The Junk Drawer

The war in Ukraine had a lot to do with accelerating Green energy, however, it could mean trouble for developing their natural gas resources for sale to Europe, however some Russian seized money could finance it along with loans. It could at least eliminate coal fired electricity production in Europe and any need for Russian gas or petroleum until the get more alternatives and energy storage.

Coliseum attendant, Jim?

Johnny Depp is a wife beater and a junkie- he prefers junkie's on tape.

I have no rep for him:finger:

That's him above sliding a Roxy in his mouth.

Alleges? Ellen Barkin is under oath in deposition with penalty of perjury.
the exact same fucking shit is going on in at least one apartment in every apartment building in the fucking WORLD...why do i give a shit about them? oh, that's right...i DON'T...i like johnny depp as an actor, and that's where i stop giving a fuck about him...same with amber heard...i like super hero movies, she made a decent Meara....after that, i could give a fuck less about her or her fucked up life....
quit acting like fucking actors matter more than non actors...they're doing a job, it doesn't make them special, or note worthy, or special...they're just employees of a movie studio doing a job....a job that doesn't grant them any expertise in ANYTHING except doing that particular job....their opinions are horseshit, being in movies or singing songs doesn't enlighten anyone, doesn't grant anyone special knowledge, or ANY knowledge outside of making movies...their opinions on social issues, on equality, on racism, on world hunger are just as valid as anyone else's, and no more...
the exact same fucking shit is going on in at least one apartment in every apartment building in the fucking WORLD...why do i give a shit about them? oh, that's right...i DON'T...i like johnny depp as an actor, and that's where i stop giving a fuck about him...same with amber heard...i like super hero movies, she made a decent Meara....after that, i could give a fuck less about her or her fucked up life....
quit acting like fucking actors matter more than non actors...they're doing a job, it doesn't make them special, or note worthy, or special...they're just employees of a movie studio doing a job....a job that doesn't grant them any expertise in ANYTHING except doing that particular job....their opinions are horseshit, being in movies or singing songs doesn't enlighten anyone, doesn't grant anyone special knowledge, or ANY knowledge outside of making movies...their opinions on social issues, on equality, on racism, on world hunger are just as valid as anyone else's, and no more...
All this buzz is a result of kids mostly, they used to buy all the albums years ago and they are the ones who consume movies and video games and games are bigger than movies. 14 to 20 year old girls drive a lot of the celebrity shit and teens teaching how to apply makeup are among the biggest YouTube channels.

We evolved to know around a couple of hundred families at most in our clan or tribe and church congregations are around this size. We used to know our neighbors and people in our towns, people different than ourselves in many ways. Today celebrities take the place of more intimate friends and acquaintances, many know everything about an actor or a Rockstar and nothing about the person next door. It is another symptom of social isolation brought on by technology that is suppose to connect us. It connects our minds, but our body's connection to reality is weakened, emotional and social skills atrophy. Bitching online dissipates the fire of real action, substituting simulated action in a virtual world, a tweet or this post does little to change the world, but it does dissipate the frustration.
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Measured by the more refined yardstick that both the IMF and CIA now judge to be the single best metric for comparing national economies, the IMF Report shows that China’s economy is one-sixth larger than America’s ($24.2 trillion versus the U.S.’s $20.8 trillion).

the exact same fucking shit is going on in at least one apartment in every apartment building in the fucking WORLD...why do i give a shit about them? oh, that's right...i DON'T...i like johnny depp as an actor, and that's where i stop giving a fuck about him...same with amber heard...i like super hero movies, she made a decent Meara....after that, i could give a fuck less about her or her fucked up life....
quit acting like fucking actors matter more than non actors...they're doing a job, it doesn't make them special, or note worthy, or special...they're just employees of a movie studio doing a job....a job that doesn't grant them any expertise in ANYTHING except doing that particular job....their opinions are horseshit, being in movies or singing songs doesn't enlighten anyone, doesn't grant anyone special knowledge, or ANY knowledge outside of making movies...their opinions on social issues, on equality, on racism, on world hunger are just as valid as anyone else's, and no more...

Speaking of horse fuckers, Hot to Trot is cinema Verde.

Bet you never expected to see that sentence, yeeehaa
1st off, this guy was a genius
2nd point is that he was talking about GW Bush, that REPUBLICAN idiot
Last point is that isn't it striking how interchangeable what Carlin said around 20 years ago can be transposed to Trump & the Republican party today.
The GOP has never changed and never will.
It's in their DNA to be lying, racist, semi-Fascist (if not completely today), wholly White supremist pieces of shit.
& they keep on reelecting them, Republicans.
What the fuck is up with that?
Oh, I know!!!
The vast, vast majority of Americans are the dumbest fucks on the planet Earth.
They have to be to have Trump still be a contender to be reelected & that's all you really need as proof.
Fucking idiots

1st off, this guy was a genius
2nd point is that he was talking about GW Bush, that REPUBLICAN idiot
Last point is that isn't it striking how interchangeable what Carlin said around 20 years ago can be transposed to Trump & the Republican party today.
The GOP has never changed and never will.
It's in their DNA to be lying, racist, semi-Fascist (if not completely today), wholly White supremist pieces of shit.
& they keep on reelecting them, Republicans.
What the fuck is up with that?
Oh, I know!!!
The vast, vast majority of Americans are the dumbest fucks on the planet Earth.
They have to be to have Trump still be a contender to be reelected & that's all you really need as proof.
Fucking idiots

the majority of Americans hate trump's fucking guts, but there is a large enough minority that if it mobilizes and the democrats don't, they we have a minority that is dumber than fuck, and a majority that is so lazy and unmotivated that they let the dumber than fuck people win way too often...not really better, but true...
Fucking DeSantis is a another in a very long list of scumbag Republicans & now the Surgen General of that fucked up state steps up proving he's another Republican piece of shit.

DeSantis moves to ban transition care for transgender youths, Medicaid recipients (

And the SG actually has the gall to make this statement.

“The current standards set by numerous professional organizations appear to follow a preferred political ideology instead of the highest level of generally accepted medical science,” he wrote. “Florida must do more to protect children from politics-based medicine.”

"Political based ideology" to support transgender people?
You fucking prick.
If anything, he & DeSantis are basing their fucked up decision based solely on politics.


I despise Florida & I will never set foot in that fucked up state ever again & when it get's washed away due to the rising sea level I would buy some champagne & make a toast to it's demise if I wasn't dead by then.
What do you mean?
My thoughts exactly. So I clicked, then hit paywall. Could be anything. Aliens, anomalies on the bottom of the ocean, some new virus. Probably good thing it was behind a paywall as it was probably some mood-killing bad news. Though not sure anything could wipe the smile off my face right now. Nothing short of a nuke anyway and then I’d still be smiling in spirit. I mixed alcohol with various drugs last weekend and as a result died and went to heaven. It has me worried though. If there’s one thing I “believe” in it’s universal balance. Hardcoded in this simulation. Peaks are balanced by lows. Ugh… I need some sort of delayed periodic payment option.