Well-Known Member
Gee, if we could all just get along and sing Kumbaya, we would have no need for militaries, countries, law enforcement, laws, or weapons of any kind. Sadly, not everybody thinks like you and I. It's a noble thing to strive for world peace, or to fantasize about some shangri-la utopia, but some people and cultures don't value human life. Some would just as soon cut your throat and take the change in your pocket and not bat an eyelash. I doubt we can ever get rid of greed and envy. It sucks but not everybody is wired the same, and you have to take the good with the bad. That's life. It's not perfect, it's not pretty, and at times it can be downright horrific. What I find ironic is that you still advocate violence, just on a smaller scale? SEALs are the best of the best. They are a rare breed and most are not cut out for that type of training, let alone the lifestyle that comes along with it. I damn near went to BUDs. In retrospect I'm glad I came to my senses.That's just too bad..
i would have no countries, first of all, so there is no goddamn reason to separate, divide & conquer human beings into factions/heirachires of "lesser humans". Manifesting and creating a cracked-out militarized super ego superiority nation-state.
Revenge is never the fucking solution.
And, if i had to have some sort of military-type force.. it would be voluntary. Navy SEAL kinda shit. lol Go in steathly w/ a little to no casualty take. not blowing shit to hell and highwater. No conscription/forced draft.. or glorification desensitization of pure fucking horrible shit... perpetuating while WATCHING & THEN LIVING w/ UNECESSARY DEATH/Your so-called "Glory"