• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The left is losing more and more young voters everyday

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Republicans seem to be the party that always says, "I don't use it, why should I have to pay for it?". They can never conceive of a day that they may need that same program. "I am healthy. Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of the sick?" BECAUSE YOU WILL PROBABLY GET SICK ONE DAY, AND USE THE SAME PROGRAM, you are just too damn stubborn to admit it.
First of all, why are you labeling me as a Republican? AND, where did I say anything like what you just posted?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
How is Social Security a Ponzi scheme
A company Retirement Plan is not a ponzi scheme?
Read carefully, I said it was NOT a Ponzi scheme because there is no fraud or deception.
Do you really not know the difference? First and most important is that a personal retirement plan is strictly voluntary. Now, I know it gets confusing because the IRS says that complying with their so-called rules is voluntary but this really is voluntary. SS is not. A private retirement plan is invested and most of the time, the customer has a say in how his money is to be invested. SS does not invest.
Now, do you need someone to tie your shoes for you before you run outside to play?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic?" --Sarah Palin, admitting that her family used to get treatment in Canada's single-payer health care system, despite having demonized such government-run programs as socialized medicine that will lead to death-panel-like rationing, March 6, 2010
Who cares what Sarah Palin says or does?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
We celebrated my moms birthday. She is a republican
She is Happy she is elgible for Social Security Now

its her birthday I didnt say a thing
... and what would you say? Are you going to call her a hypocrite for taking the money back (far less valuable now because of inflation) that the government took from her without asking? You're a fine grandson.


New Member
First of all, why are you labeling me as a Republican? AND, where did I say anything like what you just posted?
I did not label you a republican, Mr Neutron. If I wanted to do that, I would have put a quote of yours above what I said, just like I did now, to show that I am addressing your post. My post was a very true, broad view of Republicans. If you are not a Republican, you can probably appreciate that sentiment. But, alas, I must admit.....I DO think you are probably Republican. Am I wrong?


New Member
... and what would you say? Are you going to call her a hypocrite for taking the money back (far less valuable now because of inflation) that the government took from her without asking? You're a fine grandson.
What he is saying is that his Mom is a Republican that tries to abolish SS, and when it comes her way, she is sooooo glad to have that extra income.

Honestly.....for anyone that has made any REAL money........we have always had SSI taken out, so I never really missed it. I am fine with taking care of others, even though I may not get my best ROI on the money I put into SSI. The reason we have these programs is to make sure people have some income to retire on, or at least live on in their twilight years.......I am sorry, but if you are rich, I am not going to cry that you put a little money into SSI and got a bad return on your investment.


Well-Known Member
Good old "Fat Al", beating that dead horse into the ground. Hoping beyond hope there's still a couple 'o million dollars to be had. Forget it Al, that train has left the station.

Wooo Wooo, next stop...reality.

Is there anything more satisfying than watching a liberal get all bent out of shape when their lies aren't accepted any longer, despite the fact that the MSM machine keeps puking out their filth?


Well-Known Member
You know, if it wasn't for you righties always pointing out something that Al gore did or said I would have already forgotten about him... I mean, is he irrelevant or am I just crazy? I really dont understand the fascination with ripping on Gore... Do you guys think anyone actually cares?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Perry discounting and denigrating one of the world's most prominent scientists so he could get a man executed.


New Member
Ripping On Al Gore is all part of the huge campaign to Discredit global warning. The effort is being financed by the energy industry. The Latest Round of political commercials attacking natural gas is another example. Guess who is behind those? Big oil. And they hired the tea Party to carry the message for them


New Member
I find ripping on Al gore hillarious, I think thats the fascination, its just hillarious...its because of the global warming seminars and who can forget old time classics like Al Gore invented the internet.

All Gore is just Comedy Gold and that is why people will make al gore jokes from now until this generation dies, he should get a pulitzer or something maybe:

"You guys heard about Al Gore and Tipper splitting up? Everybody is talking about it. Everyone's blogging about this, and now there are reports online that his daughter and her husband are splitting up. I bet this is the one week where Al Gore wishes he didn't invent the Internet." –Jimmy Fallon

[SIZE=-1]How is Al Gore like Chinese food? One hour after you give him a campaign contribution, he's back for more.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Vice President Al Gore met with Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura to try and get his support in November. To give yourself some idea how the meeting went, pull off the head of a Ken doll and stick it under the arm of a Jesse Ventura doll.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A man died on a subway train in New York City and his body rode the train for five hours before anyone noticed it. Apparently they thought it was just Al Gore in town to campaign for Hillary Clinton's Senate bid.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The White House has admitted that thousands of incoming e-mail messages on campaign fund-raising and other matters cannot be searched in response to House subpoenas because of unintentional computer errors. In a related story, Bill Gates decided to support Al Gore since this proves the White House uses Windows.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Al Gore tries to appeal to Hispanic voters in New York by speaking a few words of Spanish at campaign appearances. That's not going to get him many votes in November. What he really needs to do is figure out how to get his picture to appear miraculously on the front of a tortilla.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]According to the latest presidential election polls, Al Gore and George W. Bush are running in a dead heat. Gore looks dead and Bush looks like he's in heat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Vice President Al Gore is supporting a $7.8 billion rescue plan for the Florida Everglades that is being studied by Congress. Al has a special attachment for the Everglades. He didn't invent them, but he does claim to be the first person to ever say, "See you later, alligator."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Vice President Al Gore has a campaign ad showing him and his son Albert Gore III climbing Mount Rainier last year. A mountain-climbing expert in the ad says the qualities needed to climb mountains are the same ones needed in a president. However, when interviewed later, he wouldn't verify Gore's claim that he invented yodeling.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Vice President Al Gore and Hillary Rodham Clinton shared the stage in New York at a rally held by the Young Men's Hebrew Association. They both have personal connections to the members of this organization. Hillary says she has some Jewish ancestors and Al claims he invented bagels and lox.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]There's a new magazine out called the Journal of Mundane Behavior which contains scholarly analyses of the ordinary, earthy and just plain normal things people do in their lives. I thought we already had a journal of mundane behavior. It's called the Vice Presidential Handbook.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Baseball great Ted Williams is endorsing George W. Bush for president. However his bat is endorsing Al Gore.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Al Gore attended the opening of the first Internet cyber-cafe in South Central Los Angeles and was introduced as "an honorary black man." Now there's a stretch. Al Gore's staff has to keep reminding him that hip-hop is not a dance where you put your right foot in and then take your right foot out.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore have both been using Spanish in their speeches to try to appeal to Hispanic voters. Bush doesn't sound too bad but Al Gore sounds like the Taco Bell dog trying to convince his owner not to neuter him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The Republican National Committee has a huge billboard just 500 feet from Al Gore's presidential campaign headquarters. It shows a picture of him hugging President Clinton and a quote from Al where he calls Clinton "One of Our Greatest Presidents." Wait until the Republicans find out Al likes the sign. The picture of him is more life-like than the real thing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Documents released by the White House show that the Democratic National Committee asked Al Gore to make 140 calls to campaign donors but he only connected on 56 of them. The other 84 hung up because he sounds just like a dial tone.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]More bad news for Al Gore's quest to become president in 2000. Paula Jones claims he exposed himself to her in a hotel room and he has no distinguishing characteristics whatsoever.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Hillary Clinton is trying to appeal to Jewish voters in New York by revealing that the second husband of her grandmother was a Russian-born Jew named Max Rosenberg. If that works for her, Al Gore plans to announce he invented the matzo ball.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Researchers at Stanford University say they may have found the gene that causes narcolepsy, the disease where people suddenly fall asleep at odd times. If they can find a pill that cures it, the Gore campaign promised to buy the entire supply to spike the punch at his next campaign dinner.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Al Gore said in a speech he thinks it's great that Hillary Clinton is running for the senate in New York and he's not worried about her raising money from Democrats that could have gone to his campaign. In fact, they've already divided up New York City into areas that will give each the best support. Hillary is taking uptown and downtown and Al is taking Chinatown.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]If you're in New York in the near future, check out a show called Thwak at the off-Broadway Minetta Lane Theatre. It stars two mimes but only one is silent. The other makes sound effects. Do you know what the technical term is for a mime that makes sound effects?
Al Gore[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]How did Al Gore break his nose?
Clinton made a fast turn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Al Gore was arrested for shooting a spotted owl. When he got to court, the judge said, "You know it's illegal to shoot spotted owls. They're an endangered species."
Gore replied, "I know, your Honor, but I was lost in the woods and I was starving. That poor owl was the first food I had seen in three days!"
The judge took pity on Mr. Gore and said, "Well, I'll let you off with a warning this time. It's obvious that you were trying to survive. Just don't do it again."
The Vice President swore that he wouldn't and thanked the judge profusely. On his way out, the judge stopped him. "By the way, Mr. Vice President, how did it taste?"
He thought a moment then replied, "Not bad... not bad, a lot like bald eagle."[/SIZE]

"After 40 years, Al and Tipper Gore have split up. Nobody knows why, but there is a rumor today that Al came home early last week and found another man's carbon footprints." –Bill Maher

"They could tell he was lonely as of late because when he'd hug a tree, he'd linger." –Bill Maher, on Al Gore

"Al Gore and his wife, longtime married couple, are separating. Tipper Gore. And they may get a divorce. Apparently what happened, they experienced global cooling." –David Letterman

"Were you sad to learn that Al Gore and his wife, Tipper — I was. I was a little sad about that. Yeah, according to the report, the two are 'separating amicably after a long process of careful consideration.' You know, even his divorce is boring." –Jay Leno

"Would you have ever guessed that Bill and Hillary would turn out to be Washington's happiest married couple?" –Jay Leno

"Last week, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to fight global warming. Congratulations to Al Gore. ... Not to be outdone, today the oil companies named President Bush 'Man of The Year.'" --Jay Leno

"They're saying that now Al Gore has won the Nobel prize, Al Gore has a huge international platform to fight global warming. Kind of sad. Today, he stepped on the platform and it collapsed." --Jay Leno

"Al Gore has won an Academy award. He's won an Emmy award. And now, he's won the Nobel prize. But what he really wants is the Latin Grammy." --David Letterman

"Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the environment. Then, in a stunning reversal, the Supreme Court awarded it to George Bush." --Amy Poehler

"I think I know why you're happy tonight ... 'cause Al Gore won the Nobel prize. Al Gore won the Nobel prize. Or, as President Bush announced it, 'Sweden is with the terrorists.' No, the president did not say that. What he said was, 'The Nobel Prize is just a theory. It needs more study.'" --Bill Maher

"You can tell Al Gore is still worrying about these kind of things. They told him today, 'You received the most votes.' He said, 'Yeah, who won?'" --Bill Maher

"Congratulations to former Vice President Al Gore. He won the Nobel Peace Prize. ... And he did it without a single vote from Florida." --Jay Leno

"A White House spokesman said President Bush is very happy Al Gore won. Not Dick Cheney. Oh, no. Dick Cheney said today now he wants to bomb Norway." --Jay Leno

"A lot of people are now wondering if Al Gore will run for president, which would make it a Gore vs. Hillary Democratic primary. Kind of global warming vs. global cooling." --Jay Leno

"Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. I guess he made some movie about the weather or something. He has had some year. He won an Emmy, an Oscar, and now the Nobel Prize. The only thing he didn't win was president. It's incredible. In three years, the guy went from Urkel to Fonzie" --Jimmy Kimmel

"Al Gore spoke on Capitol Hill today to urge lawmakers to do more to fight global warming. He said we're facing a planetary emergency. And you can tell he's serious when he talks about the world ending because he appears to be eating everything in sight." --Jimmy Kimmel

"Yesterday Al Gore told members of Congress 'that the planet has a fever and it needs a doctor.' When the congressmen heard this, they asked Gore, 'You won an Oscar for this?'" --Conan O'Brien

"Al Gore told Congress that global warming shouldn't be a political issue, it should be a moral issue. And Congress went, 'A moral issue? What's that?'" --Jay Leno

"In what he called an emotional return to Congress, Al Gore on Wednesday testified before a House committee that climate change poses a crisis that threatens civilization. Then he hung around in the parking lot and told people he used to go here." --Seth Meyers

"Albert Gore returned to the Capitol for the first time since winning an Oscar for ... his portrayal of Effie, the diva in 'Dreamgirls.' And while he may no longer be vice president, he is clearly many other things [on screen: pols and news anchors calling him various titles, including: 'rock star,' 'a personality,' 'the prophet,' 'the man dubbed The Goracle']. Gore-stradmus. Gore-magnificent. The Gore-monger. Gore-Mary Abraham. I have over a thousand of these." --Jon Stewart

"Congratulations to Al Gore. His movie won an Oscar. Today it got reversed by the Supreme Court. ... Al Gore announced last night that for the first time, the Academy Awards had a green theme. Which is not really true. It's always had a green theme -- money and envy." --Jay Leno

"The big winner of the night was global warming. Everyone jumped on the hybrid bandwagon. But if you ask me, any lowering of emissions they achieved with the limos was canceled out by the amount of smoke they blew up Al Gore's ass." --Stephen Colbert

"If any of you at home are wondering about the former vice president's seeming largess, I will have you know, he has not gained weight. He is so passionate about saving this Earth, he is trying not to exhale. ... Here's an inconvenient truth: cake isn't a food group" --Jon Stewart

"You all ready for the Oscars? ... Al Gore is expected to win for his documentary on global warming. I hope he ... includes President Bush in the acceptance speech. I mean, without President Bush, we probably wouldn't have a lot of this global warming." --Jay Leno

"In an ironic twist, while making a speech on global warming, Al Gore froze to death." --Amy Poehler

"Time Magazine has named everyone their 'Person of the Year.' And somehow, Al Gore still came in second." --Jay Leno

"A lot of people said Al Gore was the best vice president the country ever had. Not to take anything away from Al, but look at the competition. He replaced a guy who couldn't spell 'potato' and was followed by a guy who shot someone in the face." --Jay Leno

"Al Gore is on the show tonight. This just shows you how quickly things can change. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger spends his days talking about his political agenda. Al Gore is out promoting his new movie. Who would have seen that coming?" --Jay Leno

"Has anybody seen the Al Gore movie about global warming and the environment? Well, the Bush administration has seen it and they are very annoyed about the whole thing. As a matter of fact, earlier today, Dick Cheney shot a projectionist. ... One very dramatic scene in the Al Gore global warming movie is when a glacier melts and they find more Al Gore ballots from the election." --David Letterman

"President Bush told reporters he won't see Al Gore's documentary about the threat of global warming. He will not see it. On the other hand, Dick Cheney said he's seen the global warming film five times, and it still cracks him up." --Conan O'Brien

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is blaming man for global warming. And today, Al Gore agreed with him. That's so typical. Two cyborgs, 'Oh, let's blame the humans.'" --Jay Leno

"The Capitol was evacuated after the electrical power went out. People said it was the quickest loss of power in Washington since Al Gore." --Jay Leno

"According to Time magazine, global warming is 33% worse than we thought. You know what that means? Al Gore is one-third more annoying than we thought." --Jay Leno


New Member
The attack on Global warming is being funded by the Koch brothers
The Attack on Natural Gas is being funded by the Koch Brothers

Stop being a Koch sucker

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
How is Social Security a Ponzi scheme
A company Retirement Plan is not a ponzi scheme?
"Social Security is structured from the point of view of the recipients as if it were an ordinary retirement plan: what you get out depends on what you put in. So it does not look like a redistributionist scheme. In practice it has turned out to be strongly redistributionist, but only because of its Ponzi game aspect, in which each generation takes more out than it put in. Well, the Ponzi game will soon be over, thanks to changing demographics, so that the typical recipient henceforth will get only about as much as he or she put in (and today’s young may well get less than they put in)."
Paul Krugman

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
But, alas, I must admit.....I DO think you are probably Republican. Am I wrong?
Yup! I registered Republican in 2008 to vote fro Dr Paul in the primaries. Other than that, the only party I have been affiliated with is the Libertarian party.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
What he is saying is that his Mom is a Republican that tries to abolish SS, and when it comes her way, she is sooooo glad to have that extra income.

Honestly.....for anyone that has made any REAL money........we have always had SSI taken out, so I never really missed it. I am fine with taking care of others, even though I may not get my best ROI on the money I put into SSI. The reason we have these programs is to make sure people have some income to retire on, or at least live on in their twilight years.......I am sorry, but if you are rich, I am not going to cry that you put a little money into SSI and got a bad return on your investment.
I know exactly what he is saying. He is saying that his grandmother is a hypocrite for taking SS and being a Republican and he's proud of himself for "not saying anything". Loser!
You've always had SS taken out, so you never really missed it. That is the deception. Most people don't miss it, it's just a little bit each paycheck. It's the same with the income tax, take it right out of the check so people become used to the idea that they do not get ALL of their wages, they get wages minus whatever the government wants to take out. Try being self employed and see how easy it is to pay double the SS AND have to write the check for it.
How many people would want to change our tax laws and SS if they had to pay for it out of their pocket instead of having it conveniently and quietly stolen from their property?
So, you agree that SS is a bad ROI but yet, you defend it? What about the not-so-rich, is their poor ROI any less? You really haven't thought this out very well, have you?