Attention Atheist

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my thoughts on Christianity; its a belief system used to control the masses through fear based around revised and edited copys of an old book. they derive their beliefs from the teachings of jesus christ, a semi-fictional character in this book whos life is blank from after birth to his mid-late 20s. they belive that although they may do some things wrong or break their 10 commandments, everything will be ok, they can still get into heaven, if they confess to a priest and say hail mary a dozen times.

Great you have really summed it up well, and i agree with you on that give or take.
among that, there is a whole lot of contradiction in the bible and if you go back to the origional manuscripts in greek then you find alot more problems than what they have tried to patch up over the years, ontop of that the old testament which is in hebrew has the same problems init but its not all bad there are a few things here and there that can be used in the quest to knowledge. ;)
First of all, DobermanGuy:

earth was not designed to support life? lol u see i know already that u havent researched and opend ur eyes to anything, and real research and struggle doesnt come from watchin the atheist channel and accepting everything as the truth.
Pretty bold statement considering you haven't provided evidence for this design. Appearance of design =/= design.
The universe will exist for a long time and the earth was not able to support life in its earliest stage and will not be able to support life well into the future. That life exists on this planet now only tells me that it has the necessary ingredients to support life (as we know it) but this is far from evidence that it was designed. You are merely making a teleological argument based on the anthropic principle, something that has been attempted many times but is always easily refuted. It must be incumbent upon you to show evidence for design rather than merely claiming design because it looks that way. First you need to address how to determine if something is designed or not since mere observation is usually not enough. This is where the ID movement has failed miserably. They claim to be scientific but then cannot or will not address the question of how to unequivocally determine if something complex is designed or not. You fail for the same reasons.
"LOGIC? whos logic? im sorry but this whole world is far away from logic, so ur trying to figure out a creator of unimaginable magnitude with logic?u use logic when ur making breakfast or trying to solve a computer problem not when it comes to a creator.
what religion? tell me what religion u know and what religion uv really studied. Christianity?Judaism?Islam?Hinduism?Sikhism? none i promiss u that u have not even scratched the surface of any of them, uv asked friends and watched tv and youtube and dont tell me otherwise."

YOU have no logic, not this world. First off, this planet was not "DESIGNED". That's a joke. And you proposed that without religion, there is very little reason to continue. Wrong again. And You say, "Don't tell me otherwise." = CLOSED MIND...I can't discuss anything further, because you won't listen. I HAVE discussed religion with authorities within the respective churches. I HAVE participated in religious ceremonies...THIS IS THE PRACTICE OF A REAL ATHEIST! Investigate ALL angles before reaching a conclusion. It's funny though, how people will research for months, even years, before buying a car, house, Etc. I wonder how much evidence you have collected which supports NO existence of GODS...Hmmmm. It sounds like you have a lot of opinions, but little evidence to support them. Sounds familiar... And you can't say I'm wrong because I'm not done researching yet...I wouldn't DARE claim to know the Universe...We haven't collected enough evidence yet. We will. And the men who obtain this evidence won't be sitting at home claiming to already know...
Being entirely without flaw or imperfection. See synonyms at perfect.{just in case}

Anything from the Magic Pink Unicorn is flawless...

Humans are flawed...Our planet is flawed, our solar system is flawed, the time+space fabric is flawed...Oh dear...
the earth was not designed to support life. all of those variables is why we're here, not the other way around. Anyone who believes in a man in the sky over simple probabilities is considered the "loon" in my book. Im not settled with the bullshit explanations in the bible written in a time that i cant even comprehend. It blows my mind...sorry.

(im way to medicated to be forming complex sentences)

So than you believe that we got lucky time after time? If you listen to the scientific explanation for the creation of our universe and all life in it, they say luckily this happened or lucky for us this occured.I have listened to every scientific explanation and they all say luck this luck that. Im sorry to inform you that this was not luck.The earth didnt just happen to be perfect distance from the sun. It didnt just luckily happen that the big bang created all essentials elements to support life on earth. Sorry to inform you but the earth was designed to support life, we didnt just happen to get lucky genius.
why does everyone get so touchy when it comes to religion?

and why cant people see the bible for what it is?

Imagine living way back when before the bible and ten commandments and god and jesus n all that shit. All the shit going on around you with no explanation as to how it got there or why it does what it does. its human nature to survive, And people were probably getting tired of shit going the way it did. so, we tell people if theyre good, they get to pretty much live forever, or, if theyre bad.. they get burned for a long ass time. the bible and ten commandments are just guidelines to living a peaceful life. the stories are just reinforcements for people who would think about going against those guidelines.

Exactley, what is wrong with loving one another? thats what the bible preaches but athiest seem to think that its a bad thing.
dick, im not goin to debate you, as im not very proficient in conveying my thoughts/fellings to words, but if by research you mean reading the bible, i have no need. I grew up indoctrinated in the "ways of the LORD" My morals and values are good, I am a good person, i dont need to talk to a figment of your imagination. im happy. Believe me, I think about it everyday, and i am a stronger person for doing so. Its not just "oh im not gonna believe in god, because i dont care". Ive put just a little thought behind this.

...btw the few firends i have believe in a god, im am again alone on the matter, as i live in a downhome country christian-town. It seems you are a smart guy, just take god out of your equations and you'll be better off.

...and yes Earth was NOT designed...

...if i told you i was abused as a child and every morning when i would wake up or prior to going to bed, i prayed to God that that motherfucker moms bf wouldnt be there, and low and behold he was there. If there is a god, lets praise him in spite of all the atrocities he allows to happen every minute of every day. i wouldnt believe based on that premise alone, let alone the logical ones.

You think you know it all dont you dumbass? We did not get lucky fifty times dumbshit.
I don't feel the need to justify anything...

By the way I didn't claim to be Atheist, you know what happens when you assume
You think you know it all dont you dumbass? We did not get lucky fifty times dumbshit.
What is with the name calling?
When an angry protester threw a rock through the window of a church where the Rev. John Murray was speaking, he picked up the stone, examined it and said to the audience, "This argument is solid and weighty, but it is neither reasonable nor convincing."
That incident happened more than 200 years ago, a product of a theological disagreement.

Personal attacks display the weakness of ones position. It tells us that you have nothing better to offer as a rebuttal.
The very point you are attacking has been addressed here already and you have not presented any counter argument except to cast stones.

If you have ever studied statistics, you would know that improbable events happen all of the time. The only reason the coincidental factors for life on earth seem so improbable is because you are considering life and humans to be an end goal when in reality life is present because of the conditions, not the other way around. The shear number of stars in the cosmos is a number that is incomprehensible to the human mind. It is difficult to imagine numbers that large just as it is difficult to comprehend the geological time scales necessary for evolution. However, the fact is that this large number of stars, many of which probably have planets makes the improbable much more likely. The fact that we have found water in other parts of the solar system tells us that planets or moons with water is probably not uncommon. We are also looking at the earth during a privileged time frame. Life as we know could not have existed for some time after it formed and likewise, the earth will be inhabitable to life in the future. Other planets like Mars and Venus may have been able to support life earlier than Earth and later, it may be possible for one of Saturn's or Jupiter's moons to support life when the sun becomes a red giant.
What is with the name calling?
When an angry protester threw a rock through the window of a church where the Rev. John Murray was speaking, he picked up the stone, examined it and said to the audience, "This argument is solid and weighty, but it is neither reasonable nor convincing."
That incident happened more than 200 years ago, a product of a theological disagreement.

Personal attacks display the weakness of ones position. It tells us that you have nothing better to offer as a rebuttal.
The very point you are attacking has been addressed here already and you have not presented any counter argument except to cast stones.

If you have ever studied statistics, you would know that improbable events happen all of the time. The only reason the coincidental factors for life on earth seem so improbable is because you are considering life and humans to be an end goal when in reality life is present because of the conditions, not the other way around. The shear number of stars in the cosmos is a number that is incomprehensible to the human mind. It is difficult to imagine numbers that large just as it is difficult to comprehend the geological time scales necessary for evolution. However, the fact is that this large number of stars, many of which probably have planets makes the improbable much more likely. The fact that we have found water in other parts of the solar system tells us that planets or moons with water is probably not uncommon. We are also looking at the earth during a privileged time frame. Life as we know could not have existed for some time after it formed and likewise, the earth will be inhabitable to life in the future. Other planets like Mars and Venus may have been able to support life earlier than Earth and later, it may be possible for one of Saturn's or Jupiter's moons to support life when the sun becomes a red giant.

When the scientist say luckily this or lucky for us that,or luck was on our side.How can you believe it.?All they say is luck, luck, luck. Go figure
where is 420 haze? this is starting to seem like a logical and civil debate between adult human beings... who would have thought huh?
ohh no i spoke too soon!!!

how is luck any more or less feasible than faith? and when your talking statistics there can be no luck; only chances
psssht, i dont know about you.... but ive "gotten lucky" more than 50 times. lol

its the common sense that leads us atheists to believe that god does not exist. where is the sense that leads you to think that a man in the sky loves us all but would send us to burn in hell for eternity for checking out his neighbors hot wife or eating too many chocolates, but you can get back on his good side by confessing your sins and trespasses to a alter boy diddler?
your more contradicting than a sermon or a holy text lol
psssht, i dont know about you.... but ive "gotten lucky" more than 50 times. lol

its the common sense that leads us atheists to believe that god does not exist. where is the sense that leads you to think that a man in the sky loves us all but would send us to burn in hell for eternity for checking out his neighbors hot wife or eating too many chocolates, but you can get back on his good side by confessing your sins and trespasses to a alter boy diddler?
your more contradicting than a sermon or a holy text lol

So everything being created by nothing requiring lucky event after lucky event (This is how the described it, luck, luck luck.) Everything just so happened to occur flawlessy for life to be sustained?

You every heard of your sins being foregiven? Your a stupid ass if you think youre going to hell for looking at your hot neighbor or eating chocolate .Go and rape her and maybe youll get in to hell if you dont spend the rest of your life redeeming yourself trying to be as righteous as possible.
so your saying everything happens perfectly because the wizzard in the sky deems it so?

and your second subject is almost proving my point. sins being forgiven = crock of shit. how is a forgiven rapist going to get into heaven because while in jail he confessed to a priest and recited hail mary so many times when a atheist or a fag or a pagan who has lived an honest fulfilling life is destined to burn in hell

really haze; i can do this all day
so your saying everything happens perfectly because the wizzard in the sky deems it so?

and your second subject is almost proving my point. sins being forgiven = crock of shit. how is a forgiven rapist going to get into heaven because while in jail he confessed to a priest and recited hail mary so many times when a atheist or a fag or a pagan who has lived an honest fulfilling life is destined to burn in hell

really haze; i can do this all day

No we just happened to get lucky time after time after time after time. No chances are if your a rapist your going to hell, but your not gonna go to hell for looking at a hot female while eating chocolates.

What be arrogant? Yeah i know thats who you are.
No we just happened to get lucky time after time after time after time. No chances are if your a rapist your going to hell, but your not gonna go to hell for looking at a hot female while eating chocolates.

What be arrogant? Yeah i know thats who you are.

When the scientist say luckily this or lucky for us that,or luck was on our side.How can you believe it.?All they say is luck, luck, luck. Go figure

its not so much faith as it is common sense. We could not have got lucky fifty times.

Same "luck" post 3 times, maybe you should just lock this thread since you're only making a fool of yourself? Or maybe if I pray hard enough for you to do it, God will grant me that wish?