Attention Atheist

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Then you give GOD all the credit for your sons accomplishments. As an Atheist, I believe in nature + nurture, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to give all the credit to you! Good Job!

Naturally God gets the credit. I'll just throw it out there. I've been in the depths of hell and had no one upon NO ONE, but God, to cry out to.
There's no possible way I'd be in the position I am in without faith in Him........NO WAY.
God has turned circumstances in mine and our favor so many numerous times where LOGIC would NEVER offer an explanation.........NEVER.
God provides for both me and my son in ways you wouldn't even begin to imagine.
My point I meant to weigh heavily is that my son does believe in God, and because of that, he will go through the journey of life NOT leaning unto his (and the geniuses of societies) own understanding.
Although I've not placed him under "Chrisitan instruction".......he has internalized how God does, indeed, work in miraculous ways. :peace:
What the hell Oregon? Do you think you could ever even post to me just once---minus the smartass comments?
But, for the record, I may just as well be a virgin.:roll:

I'll work on it. (Posting without smart ass comments, didn't mean to imply I'd work on your virginity.)
As long as we all get along, and theists understand why we atheists dont believe, then there is no problem.

I was shooting meth ALOT when i was younger (talk about being at a low point), and i attribute it to myself and my family for my rise back up. No god needed.

Naturally God gets the credit. should give yourself the credit for being a good mother.
Not trying to push anyone's buttons here, but interesting discussion, just my 2 cents if anyone is interested
first of all if u dont believe in a creator thats ur choice, but to me life is fruitless and meaningless if we just live and die for no reason what so ever. And the thought that my fate and ur fate is just the same as Hitler’s isn’t refreshing to me.

There is something which is a bit interesting to me, when u look around u and see birds,fish,trees,water and so on {nature/earth basically} u cant help but wonder i mean, how did all this happen by mistake and come from bacteria? seriously get rid of ur macho attitude and ur ego just for a bit and think about it. who taught birds their language? who taught fish their language, who taught ants their language, who gave trees their purpose, how could it be that the water cycle is so precise and that everyday the same amount of water evaporates and drops later etc... {language of communication I mean}

i mean anyone reading this agrees that we are here, as in alive and living. every single living thing on earth has a purpose. you know we created tvs, pcs, cookers, projectors, cars, boats, submarines etc, so quickly humans become boastful and arrogant thinking they are superior to everything, and even worse people start thinking they are superior to each other and before we know it we think we are the smartest and the best and we control everything, science and technology, science and technology, i hear that all the time.

And then a few supposedly “intelligent” people come along and come up with a
theory which sounds good, is easy to grasp {tho it has many flaw's}.
Then u have those people that rush to embrace claims and theories. But why?
well firstly {in my opinion} the brain/body as most of us know likes to be lazy if it can get away from hardship. we like to cut corners and we like to clamp onto things the easiest way possible. eg: walk 5 miles to get milk in the morning, or jump in the car instead? which one would u pick? obviously the preferred method ur brain accepts straight away is the car, saying that, u could push yourself to walk, u can even try and cheat on ur brain to motivate urself, eg: oh i could use the exercise or its a beautiful day or etc..

now lets get back to why these people accept those theory's/claims:
first as everyone else they have a void in the "what is the purpose of my life department" followed by the debate of "is there really a creator and where is he" which is really mentally challenging and confusing not to mention its been going on for thousands of years so mentally they say that surely if its been going on for that long its not like i will find the truth{if there is one}, so when a certain idea or theory comes along straight away ur brain says here u go thats the shortcut/answer/truth, then it calculates n says ok if i accept this decision then thats a type of security for me and it puts me a bit at ease so i dont have to worry about a creator or restrictions in my life and i can do wt i want when i want and I don’t have to think of this whole subject anymore {fill that void basically},+ the person/group of that theory look like good and really smart people{smarter then myself} so that backs up the idea and reassures the individual even more, and then when u see more lost people joining that idea u calculate that it must be the undeniable truth which puts u even more to ease{and deeper in that hole} and u shovel any/all doubts and questions that cannot be answered to the back of the brain and think well there must be a logical answer without even bothering to research/question any faults.
furthermore accepting an idea like that will save u soooo much research and time and effort and besides ur life is all over u, and u have so much to worry about, food, bills, family and no time and so and so, by that time ur roots have grown far into the soil of that idea that an individuals brain would defend that particular idea with all its power. Why? Hummm, how about that the brain is afraid of change especially unknown change, an unknown road, as opposed to the somewhat comfy state its in on that particular train of thought or on that road u know well and are familiar with.
Not to mention the ego which of course no one wants to admit their own wrong and everyone wants to be right.
Eg: if u grew up in a household that supports TeamY lets say, ur dad and ur mum n brothers n sisters are all hardcore supporters, so u will most likely support TY, so lets say you do and ur 40 years old and now ur children are hardcore TY supports and I come along n tell u team X is way better than ur team, better players, better stats, they are from ur hometown etc… so support them. Do u think ull stop supporting TY n get ur dad n brothers n sisters n children to stop supporting them n u all start supporting teamX? Even if u know Im right?
And even if team X has won against TY 20x in a row u will keep going back to watch the game and support TY just in the hope that they win once although u know the odds are far off, just for that drop of hope so u can comeback to me n say see we won we are better etc.. even if u know uv lost 20x before ull say I don’t care we won this time and were better, ull blame the other games on luck or players had too many kebabs on the weekend or something.

And this is just a lame example, imagine how the brain will react on a subject as big as a Creator. Especially when u have no certain knowledge and when u don’t even know where to start looking and ur frustrated, at that point ull be looking for any crack in the wall to escape from, and the first one that sounds good and has a few bold convincing statments mixed up in there is a winner.

Then u have the other type of security:
born christian, born muslim, born hindu, born jew or even born into atheism by their parents etc... and they just believe what their parents have told them or what the priest has told them or what their surroundings have been while growing up or worse they don't even believe in their born religion but still they lable themselves Muslims or they wear a cross and go church on sundays etc... but ask any one of them to explain their religion/beliefs in more than the common heard stuff or ask them questions about their religion/beliefs and u will undoubtedly see that they have no real faith but its only a cover for the mind and heart to security. And this type if very common. I call them sheep, because that’s exactly what they are, they run in herds, they do what everyone else is doing and all they need is a person with half a brain with his own agenda/motive{money,power.etc} and a bell and they follow that leader and that’s their security.

now lets get back to man and his ego, man created the camera and boasts 10mp and infrared and i dunno what... look at ur eyes in the mirror and compare it with what man has made, what do u find? a camera is nothing but rubbish compared to ur eyes.
we made computers and supercomputers and chips.... look at ur brain look at DNA!!!
we made ships and cars and all types of vehicles... look at ur body/hands/legs.
we made speakers and radio.... ears, tong and voice.
we made generators / pumps etc... look at ur heart.
these are only a few things just to give u a picture of how complex beings we are, there are cities and worlds living in our bodys, transport systems, machines, everything that functions so perfectly. Really just look at urself in the mirror, move ur hands and legs.. now do u look like bacteria? We cannot even comprehend ourselves and nature around us and earth and that is frightening so we look for the cracks and blend in.

now u ask ok why should we not believe theories/evolution etc...
well NONE of them can deny the FACT that macro and micro systems are arrange, fixed, proportioned, measured, determined, limited, synchronized and givin distinct characteristics that they cannot go beyond or exceed...{"perfect" comes to mind}.
Then u have the FACT that they have such predictable and recognizable characteristics which allow for man to study, reflect, and research which enables us to reach scientific conclusions which then allows us to apply our "technological instruments" that in turn provides us with more benefit and sustenance in order to excel and move forward in the evolution of our social environment.

we cannot deny that every single person on earth is subsisting and being sustained through a unique and perfect balance of natural phenomena that we are NOT the authors of and have no authority over what so ever.
Which means there must/has to be a great power that is the author of this.

Go and do ur research and check, earth has been DESIGNED to support life. It is so complexly designed that u would have to be a complete Loon to think otherwise.
Its not simply a case of we are just another planet and by mistake we were positioned correctly and by mistake we have water and by mistake were are just the correct distance from the sun so living things can be supported and the by mistakes keep going on and on and I can list 1000s with only my limited knowledge but I hope the point is clear. If ur betting on odds that everything happened by mistake and u believe in 0.0000000000001 odds then why don’t u go to a casino and create a new rulet table with a million numbers and put ur life, wife and kids on one number n see what happens, I mean hey uv taken worse odds in ur approach to life so it sounds good. And its not like ur gona lose anything I mean ur gona die anyway… or maybe ur hoping for a miracle cure to make u live forever and in that case I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

You see there is a very fine line between being smart and being ignorant or arrogant or both.
People can be smart in any subject but that could only make them think that they are smarter than they really are and in time arrogance builds up with knowledge if the person is not careful, and after that when u hear something against ur ideology about the subject ur learned about straight away that voice inside u will rush n tell u that’s all rubbish n u will start throwing information out even if presented with facts and evidence just so u don’t feel your wrong. Because if u allow ur self to be proven wrong then that means ur back to square one, even worse is if uv spent years backing ur claims with all ur effort.
Eg: A man has taken 15 years to build a castle on a hill and he is only a year away from completion, an expert comes and tells him that the foundations under his castle are weak or the ground underneath is not good to be built on and in the case of a small earthquake the whole castle will fall apart and suggests that its better to disassemble and move the whole castle to another hill a few kilometres away.
Lets put ourselves in that mans shoes, 15years hard work and sweat. 99% that person will tell the other guy F OFF and finish his castle and play down any threat even if that part of the country has a history of earthquakes and its not something uncommon he will take the chance of the castle collapsing on him instead of taking any other advice. WHY? I don’t think I need to explain anymore on that.

You see if u still 100% against the idea of a creator then unfortunately your going to be stuck inside ur own mental hole that u dug for urself. Hey if your happy with it and have no doubts then by all means do what your doing. We will not interfere. We can all exist together in our own rights.

If you partially believe there is a creator or if you have doubts then there is hope for you and if you would like reassurance and a little info here and there then I suggest you do ur research and look around you, if you don’t find anything then you can be reassured.

Now this is for the people who already believe there is a creator:
Now you see when u wakeup u drink milk, u have breakfast, midday u have ur lunch then u eat fruits, after u have dinner n u have snacks n so on. Remember the next time u get the munchies and u grab that piece of succulent mango or u eat that piece of chocolate or have that apple or drool over that pineapple cake or u munch on that chicken and every bite is so beautiful and filling and they taste so good, think what is this? What does it mean? The atheist will tell u ohh u know the selection of food and fruits and etc… that is present for humans that we love so much and we{including them} feed on daily and we drool on when we are hungry or when we are even shopping and we want all of it , yea well that all happened by mistake as well just like everything else and it just so happens that they are so beautifully textured and packed with vitamins and antioxidants for our wellbeing not to mention the cures for illnesses. Yea ok and that’s great for you, if that’s your conclusion then be it.

But I say our creator loves us, he has given us soooo much variety and so much taste and texture and has filled our earth with things for us to excel and things to eat on and has made out earth so enjoyable and beautiful with 1000s of fascinating animals and birds with beautiful sounds and beaches and scenery but unfortunately a lot of us are destroying all of it instead of thanking and preserving.
When was the last time u were eating that mango{u would have noticed I like mangos by now J} and u thought to yourself I thank the creator for this fruit and beautiful gift? Even if we thank 24hrs a day we would not be able to repay any of the things we have been provided with.
But showing your love and willingness to learn and change yourself and your heart and searching for the truth is is enough for your creator.

Now lets take a trip into our homes, people get married, have a house and have children. In that parents would have created an environment and every parent will have a set of rules in his/her household especially towards the children as they have come out of the husbands seed and the mothers belly, I know children nowadays think it should be the other way around, but seriously if parents feel they have a right to set rules in their home and to enforce law onto their children and to govern them from right or wrong. Then why is it that the one who created us does not have the right over us and our actions? He has more than a right.

Remember a creator of this magnitude does not need you in any way and does not need to seek refuge in us, instead we need him in everyway.

Have you made effort to find out the truth?{no excuses}
If there is a creator then surely he must have set rules and regulations for us to abide by? I mean he would not have created us in vain and he would have not let us run in the earth with no guidance of some sort. We are not here to just eat drink go to the toilet, rocknrole, party and have sex with each other like a bunch of animals.
And surely a creator would not judge me and you like he will judge Hitler or a paedophile?

So where is that truth you might ask as I might sound over confident?
The truth is right in front of you a lot of the times in your daily life … {ur probably thinking this guy must be smoking some top of the line crack to say something like that}.
Fortunately for me I don’t smoke crack.:).{im organicish}lol. Ill say it again:
But have you really been looking for it though?

You see there is a difference between listening to CNN and believing everything they say, and watching CNN seeing what they say then go research to find out the truth.

If there is a message to mankind from a creator then in my eyes it has to be flawless.
It would have no contradictions and no questions which cannot be answered.
It would have to fill that void with something that cannot be expressed by words.
It should have directions and answers to ALL your problems.

But now you see that’s all nice and dandy but you see to be successful in anything you have to strive. You want to be an NBA star then ur gona have to work your ass off to get there, but the taste of success is overwhelming, look at any winning team, they cry when they win the cup or that medal. Its emotional because in his head hes worked so hard to get here but it paid off at the end and compensated him.

So how about your journey to your creator to attain that most powerful taste of real success? Do you think it will come easy? There is a struggle in every road to success but the drive in that road is the focus at the finish line so I would say why should we not apply that formula to finding out the truth about our creator?

Anyway I don’t even know if anyone would even read this.hehe.
There is a part 2 somewhere in my rusty head. J

PS : I am not trying to insult anyone we should all learn to live with each other, people from all parts and all cultures, races, faiths and religions.
Go and do ur research and check, earth has been DESIGNED to support life. It is so complexly designed that u would have to be a complete Loon to think otherwise.
Its not simply a case of we are just another planet and by mistake we were positioned correctly and by mistake we have water and by mistake were are just the correct distance from the sun so living things can be supported and the by mistakes keep going on and on and I can list 1000s with only my limited knowledge but I hope the point is clear. If ur betting on odds that everything happened by mistake and u believe in 0.0000000000001 odds then why don’t u go to a casino and create a new rulet table with a million numbers and put ur life, wife and kids on one number n see what happens, I mean hey uv taken worse odds in ur approach to life so it sounds good. And its not like ur gona lose anything I mean ur gona die anyway… or maybe ur hoping for a miracle cure to make u live forever and in that case I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
the earth was not designed to support life. all of those variables is why we're here, not the other way around. Anyone who believes in a man in the sky over simple probabilities is considered the "loon" in my book. Im not settled with the bullshit explanations in the bible written in a time that i cant even comprehend. It blows my mind...sorry.

(im way to medicated to be forming complex sentences)
Take into consideration, that the universe, and our plant have been here for several billion years. Now, look in a world history book, and see if you can memorize it. Probably not, unless your a fucking genius or something, pardon the french. Anyway, ALLL that stuff in just our recollection.....image the shit that happened say...just 1 billion ago. No way that shit can be recorded on even a yearly basis...way too many things have happened on this world for our existance to be anything more then another layer of dirt in the earths crust. Hell, somewhere down the line a more advanced civilization may be digging us up. Is there a dino heaven? I wanna go there.
yepp, i have the same question as a lot of others..... if there is a god and he created EVERYTHING. then where did this god come from. just all of a sudden one day "god" appeared????? who is god's father??? and mother??? every living thing has to have a mother and father.
Not trying to push anyone's buttons here, but interesting discussion, just my 2 cents if anyone is interested
first of all if u dont believe in a creator thats ur choice, but to me life is fruitless and meaningless if we just live and die for no reason what so ever. And the thought that my fate and ur fate is just the same as Hitler’s isn’t refreshing to me.

There is something which is a bit interesting to me, when u look around u and see birds,fish,trees,water and so on {nature/earth basically} u cant help but wonder i mean, how did all this happen by mistake and come from bacteria? seriously get rid of ur macho attitude and ur ego just for a bit and think about it. who taught birds their language? who taught fish their language, who taught ants their language, who gave trees their purpose, how could it be that the water cycle is so precise and that everyday the same amount of water evaporates and drops later etc... {language of communication I mean}

i mean anyone reading this agrees that we are here, as in alive and living. every single living thing on earth has a purpose. you know we created tvs, pcs, cookers, projectors, cars, boats, submarines etc, so quickly humans become boastful and arrogant thinking they are superior to everything, and even worse people start thinking they are superior to each other and before we know it we think we are the smartest and the best and we control everything, science and technology, science and technology, i hear that all the time.

And then a few supposedly “intelligent” people come along and come up with a
theory which sounds good, is easy to grasp {tho it has many flaw's}.
Then u have those people that rush to embrace claims and theories. But why?
well firstly {in my opinion} the brain/body as most of us know likes to be lazy if it can get away from hardship. we like to cut corners and we like to clamp onto things the easiest way possible. eg: walk 5 miles to get milk in the morning, or jump in the car instead? which one would u pick? obviously the preferred method ur brain accepts straight away is the car, saying that, u could push yourself to walk, u can even try and cheat on ur brain to motivate urself, eg: oh i could use the exercise or its a beautiful day or etc..

now lets get back to why these people accept those theory's/claims:
first as everyone else they have a void in the "what is the purpose of my life department" followed by the debate of "is there really a creator and where is he" which is really mentally challenging and confusing not to mention its been going on for thousands of years so mentally they say that surely if its been going on for that long its not like i will find the truth{if there is one}, so when a certain idea or theory comes along straight away ur brain says here u go thats the shortcut/answer/truth, then it calculates n says ok if i accept this decision then thats a type of security for me and it puts me a bit at ease so i dont have to worry about a creator or restrictions in my life and i can do wt i want when i want and I don’t have to think of this whole subject anymore {fill that void basically},+ the person/group of that theory look like good and really smart people{smarter then myself} so that backs up the idea and reassures the individual even more, and then when u see more lost people joining that idea u calculate that it must be the undeniable truth which puts u even more to ease{and deeper in that hole} and u shovel any/all doubts and questions that cannot be answered to the back of the brain and think well there must be a logical answer without even bothering to research/question any faults.
furthermore accepting an idea like that will save u soooo much research and time and effort and besides ur life is all over u, and u have so much to worry about, food, bills, family and no time and so and so, by that time ur roots have grown far into the soil of that idea that an individuals brain would defend that particular idea with all its power. Why? Hummm, how about that the brain is afraid of change especially unknown change, an unknown road, as opposed to the somewhat comfy state its in on that particular train of thought or on that road u know well and are familiar with.
Not to mention the ego which of course no one wants to admit their own wrong and everyone wants to be right.
Eg: if u grew up in a household that supports TeamY lets say, ur dad and ur mum n brothers n sisters are all hardcore supporters, so u will most likely support TY, so lets say you do and ur 40 years old and now ur children are hardcore TY supports and I come along n tell u team X is way better than ur team, better players, better stats, they are from ur hometown etc… so support them. Do u think ull stop supporting TY n get ur dad n brothers n sisters n children to stop supporting them n u all start supporting teamX? Even if u know Im right?
And even if team X has won against TY 20x in a row u will keep going back to watch the game and support TY just in the hope that they win once although u know the odds are far off, just for that drop of hope so u can comeback to me n say see we won we are better etc.. even if u know uv lost 20x before ull say I don’t care we won this time and were better, ull blame the other games on luck or players had too many kebabs on the weekend or something.

And this is just a lame example, imagine how the brain will react on a subject as big as a Creator. Especially when u have no certain knowledge and when u don’t even know where to start looking and ur frustrated, at that point ull be looking for any crack in the wall to escape from, and the first one that sounds good and has a few bold convincing statments mixed up in there is a winner.

Then u have the other type of security:
born christian, born muslim, born hindu, born jew or even born into atheism by their parents etc... and they just believe what their parents have told them or what the priest has told them or what their surroundings have been while growing up or worse they don't even believe in their born religion but still they lable themselves Muslims or they wear a cross and go church on sundays etc... but ask any one of them to explain their religion/beliefs in more than the common heard stuff or ask them questions about their religion/beliefs and u will undoubtedly see that they have no real faith but its only a cover for the mind and heart to security. And this type if very common. I call them sheep, because that’s exactly what they are, they run in herds, they do what everyone else is doing and all they need is a person with half a brain with his own agenda/motive{money,power.etc} and a bell and they follow that leader and that’s their security.

now lets get back to man and his ego, man created the camera and boasts 10mp and infrared and i dunno what... look at ur eyes in the mirror and compare it with what man has made, what do u find? a camera is nothing but rubbish compared to ur eyes.
we made computers and supercomputers and chips.... look at ur brain look at DNA!!!
we made ships and cars and all types of vehicles... look at ur body/hands/legs.
we made speakers and radio.... ears, tong and voice.
we made generators / pumps etc... look at ur heart.
these are only a few things just to give u a picture of how complex beings we are, there are cities and worlds living in our bodys, transport systems, machines, everything that functions so perfectly. Really just look at urself in the mirror, move ur hands and legs.. now do u look like bacteria? We cannot even comprehend ourselves and nature around us and earth and that is frightening so we look for the cracks and blend in.

now u ask ok why should we not believe theories/evolution etc...
well NONE of them can deny the FACT that macro and micro systems are arrange, fixed, proportioned, measured, determined, limited, synchronized and givin distinct characteristics that they cannot go beyond or exceed...{"perfect" comes to mind}.
Then u have the FACT that they have such predictable and recognizable characteristics which allow for man to study, reflect, and research which enables us to reach scientific conclusions which then allows us to apply our "technological instruments" that in turn provides us with more benefit and sustenance in order to excel and move forward in the evolution of our social environment.

we cannot deny that every single person on earth is subsisting and being sustained through a unique and perfect balance of natural phenomena that we are NOT the authors of and have no authority over what so ever.
Which means there must/has to be a great power that is the author of this.

Go and do ur research and check, earth has been DESIGNED to support life. It is so complexly designed that u would have to be a complete Loon to think otherwise.
Its not simply a case of we are just another planet and by mistake we were positioned correctly and by mistake we have water and by mistake were are just the correct distance from the sun so living things can be supported and the by mistakes keep going on and on and I can list 1000s with only my limited knowledge but I hope the point is clear. If ur betting on odds that everything happened by mistake and u believe in 0.0000000000001 odds then why don’t u go to a casino and create a new rulet table with a million numbers and put ur life, wife and kids on one number n see what happens, I mean hey uv taken worse odds in ur approach to life so it sounds good. And its not like ur gona lose anything I mean ur gona die anyway… or maybe ur hoping for a miracle cure to make u live forever and in that case I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

You see there is a very fine line between being smart and being ignorant or arrogant or both.
People can be smart in any subject but that could only make them think that they are smarter than they really are and in time arrogance builds up with knowledge if the person is not careful, and after that when u hear something against ur ideology about the subject ur learned about straight away that voice inside u will rush n tell u that’s all rubbish n u will start throwing information out even if presented with facts and evidence just so u don’t feel your wrong. Because if u allow ur self to be proven wrong then that means ur back to square one, even worse is if uv spent years backing ur claims with all ur effort.
Eg: A man has taken 15 years to build a castle on a hill and he is only a year away from completion, an expert comes and tells him that the foundations under his castle are weak or the ground underneath is not good to be built on and in the case of a small earthquake the whole castle will fall apart and suggests that its better to disassemble and move the whole castle to another hill a few kilometres away.
Lets put ourselves in that mans shoes, 15years hard work and sweat. 99% that person will tell the other guy F OFF and finish his castle and play down any threat even if that part of the country has a history of earthquakes and its not something uncommon he will take the chance of the castle collapsing on him instead of taking any other advice. WHY? I don’t think I need to explain anymore on that.

You see if u still 100% against the idea of a creator then unfortunately your going to be stuck inside ur own mental hole that u dug for urself. Hey if your happy with it and have no doubts then by all means do what your doing. We will not interfere. We can all exist together in our own rights.

If you partially believe there is a creator or if you have doubts then there is hope for you and if you would like reassurance and a little info here and there then I suggest you do ur research and look around you, if you don’t find anything then you can be reassured.

Now this is for the people who already believe there is a creator:
Now you see when u wakeup u drink milk, u have breakfast, midday u have ur lunch then u eat fruits, after u have dinner n u have snacks n so on. Remember the next time u get the munchies and u grab that piece of succulent mango or u eat that piece of chocolate or have that apple or drool over that pineapple cake or u munch on that chicken and every bite is so beautiful and filling and they taste so good, think what is this? What does it mean? The atheist will tell u ohh u know the selection of food and fruits and etc… that is present for humans that we love so much and we{including them} feed on daily and we drool on when we are hungry or when we are even shopping and we want all of it , yea well that all happened by mistake as well just like everything else and it just so happens that they are so beautifully textured and packed with vitamins and antioxidants for our wellbeing not to mention the cures for illnesses. Yea ok and that’s great for you, if that’s your conclusion then be it.

But I say our creator loves us, he has given us soooo much variety and so much taste and texture and has filled our earth with things for us to excel and things to eat on and has made out earth so enjoyable and beautiful with 1000s of fascinating animals and birds with beautiful sounds and beaches and scenery but unfortunately a lot of us are destroying all of it instead of thanking and preserving.
When was the last time u were eating that mango{u would have noticed I like mangos by now J} and u thought to yourself I thank the creator for this fruit and beautiful gift? Even if we thank 24hrs a day we would not be able to repay any of the things we have been provided with.
But showing your love and willingness to learn and change yourself and your heart and searching for the truth is is enough for your creator.

Now lets take a trip into our homes, people get married, have a house and have children. In that parents would have created an environment and every parent will have a set of rules in his/her household especially towards the children as they have come out of the husbands seed and the mothers belly, I know children nowadays think it should be the other way around, but seriously if parents feel they have a right to set rules in their home and to enforce law onto their children and to govern them from right or wrong. Then why is it that the one who created us does not have the right over us and our actions? He has more than a right.

Remember a creator of this magnitude does not need you in any way and does not need to seek refuge in us, instead we need him in everyway.

Have you made effort to find out the truth?{no excuses}
If there is a creator then surely he must have set rules and regulations for us to abide by? I mean he would not have created us in vain and he would have not let us run in the earth with no guidance of some sort. We are not here to just eat drink go to the toilet, rocknrole, party and have sex with each other like a bunch of animals.
And surely a creator would not judge me and you like he will judge Hitler or a paedophile?

So where is that truth you might ask as I might sound over confident?
The truth is right in front of you a lot of the times in your daily life … {ur probably thinking this guy must be smoking some top of the line crack to say something like that}.
Fortunately for me I don’t smoke crack.:).{im organicish}lol. Ill say it again:
But have you really been looking for it though?

You see there is a difference between listening to CNN and believing everything they say, and watching CNN seeing what they say then go research to find out the truth.

If there is a message to mankind from a creator then in my eyes it has to be flawless.
It would have no contradictions and no questions which cannot be answered.
It would have to fill that void with something that cannot be expressed by words.
It should have directions and answers to ALL your problems.

But now you see that’s all nice and dandy but you see to be successful in anything you have to strive. You want to be an NBA star then ur gona have to work your ass off to get there, but the taste of success is overwhelming, look at any winning team, they cry when they win the cup or that medal. Its emotional because in his head hes worked so hard to get here but it paid off at the end and compensated him.

So how about your journey to your creator to attain that most powerful taste of real success? Do you think it will come easy? There is a struggle in every road to success but the drive in that road is the focus at the finish line so I would say why should we not apply that formula to finding out the truth about our creator?

Anyway I don’t even know if anyone would even read this.hehe.
There is a part 2 somewhere in my rusty head. J

PS : I am not trying to insult anyone we should all learn to live with each other, people from all parts and all cultures, races, faiths and religions.

You don't understand Atheists very well, and you jump to conclusions, but I agree on why religion is so successful. I've said it before. Atheists do NOT have a walk in the park. It is NICER to believe that there is someone out there on your side. IMO arrogance is believing that HUMANS are the "best" the world has to offer. We are a parasitic species. Whales are superior simply because they don't destroy, rape, kill for fun or differing ideas, Etc. And Humans are creating life from nothing now so maybe "GOD" is a kid in a basement with a science kit!
yepp, i have the same question as a lot of others..... if there is a god and he created EVERYTHING. then where did this god come from. just all of a sudden one day "god" appeared????? who is god's father??? and mother??? every living thing has to have a mother and father.

NOT SO! But I agree with the line of thought...What action resulted in the reaction which is GOD? That's why religion fails with logic...
NOT SO! But I agree with the line of thought...What action resulted in the reaction which is GOD? That's why religion fails with logic...

There is no action because there is no GOD. Our universe is perhaps the result of a Big Bang, and it created more than the visible universe. Sub-atomic particles are actually just reverberations from this bang, like strings on a guitar but we have smaller-than-proton-like-rays shooting in rays, hitting certain notes ( metaphorically speaking ) that equate to mass bearing particles. the speed of the rays reverberating and hitting each other converts the physical kinetic energy given off from the bang into mass. the the mass bearing particles get grouped together due to gravity, and then go on to create different atoms and thus compounds.

So what did start it all? We probably will never know as we basically are fish in an ocean, unable to see past a certain barrier, no matter how hard we try. I don't think we should know either. If we did know we'd probably fuck up more than our universe. The truth is that we all become space dust when we die, and there is nothing keeping us alive other than memories.

The desire for life to be worth something is what keeps us not committing suicide and breeding. If we didn't have this primal fake basis that our lives mean something, we would have died off long ago, especially with our being self-aware and everything.

With no god or heaven and all that fairy tale it is very hard to justify that our lives mean something, so why would a self aware being, knowing that in the end we all become space dust, work to stay alive? It doesn't take a genius to see we are out of balance with nature. perhaps we were meant to destroy earth, since that seems to be our relentless pursuit. we eat every resource and shit it out at faster and faster paces. it should be interesting to see what life form develops after dinos and humans, and whatever other ages come next. too bad we will never know!
ahh, thats so true..

"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts ... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
why does everyone get so touchy when it comes to religion?

and why cant people see the bible for what it is?

Imagine living way back when before the bible and ten commandments and god and jesus n all that shit. All the shit going on around you with no explanation as to how it got there or why it does what it does. its human nature to survive, And people were probably getting tired of shit going the way it did. so, we tell people if theyre good, they get to pretty much live forever, or, if theyre bad.. they get burned for a long ass time. the bible and ten commandments are just guidelines to living a peaceful life. the stories are just reinforcements for people who would think about going against those guidelines.
the earth was not designed to support life. all of those variables is why we're here, not the other way around. Anyone who believes in a man in the sky over simple probabilities is considered the "loon" in my book. Im not settled with the bullshit explanations in the bible written in a time that i cant even comprehend. It blows my mind...sorry.

(im way to medicated to be forming complex sentences)
First of all, DobermanGuy:

earth was not designed to support life? lol u see i know already that u havent researched and opend ur eyes to anything, and real research and struggle doesnt come from watchin the atheist channel and accepting everything as the truth.
research is trying and testing, You have the blueberry haze then u have amnesia and u decide for yourself which is better in YOUR view, and on that biases you come to YOUR OWN conclusion, reading a few smoke reports online or asking ur trusted buddy is not research or truth.
see the first thing u did was gun down the bible, but where did u see me say anything bout the bible? if u noticed i said anything from god has to be flawless. and if uv read the bible then u would know its far from flawless therefor it cant be from god, though there are clues inside it.
Not only is earth designed but it has laws which cannot be broken and the same goes to our universe that is arranged {by mistake as well apparently}.

Being entirely without flaw or imperfection. See synonyms at perfect.{just in case}

yepp, i have the same question as a lot of others..... if there is a god and he created EVERYTHING. then where did this god come from. just all of a sudden one day "god" appeared????? who is god's father??? and mother??? every living thing has to have a mother and father.

First of all, you see humans are so arrogant that they ask the wrong questions.
how can u understand what god is? with what knowledge ? what brain capacity?
we are such stupid beings compared to the magnitude of what our creator really is that u cant even calculate the difference between even if u used all brain capacity in the world.
how can we comprehend where, what and how god is when we cant even comprehend our own bodies, we don't even know why we yawn{so we come up with theorys as usual}, we don't even understand anything on earth but we straight away jump to the most complex of all complexities as if we are the most knowledgeable of all when we clearly know we are nothing close to being knowledgeable. i mean seriously trying to figure out what our creator is like, where he came from etc... is like trying to teach a fish astrophysics. just like a fish has its limitation in brain power so do we. so if ur gonna ask questions ask something that is within ur brain capacity.

"just all of a sudden one day "god" appeared????? who is god's father??? and mother??? every living thing has to have a mother and father"
look uv answered ur own question, in ur limited mind and knowledge u accept that living things must have someone to produce it, so what about the whole earth and universe? u just cant imagine anything producing it because its scary u have no certain knowledge, no experience and no authority over it so ur looking for that crack, and over that ur mental image of god is flawed, ur thinking of him in our common human terms. why? because all ur life thats the image uv had in ur mind and u dont know otherwise...

the question u should be asking yourself is a simple and achievable one.
IF there is a creator then surely he would have left something for us to go by and an explanation of certain areas, this is where HAVE U REALLY BEEN LOOKING FOR IT kicks in.
hey if u really look and find nothing then that's great cuz it only reassures ur position.
Our creator is like no other, he is not some man, but he is a supreme being.{if there is a creator that is}

NOT SO! But I agree with the line of thought...What action resulted in the reaction which is GOD? That's why religion fails with logic...
LOGIC? whos logic? im sorry but this whole world is far away from logic, so ur trying to figure out a creator of unimaginable magnitude with logic?u use logic when ur making breakfast or trying to solve a computer problem not when it comes to a creator.
what religion? tell me what religion u know and what religion uv really studied. Christianity?Judaism?Islam?Hinduism?Sikhism? none i promiss u that u have not even scratched the surface of any of them, uv asked friends and watched tv and youtube and dont tell me otherwise.

There is no action because there is no GOD. Our universe is perhaps the result of a Big Bang, and it created more than the visible universe. Sub-atomic particles are actually just reverberations from this bang, like strings on a guitar but we have smaller-than-proton-like-rays shooting in rays, hitting certain notes ( metaphorically speaking ) that equate to mass bearing particles. the speed of the rays reverberating and hitting each other converts the physical kinetic energy given off from the bang into mass. the the mass bearing particles get grouped together due to gravity, and then go on to create different atoms and thus compounds.

Great then u can go into lab on monday and start creating things from nothing. i mean since nothing created something then why cant someone create something from nothing? with all our technology we cant even make a plane without studying a bird and applying its design. we cant make fuck all{excuse the lang}.

So what did start it all? We probably will never know as we basically are fish in an ocean, unable to see past a certain barrier, no matter how hard we try. I don't think we should know either. If we did know we'd probably fuck up more than our universe. The truth is that we all become space dust when we die, and there is nothing keeping us alive other than memories.

You have sense in you, but if only you use that sense in the right way then u might find the truth.

The desire for life to be worth something is what keeps us not committing suicide and breeding. If we didn't have this primal fake basis that our lives mean something, we would have died off long ago, especially with our being self-aware and everything.

With no god or heaven and all that fairy tale it is very hard to justify that our lives mean something, so why would a self aware being, knowing that in the end we all become space dust, work to stay alive? It doesn't take a genius to see we are out of balance with nature. perhaps we were meant to destroy earth, since that seems to be our relentless pursuit. we eat every resource and shit it out at faster and faster paces. it should be interesting to see what life form develops after dinos and humans, and whatever other ages come next. too bad we will never know!

you see here it is again and it wont stop, constant baseless conclusions that are not even the product of real "Personal" research, but instead its copy and past from any believable source with no checks,questioning and real search.
If u have really worked hard to come to this personal conclusion and ur in a constant lookout mode for new and diverse information then i could respect ur conclusion.

Again im not trying to push anyone's buttons but we are having a civilized debate and finding out more about one anothers views.
peace :).
wow you atheists are really stupid to sit here and argue about religion when you think there is nothing after death. since you have such a short time on earth and nothing after death cant you do something better than sit here and debate with christians. i believe in god and i could care less if you do but if you really think about it there is a better chance of an omnipotent god than a universe exploding out of nothing when you say that all matter can neither be destroyed or created. atheists try to say well who created god. that is the point god says we are supposed to have faith. and i dont know about you but id rather put my bets on a life after death than no existence whatsoever. there are many problems in religion but while atheism only has one problem it far outweighs the doubts about a god in religion. there is simply NO way that without some sort of creator this universe could have been created so perfectly or even created at all.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:but at least we can all agree on the fact that we love marijuana

I just can't understand why people feel the need to put others beliefs/nonbeliefs down. to me this is the ultimate idiocracy. Who is to say what one believes is wrong or right over what someone else believes. The people that feel they need to talk bad about others beliefs are the stupid ones to me. why would someone care so much that someone else does or does not believe in god? The question should be is this someone who treats me with respect and do I want to be around them. Life is way to short to be worried about if otheres believe in god or not. Thats just my opinion. Congrats to all those who can believe what they believe without disrespecting others and puting them down for their beliefs.
sorry about spelling
where is 420 haze? this is starting to seem like a logical and civil debate between adult human beings... who would have thought huh?
dick, im not goin to debate you, as im not very proficient in conveying my thoughts/fellings to words, but if by research you mean reading the bible, i have no need. I grew up indoctrinated in the "ways of the LORD" My morals and values are good, I am a good person, i dont need to talk to a figment of your imagination. im happy. Believe me, I think about it everyday, and i am a stronger person for doing so. Its not just "oh im not gonna believe in god, because i dont care". Ive put just a little thought behind this.

...btw the few firends i have believe in a god, im am again alone on the matter, as i live in a downhome country christian-town. It seems you are a smart guy, just take god out of your equations and you'll be better off.

...and yes Earth was NOT designed...

...if i told you i was abused as a child and every morning when i would wake up or prior to going to bed, i prayed to God that that motherfucker moms bf wouldnt be there, and low and behold he was there. If there is a god, lets praise him in spite of all the atrocities he allows to happen every minute of every day. i wouldnt believe based on that premise alone, let alone the logical ones.
First if you think that u dont need to read something be it bible or a kids book to attain some type of better knowledge and understanding then ur worng on that. im not asking of u to read the bible but how would u be able to prove to lets say a christian that the bible is not from god at all if u didnt at least research about it for urself n pickout the faults?
you see we all seek refuge in something in some sort of way in life, by means of religion or by means of anything else.
im really happy that ur a good person with morals n etc and are strong without the beliefe in a bible or anything but how did u attain that?
you see u might have good thinking and good morals and so on towards others, but take u out the picture for a second, and lets get a group of gang bangers that have no faith and believe not in a creator, they go on killing others or doing so n so would u be able to convince them otherwise? simply no. because they will give u ur own argument right back n tell u well there is no creator and no purpose for life so who are u to tell me what yes and no is?

You cant prove there is no creator at all. so that keeps a door that is open on you, you wouldnt sleep at home with ur front door open especially if u live in a bad and disastrous neighborhood would you?
but what u can do is research to close that door or at least semi close it, and the only way u would be able to do that would be to collect knowledge.

and btw im not smart or anything of that sort, in fact i never passed college and i had a hard time in school as i never like studying about things that dont interest me, and furthur more i took a creator out of the equation in mylife for a long time and all it did was put me in a hole, and the only way i was able to get out of that hole was to research for myself, pickout faults in everything i read and seek the answers for, and i dont accept answers that are a diversion from the question either. i told myself everyday that im better off with no faith in a creator but i was ultimately lieing to myself, i had to at least reach out for myself to find what i had no knowledge off.

and again u said it urself.
"Its not just "oh im not gonna believe in god, because i dont care". Ive put just a little thought behind this."
first off futureking since you believe in god, what do you really believe in, if ur going to jump out against anyone you have to provide evidence and undeniable truths not fiction. im guessing your a christian, can u explain to me in a summary what christianity is all about?
my thoughts on Christianity; its a belief system used to control the masses through fear based around revised and edited copys of an old book. they derive their beliefs from the teachings of jesus christ, a semi-fictional character in this book whos life is blank from after birth to his mid-late 20s. they belive that although they may do some things wrong or break their 10 commandments, everything will be ok, they can still get into heaven, if they confess to a priest and say hail mary a dozen times.