Pretty bold statement considering you haven't provided evidence for this design. Appearance of design =/= design.
The universe will exist for a long time and the earth was not able to support life in its earliest stage and will not be able to support life well into the future. That life exists on this planet now only tells me that it has the necessary ingredients to support life (as we know it) but this is far from evidence that it was designed. You are merely making a teleological argument based on the anthropic principle, something that has been attempted many times but is always easily refuted. It must be incumbent upon you to show evidence for design rather than merely claiming design because it looks that way. First you need to address how to determine if something is designed or not since mere observation is usually not enough. This is where the ID movement has failed miserably. They claim to be scientific but then cannot or will not address the question of how to unequivocally determine if something complex is designed or not. You fail for the same reasons.
"The universe will exist for a long time and the earth was not able to support life in its earliest stage and will not be able to support life well into the future".
im not sure why u have included that as its nothing to help u on the matter at hand and everyone agrees on it.
"First you need to address how to determine if something is designed or not since mere observation
is usually not enough"
you see thats the only way you can debate or share ur views. you have to always use this type of wording.usually,maybe,possibly etc.. and u have to include that because thats like saying that the Egyptian pyramids among many other things were made by natural causes just because you didnt see them in the making. if ur going to adopt a formula then why not adapt it to everything why just a creator. you cant pull the rope in one direction when it suits you and ease up when it doesn't.
notice that i havent provided anything to backup any of the so called "Claims" that iv made for one of two reasons:
1 is that if u dont have an open mind and if u dont address and approach this subject without emotional attachment{from any side whether religious or etc} you will sadly never get anywhere, and when i make those statements if you are really in a state of wanting to find out the truth then you will make an effort to go and seek your own information instead of waiting for others to present information to you and taking it as the simple truth. you wouldn't trust these people to sleep next to your wife, so why trust them in something of far greater value.
2 is if you are willing to sit on ur behind and backup an idea that has had to change and modify all over the years and to every blow you change the positioning just so it doesn't collapse as if it was a rusty roof that keeps leaking and u keep patching it up and with every patch u apply u grin for a moment and before your even done, 5 old patches break down into a bigger leak and 2 new leaks appear, your now in a race against time and its only a matter of time before the whole roof comes down on you and puts you back right where you started. and in this case there is no point to provide any evidence to that type of mentality as you will never accept anything as fact but as possibility and will clutch onto the last straw like a drowning man.
Prejudices die hard.
I know.
I could sit here and write pages about this and that and earths design and everything from mountains to ants but that's not the point im trying to make.
Im not sure on what ur basing that ID has failed miserably. the last time i checked the more science advances the more u get thrown backward and the more you have to try and patch up your business.
Ill throw in a tiny little example as its simple and very to the point so if you cant see past this or if you cant even accept between urself that ok maybe there might be a small % truth to a design, then if i show you a sweater my grandmothers grandfather made you will say it was a natural mistake or the tooth fairy made it.take your pick.
Among the irreducible complexity of the ear and eyes and so on and fossils and etc...
I like to pick the Bacterial flagellum:
I wont bore with alot of the information but ill give a summary, if you dont already know what it is then Google it.
Its basically a motor that spins at 100,000 RPM and only needs a quarter of one stop to fully stop and turn at a 100,000 RPM in the other direction. this motor is so precise and so elegantly and efficiently{most efficient machine in the world is what Harverd labled it} designed that it is impossible for something like it that is at sub-cell level to evolve out of random not to mention it has a drive shaft and a propeller and a crank and a starter and a motor , and not to mention that it CANNOT EXIST unless ALL its functions and parts are present to start with and i can go on and on. so when u see an F1 car or a jet n the highly complex engine you know that it is a product of design but when u see something that puts an f1 and jet engine to shame then no its a product of a series of mistakes. you can put that all in the words of fred hoyle: "A junkyard contains all the bits and pieces of a Boeing 747, dismembered and in disarray. A whirlwind happens to blow through the yard. What is the chance that after its passage a fully assembled 747, ready to fly, will be found standing there? So small as to be negligible, even if a tornado were to blow through enough junkyards to fill the whole Universe".
"LOGIC? whos logic? im sorry but this whole world is far away from logic, so ur trying to figure out a creator of unimaginable magnitude with logic?u use logic when ur making breakfast or trying to solve a computer problem not when it comes to a creator.
what religion? tell me what religion u know and what religion uv really studied. Christianity?Judaism?Islam?Hinduism?Sikhism? none i promiss u that u have not even scratched the surface of any of them, uv asked friends and watched tv and youtube and dont tell me otherwise."
YOU have no logic, not this world. First off, this planet was not "DESIGNED". That's a joke. And you proposed that without religion, there is very little reason to continue. Wrong again. And You say, "Don't tell me otherwise." = CLOSED MIND...I can't discuss anything further, because you won't listen. I HAVE discussed religion with authorities within the respective churches. I HAVE participated in religious ceremonies...THIS IS THE PRACTICE OF A REAL ATHEIST! Investigate ALL angles before reaching a conclusion. It's funny though, how people will research for months, even years, before buying a car, house, Etc. I wonder how much evidence you have collected which supports NO existence of GODS...Hmmmm. It sounds like you have a lot of opinions, but little evidence to support them. Sounds familiar... And you can't say I'm wrong because I'm not done researching yet...I wouldn't DARE claim to know the Universe...We haven't collected enough evidence yet. We will. And the men who obtain this evidence won't be sitting at home claiming to already know...
lol first of all brother im sorry if you thought i was attacking you personally in anyway, im just exchanging ideas and mean no disrespect to anyone.
now back to the subject.
you said that all your options are open and your still researching and im happy for that and i have respect for you for your constant strive for diverse and intriguing information. As much as the time length contributes to your search Ultimately it is about the price you pay and the return you get. don't you agree?
as much as i want to jump into your reply i have a better idea so follow me till the end of this post and we will see how things get along.
Being entirely without flaw or imperfection. See synonyms at perfect.{just in case}
Anything from the Magic Pink Unicorn is flawless...
Humans are flawed...Our planet is flawed, our solar system is flawed, the time+space fabric is flawed...Oh dear...
God is just an imaginary friend for adults...
thats a bit out there,humans are not flawed our minds have been corrupted and brainwashed but everyone can fix himself if he wills, if our planet was flawed you would be dead and there would be no animals and no water, if our solar system was flawed then If you were alive your bum would roast in daytime and freeze at night which i would not like really, and im not even gona bother on the last one lol.
A. Einstein: "Science without religion is lame"
Louis Pasteur and George Cuvier and on and on and on share that view too.
lets talk sense.
iv seen much replies from Christian brothers and other brothers{and sisters if apply

} name calling and things like that, and its not nice to insult others just like you would not like someone insulting your father,mother,kids etc... remember that everyone here is someones son,father,sister,brother etc.. if you cant change yourself on the inside you can never change anyone else on the outside.
everyone needs to make a conscious effort to better themselves on the inside and respect others the way he would respect himself and thats how we can have good and positive discussions and inquire diverse and different knowledge without disrespecting each other so we can get along better and have more fun.
I have a few questions with me and i want you guys to help me with.
1- Do you agree that the truth is always killed or covered or lied about?
i mean anything good and truthful is always lied about and targeted by individuals/governments etc.. i mean you dont have to look around the bush to see the traces.
JFK, Martin Luther, Malcom X, Micheal Jackson{i know hes a weird one}, anyone that speaks of equality and fairness, bringing people and cultures together in peace is always destroyed.
2- If I present you here today with a machine that no one has seen or has knowledge of in the world and ask: who would be able to tell you the specification, design, mechanism of that machine?