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  1. S

    Are You Asking These Questions of Your Nutrients Company?

    The first paragraph was interesting, but your second paragraph is bordering on hilarious. Sunlight is wonderful, but don't kid yourself into thinking neglect punctuated by a once or twice a month visit with cheap nutrients will outgrow a controlled indoor environment. Get real.
  2. S

    Do i still need to add nutririon to the grow!

    PK 13/14 is phosphorus potassium 13/14. He's urging you to add a nutrient to boost the levels of phosphorus and potassium to your soil, which boosts floral production. Honestly, putting a clone or a seed in dirt that you didn't mix yourself will grow a plant, but if you're looking for high...
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    Bubbleponics 800W ICE, NL 1, and Papaya

    Great looking setup man :) Just a heads up: Your res temperatures are bordering on the high side, and it may cause problems for you down the road when your roots hit the tub, and you start pushing the nutes. This is just coming from my DWC experience, and the relationship between water...
  4. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    I understand. I'm still on the fence myself to be quite honest, but what I have noticed is having the t5's there early in flower really helped develop flower sites all down the stem to the base of the plant. Maybe genetics, maybe existing light, maybe not. Even if its not a good stand alone...
  5. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Try to do your best to maintain as many fan leaves as you can, they are friggin solar panels for your plants. The only fan leaves I would consider removing are ones that have absolutely no hope of getting light, in which case I would probably still leave them, as they aren't blocking light in...
  6. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hahaha I wish they were 24. Try 17, some of them less. I really screwed up the height. They just fucking stood in place after the organics hit them. I seriously got 3-4 inches in flower, thats it. Really messed that up. Voodoo juice I will stand by as the only one of their organics line with...
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    rotation harvest

    I agree with this post. This is one of the reasons I don't grow from seed indoors. Using clones next time will save you these sort of problems. Flush for a week, chop your big girls, then leave the rest in to ripen, add nutes if necessary... but as already stated, your options are very limited...
  8. S

    First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics

    Excellent work, nice looking buds. I agree with the above poster, 1000w of veg light that early on is overkill, and a waste of power. Save yourself some cash. Enjoy the smoke!
  9. S

    Bubbleponics 800W ICE, NL 1, and Papaya

    Someone above me gave excellent advice about pH. I run DWC, and adjust mine every single day, and twice a day for the first couple days after a res change. You'll find that the pH rises slower later in the week as the solution ages. Aim for as close to 5.5 as you possibly can. Be very patient...
  10. S

    Advanced Nutrients Products and H2O2?

    Your attitude towards h2o2 is spot on. It really is best served, in my opinion, as a solution to an underlying problem. I don't even really approve of it and rarely recommend it as a preventative measure anyways because of its volatility. Think of it this way, the only reason you'll ever need...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    I want you to know I spent 20 minutes typing up a very long and detailed response to this question, as a closing summary to my growing experience, and i accidentally closed my browser window. I'm shaking with anger as I retype this, but here it goes. Firstly, to answer your questions above, I...
  12. S

    First Harvest - Need more humidity

    Why on earth do you want more humidity? 35% is an outstanding humidity level for flowering cannabis. Higher humidity can help vegging plants, but why oh why do you want it higher?
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    sea of green

    Those are meters I take it? And I beg you, please don't listen to the CFL poster...
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    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Total try weight was 7.5 ounces, right under the half pound mark I was hoping for. Also, ended up with about 12 grams of good, full melt hash. Very potent stuff, some of my friends had to shift some plans around after helping me sample. Very happy with the quality, now to work on the yield... :D
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    how high should my light be

    400 watt what dude... Anyways, anywhere between 10-15 inches is what works for me.
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    Those buds look ready to start flushing if you haven't already. The yellowing doesn't look too out of the ordinary as far as i'm concerned. It's a little sharper than what I've typically seen in soil, but you're on the home stretch and they arent drooping, and the buds look great. I'm sure...
  17. S

    Is it too warm for DWC?

    If your temps are in the 80s with the lights out, I have to say from experience you might be setting yourself up for failure. Ice bottles might not cut it. I wouldn't even try it without either a water chiller, or an air conditioner. I would give up DWC if my temps were any higher than 75 these...
  18. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I don't currently use hydroton. I use rockwool. What I was saying was, if I were to use an EZ cloner, then I would be forced to use hydroton, as rockwool wouldnt be an option at that point (unless using those tiny little rockwool cubes, but I have no experience with those either). BCNL openly...
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    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    I don't have any experience whatsoever with bushmaster, but I have read that it does what it advertises. This probably goes without saying, but if you have co2 running, turn it off (lol). You still have another 10 days of verticle growth approximately in flower so, try bushmaster, and if it...
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    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I would be pretty impressed with a 40 day flower... question is, where are going to incorporate your flushing into there? 40 days of nutes is totally acceptable, but 40 days including a week or more of flushing? I'll have to see it to believe it. Not discounting it but, I think in this situation...