens..

ok smart guy, how about this one:

Mount Aetna farts out ~2000 tonnes of co2 every fucking day at the minimum, and has for Thousands Of Years
and when it starts farting, as it did in 2004 and 2005, it belches out up to FOURTY TIMES MORE every god damned day, and thats just ONE volcano.

theres 3000 more on the land, and nobody knows how many under the oceans

you got a smartass answer for that?
Not denying the ice bridge thing, but they don't know for sure how the native Americans got here. That's a plausible theory, but they may have sailed here, too. It was 8-10,000 years ago, so there would have been an ice bridge then. But people had boats then, too.
that "ice bridge" is irrelevant (and imaginary).

he was talking about a nasa AERIAL MAPPING PROGRAM in MOTHERFUCKING GREENLAND (on the opposite side of the continent form alaska...) that was CALLED "ice bridge" but had nothing to do with ice bridges.

it was aircraft flying over glaciers to map them.

and the glaciers were in GREENLAND FOR FUCKS SAKE!

hyroot is a dumbass.