The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

  • Total voters
There are many blacks I'd vote into the presidency and yes Condi Rice is one of them. She is brilliant and one of the most sophisticated, educated people available. I'd like to see Snowden as her VP, or Ted Cruz, or Dr. Carson, or a jew like Charles Krauthammer! :) Now there is one brilliant man.

Check out black Detroit Police Chief James Craig who is encourgaging residents to arm themselves for self defense.

Only makes sense, and that's what the Tea Party is all about - common sense and the constitution.
I disagree. I think our country votes on feelings as a whole, so you'll see us check off the female and brown boxes eventually and hopefully move past that and vote for the most qualified.

If they can ever talk Condi Rice into running, and people actually listened to what she says, she'd run away with an election. The left would vote for her because she's a she and black, and that feels good, the right would vote for her because she makes so much sense and is one of them, independents would flock to her because she's not your typical partisan hack. If she could get through the primaries that is, the right tends to nominate the next man up, that will have to stop too.
rice will find her way into football,befor she ever runs for that seat...

yes they do vote on feelings,lots of minorities felt it was time for a black man to be in office,but was he the right man for the job?yes he did take on lot of bullshit.
rice will find her way into football,befor she ever runs for that seat...

yes they do vote on feelings,lots of minorities felt it was time for a black man to be in office,but was he the right man for the job?yes he did take on lot of bullshit.
And it's still bullshit...

Should've voted "None of the Above"...
rice will find her way into football,befor she ever runs for that seat...

yes they do vote on feelings,lots of minorities felt it was time for a black man to be in office,but was he the right man for the job?yes he did take on lot of bullshit.

Obama inherited a really shitty situation but I don't think he proved to be the right man, no. I did like what he presented himself to be, that outsider who would operate differently, work to bring both sides together, transparency, change our image around the world etc. I didn't like his admitted affinity for communist policy or all of the secrecy regarding his college records. What we got was more of the same.

I think Rice is doing exactly what she wants and that's behind the scene policy crafting. If we could convince her that our country needs her then it would be a coup. I would love to see someone reluctantly run for president because they felt it their duty, not their birthright.
Orbits don't lie.

We got onto all this, wondering, back in 60s, why are we not cooling.

Orbits don't lie. Gas measurements since the 1960s from all over the world are not lies. Observations from space are not lies.

It doesn't matter why we are not cooling, but we need to know the extent of it, the parameters, etc.

Only big babies will get upset about something like this. Too Large of a long term problem to pee blood about. But, blood is already being spilled over it. You think these Islamist don't know all about this at the top?

This is already, "who will survive." And it doesn't matter Why, at this point. I don't think it can be reversed. It is kinda like WW2 didn't seem so bad at first. It looked like we could just sit that one out. Instead we almost lost.

We are not cooling off. The CO2 is rising.

But, you can't very well, call it, Global not cooling. can you? :) And really Warming is not the ultimate problem. It is that we are not cooling as the Orbit plainly show we should be.

Maybe not our fault, but there it is.

Piss blood over that.
Really, don't you think you could be President? You make it all sound so easy, like you have it all figured out.

But, now you say, that is the problem? Obama proves anyone can be President.
well then let us assume mt aetna is a "normal" volcano, and it emits 2000 metric tonnes of co2 every day, when it is NOT farting.

2000x 365= 730,000 tonnes of co2 annually.

there are MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND volcanoes on the surface of the earth (not under water)

730,000x3000=2,190,000,000 tonnes of co2 per anum, JUST from quiescent (not erupting ortherwise acting up) volcanoes on the surface

thats 2.19 GIGATONNES per year, which is far more than 500 megatonnes that NGT stated,
note: kilauea emits 8500 metric tonnes of co2 per day, so aetna is a very low baseline

note also, thats JUST volcanoes, theres also geysers, fumarols, vents, and many other geologic NON-Volcano sources, as well as natural weathering of carboniferous rock, etc etc etc. and this doesnt even include undersea volcanoes vents fumarols, black smokers, and tectonic expansion joints which are an unknown quantity

the previously posted link:

details the great degree of UNCERTAINTY over geological co2 emissions.

I see your still waving red herrings about to disguise your lack of knowledge about co2
well then let us assume mt aetna is a "normal" volcano, and it emits 2000 metric tonnes of co2 every day, when it is NOT farting.

2000x 365= 730,000 tonnes of co2 annually.

there are MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND volcanoes on the surface of the earth (not under water)

730,000x3000=2,190,000,000 tonnes of co2 per anum, JUST from quiescent (not erupting ortherwise acting up) volcanoes on the surface

thats 2.19 GIGATONNES per year, which is far more than 500 megatonnes that NGT stated,
note: kilauea emits 8500 metric tonnes of co2 per day, so aetna is a very low baseline

note also, thats JUST volcanoes, theres also geysers, fumarols, vents, and many other geologic NON-Volcano sources, as well as natural weathering of carboniferous rock, etc etc etc. and this doesnt even include undersea volcanoes vents fumarols, black smokers, and tectonic expansion joints which are an unknown quantity

the previously posted link:

details the great degree of UNCERTAINTY over geological co2 emissions.
I see your still waving red herrings about to disguise your lack of knowledge about co2

This magical equilibrium your pissing yourself about is evident in historic co2 data

But by all means send nasa your back of envelope scribbles disproving age I'm sure your noble prize will be in post shortly
I disagree. I think our country votes on feelings as a whole, so you'll see us check off the female and brown boxes eventually and hopefully move past that and vote for the most qualified.

If they can ever talk Condi Rice into running, and people actually listened to what she says, she'd run away with an election. The left would vote for her because she's a she and black, and that feels good, the right would vote for her because she makes so much sense and is one of them, independents would flock to her because she's not your typical partisan hack. If she could get through the primaries that is, the right tends to nominate the next man up, that will have to stop too.

the right wouldn't vote for her because she's black and pro-life, and you guys are racist misogynist control freaks.
YOUR citation had the numbers stated above.


or did you not read them?

i did break it down for ya.


88 Megatonnes of co2 from all surface volcanoes
300 Megatonnes of co2 from all surface volcanoes

you remember, the Uncertainty from Small Sample Statistics...

especially in an area with such vast differences from volcano to volcano?

and the ASSUMPTION from (Gerlach 1991) which has been repeated over and over , in study after study, that surface volcanoes, curiously, are exactly equal to underwater volcanoes in co2 output, based on a sample size of 7 volcanoes on the surface out of more than 3000, and 3 under water out of an UNKNOWN number?

you dont find those assumptions curiously arbitrary?

i linked to (Gerlach 1991) too, so you could see what it said for yourself.

you did read the materials didnt you?

so you still have no citation at all for any numbers whatsoever, much less your ass-pulled, ad hoc 2 billion+ tonnes figure that is scribbled on the back of your brother's eggo box.

thought so.
way to call him an affirmative action communist based on zero evidence whatsoever, you butthurt fat old racist.
Aaaaand bucks here. There goes any chance at intelligent honest debate.

I'm sorry your life sucks, but I hope you realize it's on you. Lashing out in anger definitely won't make it better
Aaaaand bucks here. There goes any chance at intelligent honest debate.

maybe if you can cite obama's "admitted affinity for communist policy" instead of lying non-stop, we could actually have a chance at intelligent, honest debate in the first place.

not likely with kynes here spitting out fake numbers all the time. but possible.

certainly not possible with a lying racist like you around though, calling obama a kenyan, a communist, and an affirmative action product.
If my life actual could suck, wouldn't that be something?

But, I think that's called Engagement. :)