The Junk Drawer

This is an optimized rocket engine, designed with primitive first-generation AI tools, what will it be like in 20 years? What will this kind of AI do to chip and processor design? It does not need to be aware and cannot be unless it is configured as a neural net, but does it even need to be? Specialized AI for design, creativity and other functions to fill technological niches. AI could manage a corporation much more efficiently than a human CEO and for a lot cheaper too, likewise for government departments. There are lots of crazy and just fucked up people, how about an AI shrink that can diagnose and treat millions of patients online at once with multiple artificial personalities operating simultaneously? You would be conversing with an AI that would be like another person, and it would even use high resolution brain scans to candle yer head! Recently they did an MRI scan with 64 million times the standard resolution, so the thing could basically read your mind right down to the subconscious lizard brain!

GAME OVER - A.I. Designs CRAZY New ROCKET Engine

603,144 views May 2, 2023
New alloys, additive manufacturing and AI have come up with a drastic new Aerospike rocket! Will this be the engine of the future?
More tools for future AI roboshrink!

The day after they use ai and other tech to help the paralyzed vocalize the thoughts they can't get out any other way, the research will start to read people minds unaware....that's the first step to the thought police...And don't even fucking tell me the republicans wouldn't embrace that tech, as long as they were the sole proprietors, and were never forced to have it used on themselves.
All these people talking about freeing your minds are the ones providing the tools to make thinking a crime. That isn't even irony, it's just fucking stupidity.
The day after they use ai and other tech to help the paralyzed vocalize the thoughts they can't get out any other way, the research will start to read people minds unaware....that's the first step to the thought police...And don't even fucking tell me the republicans wouldn't embrace that tech, as long as they were the sole proprietors, and were never forced to have it used on themselves.
All these people talking about freeing your minds are the ones providing the tools to make thinking a crime. That isn't even irony, it's just fucking stupidity.
We are on a technological roller-coaster ride into the future with no getting off, it makes no difference if something offends western sensibilities, the Chinese or others will pursue it. It will probably end with some teenager using online AI to impress his buddies by destroying the world.
Fuck these idiots! You can't be green and crypto at the same time, the two are mutually exclusive, crypto is an energy pig fueled by speculation, it uses huge amounts of power to create nothing of real value. So the government is green on one hand and pandering to greed heads on the other. Jesus Christ someone at the Bank of Canada needs a new job because this is contrary to Government policy and who gives a fuck what they think, if what they think is wrong? Do ya like crypto, what's another billion tons of carbon in the atmosphere for nothing but a string of numbers!

Fuck these idiots! You can't be green and crypto at the same time, the two are mutually exclusive, crypto is an energy pig fueled by speculation, it uses huge amounts of power to create nothing of real value. So the government is green on one hand and pandering to greed heads on the other. Jesus Christ someone at the Bank of Canada needs a new job because this is contrary to Government policy and who gives a fuck what they think, if what they think is wrong? Do ya like crypto, what's another billion tons of carbon in the atmosphere for nothing but a string of numbers!

that does seem like a pretty fucking stupid idea...of course, the whole concept of crypto is just fucking shady bullshit the way it is being exploited.
This is an optimized rocket engine, designed with primitive first-generation AI tools, what will it be like in 20 years? What will this kind of AI do to chip and processor design? It does not need to be aware and cannot be unless it is configured as a neural net, but does it even need to be? Specialized AI for design, creativity and other functions to fill technological niches. AI could manage a corporation much more efficiently than a human CEO and for a lot cheaper too, likewise for government departments. There are lots of crazy and just fucked up people, how about an AI shrink that can diagnose and treat millions of patients online at once with multiple artificial personalities operating simultaneously? You would be conversing with an AI that would be like another person, and it would even use high resolution brain scans to candle yer head! Recently they did an MRI scan with 64 million times the standard resolution, so the thing could basically read your mind right down to the subconscious lizard brain!

GAME OVER - A.I. Designs CRAZY New ROCKET Engine

603,144 views May 2, 2023
New alloys, additive manufacturing and AI have come up with a drastic new Aerospike rocket! Will this be the engine of the future?
How loud is that 9.6 Tesla MRI?
This is an optimized rocket engine, designed with primitive first-generation AI tools, what will it be like in 20 years? What will this kind of AI do to chip and processor design? It does not need to be aware and cannot be unless it is configured as a neural net, but does it even need to be? Specialized AI for design, creativity and other functions to fill technological niches. AI could manage a corporation much more efficiently than a human CEO and for a lot cheaper too, likewise for government departments. There are lots of crazy and just fucked up people, how about an AI shrink that can diagnose and treat millions of patients online at once with multiple artificial personalities operating simultaneously? You would be conversing with an AI that would be like another person, and it would even use high resolution brain scans to candle yer head! Recently they did an MRI scan with 64 million times the standard resolution, so the thing could basically read your mind right down to the subconscious lizard brain!

GAME OVER - A.I. Designs CRAZY New ROCKET Engine

603,144 views May 2, 2023
New alloys, additive manufacturing and AI have come up with a drastic new Aerospike rocket! Will this be the engine of the future?
And then the mouse was a pile of ash or vaporized.
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I'm more than hesitant to tip at a lot more places than self check out.
I tip wait staff, cab drivers, food delivery people...and that's about it.
Shitty cheap employers need to pay their staff more if they feel the need to panhandle while they're at work.
If you put a tip jar at a self check out that I'm using, I'm takin the fucker, I'm the one doing the work.
The day after they use ai and other tech to help the paralyzed vocalize the thoughts they can't get out any other way, the research will start to read people minds unaware....that's the first step to the thought police...And don't even fucking tell me the republicans wouldn't embrace that tech, as long as they were the sole proprietors, and were never forced to have it used on themselves.
All these people talking about freeing your minds are the ones providing the tools to make thinking a crime. That isn't even irony, it's just fucking stupidity.
You know you’re in the deep stuff when your dreams have commercial breaks.