Jack Fate
New Member
Why is it an issue than?
It's an issue because it's an election. This is the "Politics" forum. Like I said, perhaps you're confused.
Why is it an issue than?
Yea,,Your Right I'm confussed,,,all i see is "Obama",,,Gotta Go,,,,Quote's from the,,,Right about The "constitution",,,Everyone is a "Socialist",,,If your "Liberal",,,,LA,LA,,Laaa...It's an issue because it's an election. This is the "Politics" forum. Like I said, perhaps you're confused.
Yea,,Your Right I'm confussed,,,all i see is "Obama",,,Gotta Go,,,,Quote's from the,,,Right about The "constitution",,,Everyone is a "Socialist",,,If your "Liberal",,,,LA,LA,,Laaa...
Pray to "God He will save you",,,Pray to me and I'll save you and treat your body with "Respect",,,Dignified manner...
If you think "The USA,,,Will be better off with a "RightWinger",,,In power your Nut's. I'm not hateing on you just the "Ship of fool's you rode in on"......
yes........if people elect a republican in the 9th district, does that mean that all those voters are fools?
The "Redistricting is a scam",,,That is "Stealing vote's" IMO...Look how they chopped NC.
Really,,,???...What planet are you from???,,,I'm,,, "American",,,We fought and still "Fight" for our "Right's"...What fear do you have?,,,I had no fear since "Obama",,,i had "8 year's of hell during "Bush",,,Loved clinton,,,Hate'd Bush Sr,,,He stareted it,,,Was too young to vote during "regan and Carter",,,but lost a "dollar" on the bet second time around,,,i served in the USMC,,,Been layed off...Got a "Big Nose and bad skin",,,But if you think the "Repuke's",,,will save "US",,,I wanna stay at your House...I disagree. What a great nation that we can disagree in peace without fear and intimidation.
No it was "Cut up and stolen".....Yup, they learned from the best of them, the Dems. That's the problem with giving these people so much power, when YOUR guys aren't in charge, that power you granted them is turned against you.
Really,,,???...What planet are you from???,,,I'm,,, "American",,,We fought and still "Fight" for our "Right's"...What fear do you have?,,,I had no fear since "Obama",,,i had "8 year's of hell during "Bush",,,Loved clinton,,,Hate'd Bush Sr,,,He stareted it,,,Was too young to vote during "regan and Carter",,,but lost a "dollar" on the bet second time around,,,i served in the USMC,,,Been layed off...Got a "Big Nose and bad skin",,,But if you think the "Repuke's",,,will save "US",,,I wanna stay at your House...
Absolutely not true. It is, in fact, the MAJOR reason for increased healthcare costs. Obamacare has nothing to do with healthcare reform, it is simply the government wielding it's power to make the healthcare and insurance companies fat. The ONLY thing that will reduce the actual costs is to allow for competition. Government regulations only get in the way. I have talked to many doctors and they all agree, it's government interference that drives up costs.
So that makes it ok, then. Some healthcare reform. If you really need it, sorry, you die.
If I am a healthy person who rarely gets sick and do not need medical attention, I still have to pay... THAT'S FAIR!!!!
Don't just blame the government. Blame the corporations that have taken it over.
Did you miss: "... the government wielding it's power to make the healthcare and insurance companies fat."
By the way, who made the laws that allow those companies to gouge their customers? AND, who routinely fails to make sure these companies are not ripping people off?
I remember a time when most people did not have health insurance. My parents had catastrophic type insurance in case of a debilitating accident or long term illness but for routine office visits almost everyone paid cash. It was affordable then, why is not affordable now?
How is Social Security a Ponzi schemeYou are right. A Ponzi scheme requires deception. If you do not hide the fact that new money is used to pay benefits to more senior contributors, then it's not a Ponzi scheme.
What will it mean if the Democrats lose the 9th Congressional District tomorrow? Big deal or not?
Republicans seem to be the party that always says, "I don't use it, why should I have to pay for it?". They can never conceive of a day that they may need that same program. "I am healthy. Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of the sick?" BECAUSE YOU WILL PROBABLY GET SICK ONE DAY, AND USE THE SAME PROGRAM, you are just too damn stubborn to admit it.