Use of the word "nigger"

Ok folks a can of worms you say well,I grew up in a big Canadian city called Toronto!!the good!!yes it WAS.
I grew up in the inner city,this city was very WASPY then and then along came Pierre Trudeau,he opened the flood gates and all these black ppl started to move in the city slowly,but surely,never saw a black kid till GR5.Around 1972 boom they were everywhere,RASTAMAN self proclaimed rasta,nothing but a bunch of crooks and killas.Most were Jamaican and even the blacks from Guana and other Islands hated em for they was Niggas yes folks,these ones would RAPE,ROB,KILL YOU NAME IT !!I heard it more then once how better they were to WHITEY not!!Now the difference between a black man and a nigger...a black man goes to work every day and comes home to his family.The nigga,much hated again will rape,rob,kill ,fuck your daughter and then sell her ass,thats if she ain't pregnant with a crack addicted child [ya with me ]I've seen it all.The knives ,guns,flashy shit.How does one that ain't worked a day in his life drive a brand new Volvo,and I gotta take the bus EH!some thing rong with that picture don't you think.And it's not Racism if you dislike em equally.
You know, i am really not so sure i would fight, i havent been called that word since i was 15 or so, and i think it was just a war of words at that time too after it was said.... I would want to fight but i dont do jail/prison so i am not so sure.... and i better never ever hear either of my sons use that word in my household to refer to a family member, friend or otherwise or hubby and i will be tag teaming them....
:mrgreen: That's exactly what my folks did. :lol:
ITs not the word but the implied disrespect behind the use of the word.[/quote]

This is the best explanation of why I'm so animated about this topic... The teachings I received as a boy was the only thing in this world you'll ever have is respect... No amount of money, awards, or accolades can replace it! "Respect is the ultimate currency"

until there is an action behind it it is nothing more than a word.

There was a quote from the move V for Vendetta (Excellent movie if you haven't already seen it) where V is talking about symbols and their meanings: "A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. A symbol, in and of itself is powerless, but with enough people behind it, blowing up a building can change the world"

Now while in theory you're right it is only a word however if enough people hear and interpret it that word is given life...

it's really odd that i don't know anyone's skin color here until they tell me. isn't it? or is it?

Me too (I mean with the exception of a few folks that are obviously either or) but isn't that a beautiful thing?

no that is not what a word will do. that is physical action. and isn't that pic rather old?

While I don't know how old you are but I can take an educated average age of the people on the site and guess between 25-45 so while that pic might be old to you, those kids in it are probably the same age as your grand father, for sum of you its as old as your dads so now how old is it really? A really short history lesson history lesson Minister Malcolm X was born in May of 1925 which had he still been living he'd a just celebrated his 83rd birthday, Rev. Dr. King was born in January of 1929 (So was my grandfather who lives in Sunny FL and gets out on the greens at least 2-3 times a week) he'd be 79 years old had he not been murdered & while 83 & 79 aint spring chickens we all know someone in our immediate circle thats either that old or will be in the next few years so I think that'll probably hit you in a second just how "NOT SO OLD" that picture is...
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ITs not the word but the implied disrespect behind the use of the word.

This is the best explanation of why I'm so animated about this topic,Respect is the ultimate currency"[/B]

If we were in the joint i'd buy that explaination but were not,respect on the street is bullshit,on the street it's just a word,nothing more.

I did 2 years for respect,never again.
Are you 18 this time?

This is the best explanation of why I'm so animated about this topic,Respect is the ultimate currency"[/b]

If we were in the joint i'd buy that explaination but were not,respect on the street is bullshit,on the street it's just a word,nothing more.

I did 2 years for respect,never again.[/quote]

To each his own however, I've always been taught if it's worth fighting about then you fight, if it can be walked away from walk away... Respect is something I just have a big problem with leaving on the table but again like I 1st said we'll just agree to disagree because to each his own...
To each his own however, I've always been taught if it's worth fighting about then you fight, if it can be walked away from walk away... Respect is something I just have a big problem with leaving on the table but again like I 1st said we'll just agree to disagree because to each his own...
Are suggesting I am disrespecting anyone?
Are suggesting I am disrespecting anyone?

To be honest Johnny I was speaking to Panhead (read the last few post between he & I) & I'm not sure what comment you made that you'd think I was talking about you however if the shoe fits then I suppose I could have been...
1 time and only 1 time i called a black girl a nigger. it was for a really stupid reason. i couldn't believe it came out of my mouth. she just dropped her jar and looked at me. that look is what will keep me from ever doing it again. it was a simple look of "why?".
For those of you who say its just a word, go to your black neighbors house and say it. dont go to the "hood, ghetto ,slum" stay where you are. The word will exact you the same response anywhere in the world, regardless of income or intelligence level.

Some of you say you uttered the word and you didnt like the response you got: broken jar, fight, stare, tears, etc... that pic i posted is old yes, but I POSTED A PICTURE! I didnt make that up! They really went and found a human being, degraded him, beat his ass, and strung him up from a tree BECAUSE HE WAS A NIGGER. not because they were bored, not because he robbed, raped, or killed, but because of an abundance of melanin in his body. you guys say a word isnt powerful, but i bet he was plenty scared of that word when the crowd showed up.

sorry, it's just a funny pic.

it is not what is said but how it is said . in ebonics it is spelled different and used differently . there is nigger , which is racist , usually . then there is nigga . a culture slang , used to describe someone noble , most often . but then there is that occasional fuck that nigga or nigger . depending on the foundation of where it came you usually get the point , and can tell its intent .
it is how it is used . there is nigger , which is usually racist , then there is nigga , which is a culture slang . how it used and by whom will give you an idea of it's intent . one is racist , the other one is used to describe someone noble . either way it goes if you piss someone off they can say fuck that nigger or nigga . does not bother me i am black . fuck with my family or bank account then you will know , what pisses me off
it is not what is said but how it is said . in ebonics it is spelled different and used differently . there is nigger , which is racist , usually . then there is nigga . a culture slang , used to describe someone noble , most often . but then there is that occasional fuck that nigga or nigger . depending on the foundation of where it came you usually get the point , and can tell its intent .

Let me tell you what happened with Nigga & Nigger, but before I do lets get something straight, The black man is the most imitated and copied creature on GOD's earth, from our walk, our talk, our look, our demeanor EVERYTHING!!!! Think about it this since the schools were integrated, how often do you see white kids giving each other 5's & wearing their pants off their ass, and turning their hats backwards and the list goes on and on and that shit is cool amongst y'all but the few nigga's you see that (dare I say it) "act white" they get rode into the ground in our community so lets not get it twisted white people as a whole have always and always will want to be black My man Mooney said it best once on Dave Chapelle's show "everybody wanna be a nigga but don't nobody wanna be a nigga" Now back to my original point We took y'all power of the word from you and put it in our own hands... How you like that? Check this out we use the word bad and made it not mean bad, we used Phat and made it not mean fat, we took Nigger and made it not mean nigger!!!!

Just like the rest of our history here in America, y'all have your time to shine and eventually we have ours too (OBAMA "08")

Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!