Search results

  1. hydrotoncleaner

    Police Detection

    I would really like to get some other people in on this. As far as my understanding is, the helicopters in the sky are using infrared technology but not on outdoor plants. You must understand that WIKI's are written by people and sometimes don't have any factual evidence to support their...
  2. hydrotoncleaner

    Best Websites When Stoned? Watch the "Television" when you're high, so damn funny and ridiculous.
  3. hydrotoncleaner

    Suggestions on MH lights?

    The expensive bulbs have more blue in the color spectrum but you'll be able to accomplish good results with the cheaper bulbs. But if you have the money, go big or go home.
  4. hydrotoncleaner

    What Cops Look For?

    After seeing this: and this:,2933,464484,00.html I think its safe to say... there is no BEST way. You just need to make sure you cover every angle. Don't drive high, thats what really grinds my gears...
  5. hydrotoncleaner

    What Cops Look For?

    It says "Odor of marijuana in the vehicle - It will smell sweet, with a slightly burned odor." Sweet will never define some of the shit floating around here... Very good though, nice post!
  6. hydrotoncleaner

    People Using My Trade Marked Collective Name!

    NoDrama is right on china, you're fucked there. What i'd do if I was you is send the USA guy an invoice for any amount you want and say I didn't approve a franchise but here is our fee. Pay it or change your name. If you have any questions please contact my office at (contact information). Put...
  7. hydrotoncleaner

    Money Issue`s

    Also what do you mean "buy" an apartment? You mean buy a condo? or rent an apartment? Because if you're trying to purchase something in that size then yes, questions will be raised when you show up with a brown paper bag (from under your bed) with stacks and ask for the title. He'll be happy as...
  8. hydrotoncleaner

    Money Issue`s

    10% loss sounds good to me considering any other route would have to pay up to 30% in taxes... so net +20% in my book
  9. hydrotoncleaner


    The law implicates you need to have a lock on the door of the room/s, keeping your home locked all the time isn't the same. I'm in Michigan as well and pay a lottttttttt for my lawyers.
  10. hydrotoncleaner

    1ST Grow LED or HID

    Do you have sufficient cooling? HID's will put off some heat. If you can control the temp, 1000w HID will give you excellent results. I've heard of people using the LEDs for just vegetation but I'm not sure about going into flowering with them. This appears to be an example of MH vs LED...
  11. hydrotoncleaner

    Florida needs help!

    well said!
  12. hydrotoncleaner

    MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!

    Whats the device in the jar/blue bowl do in this picture = ?
  13. hydrotoncleaner

    Can anybody help please

    You can use a soil mother for clones that will be going into a different medium.
  14. hydrotoncleaner

    Slow growth

    Chem Dawg is correct although if you are using CO2 correctly, optimal temps are high 80s low 90s.
  15. hydrotoncleaner

    New Guy

    I see them fine. It looks great!!!!!! Lot of time/planning invested in that! Congrats and welcome!
  16. hydrotoncleaner

    Importance of CO2

    Sorry if this has already been posted, but I couldn't find anything. (the search feature isn't as good as I had expected) This is the rate of photosyntheses at a "regular" room level and the rate with CO2 at 1500 ppm. When you increase your CO2 to 1500 ppm it triples the rate of...
  17. hydrotoncleaner

    Newb grow cabinet!

    Good advice SCCA. The black on the inside will absorb a lot of light, maybe paint it white or put mylar on the inside. (keep an eye on the temp if you use mylar). Be sure that it is completely light tight or you'll end up with a herm. Hows the humidity? Good luck!
  18. hydrotoncleaner

    soil vs hydro

    In my opinion hydroponics is ultimately better because the plants are getting exactly what they need to thrive whereas in soil there is a lot of unknowns. But as others have said, its debateable, I've grown in soil and hydro and the results from hydro were not comparable, it was insane. Like...
  19. hydrotoncleaner

    Spider mites kicking my ass

    Post some pics, if its too bad you may have to take drastic measures.
  20. hydrotoncleaner

    Scam Baiting - Its all the rage !

    - gad... fucking... zooks - Thats intense shit - Its good to know what they think of us - and ... I'd be happy if I died while eating a burger