my first indoor poppy grow

Like I said mam, go look around more and read others post. There's far worse things then growing poppies. If you don't like what I'm saying/ doing there's a report button go ahead and hit it.
Born in 1993 eh! Still a puppy I see.. Lmao
i have been growing poppys longer then some people have been able to walk there a tek to it find my threads on poppys and read up abit not any old poppy seed can be thrown into the ground and grown all the red and any pinks are pretty much usless in fact of getting high all it will do is make u feel sick and cloudy you will be looking for a persian white breed and the tassie breeds are not red don't no who told u that and also no tassi poppy is used for seeds its all pharm poppy's mostlie thebain breed which will bleed a pink u drink a batch of that u will see hell on earth as i once did and it was hell it took me a few years of getting the right breed now i just seed em and regrow but be carefull man alot of people have kicked the bucket just cause they grew some poppys
i have been growing poppys longer then some people have been able to walk there a tek to it find my threads on poppys and read up abit not any old poppy seed can be thrown into the ground and grown all the red and any pinks are pretty much usless in fact of getting high all it will do is make u feel sick and cloudy you will be looking for a persian white breed and the tassie breeds are not red don't no who told u that and also no tassi poppy is used for seeds its all pharm poppy's mostlie thebain breed which will bleed a pink u drink a batch of that u will see hell on earth as i once did and it was hell it took me a few years of getting the right breed now i just seed em and regrow but be carefull man alot of people have kicked the bucket just cause they grew some poppys
The high thebaine tazzies are only in test fields and are not pink when they bleed. They bleed yellow or yellow orange. And the likelihood of someone growing them privately is bullshit. One of the farmers at Tasmanian alcholoids said they bleed pink to red but that's wrong. Top1 or Norman. Bleeds yellow. In truth most somniforum bleed off white to a pinkish color and if fertilized frequently almost always bleed pink
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i have been growing poppys longer then some people have been able to walk there a tek to it find my threads on poppys and read up abit not any old poppy seed can be thrown into the ground and grown all the red and any pinks are pretty much usless in fact of getting high all it will do is make u feel sick and cloudy you will be looking for a persian white breed and the tassie breeds are not red don't no who told u that and also no tassi poppy is used for seeds its all pharm poppy's mostlie thebain breed which will bleed a pink u drink a batch of that u will see hell on earth as i once did and it was hell it took me a few years of getting the right breed now i just seed em and regrow but be carefull man alot of people have kicked the bucket just cause they grew some poppys
Where did I say tazzies are red?
there a norman breed of poppy drink to much of that shit will send straight into convulsions kick kick grunt ya dead
Yeah no morphine aka Norman. But there's only small testing fields highly unlikely that anyone would get these privately. I've been growing somniforum for years myself. But I also as of lately been trying to cross breed with Setigerums. Which is my first year ever growing these.. I've done my home work but feel free to grade my paper.
Interesting stuff, btw your signature "your smart", is actually "you're smart". Wouldn't want anyone thinking you are a complete idiot or uneducated for not knowing the difference. Ones possessive and the other is a contraction of you and are.
Question, looking at your earlier posts on page one or two, I see some of poppy's have kind of a "claw" going on, like a nitrogen deficiency. Do they generally claw up like that or did you over feed them? I know nothing about poppy's, just curious.
Question, looking at your earlier posts on page one or two, I see some of poppy's have kind of a "claw" going on, like a nitrogen deficiency. Do they generally claw up like that or did you over feed them? I know nothing about poppy's, just curious.
I think it's because they were grown under four c.f.l.'s and the stretching May have cause the claw look .
That was my first attempt at indoor poppy grow'n...
Interesting stuff, btw your signature "your smart", is actually "you're smart". Wouldn't want anyone thinking you are a complete idiot or uneducated for not knowing the difference. Ones possessive and the other is a contraction of you and are.
Your scary. Lol I'm like the 13th message in 3 years. Lmao
LOL, I like to observe. No, but in reality I've only ever used this site for simple references and I took a break from growing. I may open a thread on here in the coming weeks though. Thanks for reminding me LOL.

How many varieties of poppy's do you have currently and which is your favorite?
LOL, I like to observe. No, but in reality I've only ever used this site for simple references and I took a break from growing. I may open a thread on here in the coming weeks though. Thanks for reminding me LOL.

How many varieties of poppy's do you have currently and which is your favorite?
I currently have ( most not in ground) lilac, lilac pom pom, black peony, Izmir Bush poppy, Tasmanians, swans down, hens & chicks, Persian blue, Peshawar Persian white,( var.Album.) Persian whites ( big ones) Gigatimums, Danish flag, Afghan ( pink one) and last but not least Zahir. I guess my favorite ones would be all of them that bloom. Lol I've grown about all veriaties of somniforum But I'm currently growing Setigerums as well ( not to be confused with somniforum) but they are mixed variation of color,
(Soapbox time) for all the tards that keep misinterpreting my thread, I don't condone opiate/drug abuse. I'm a grower of medicinal plant's I don't feel ( for example) that a pill developed for the treatment of arthritis but the side effects can cause internal bleeding and several types of cancer . this is true for several other drugs the government and big pharama spoon feed down the uneducateds throats so if you want to call me a drug addict fine.. I'm probably gonna out live joesmoe that has a medicine cabinet full of poison . big pharmaceutical company's And the government are snake oil salesman.
So I make tea when my back is killing me. So fucking what. Indite me arrest me, what ever , I'm not going to be another FUCK under a corrupt money power hungry governments thumb. All I'm doing is making simple bits of knowledge known . fucking sue me.. P.s. the creator/creators gave us plants not pills . knowledge is power and big brother wants idiots
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