Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
Oh please do tell.
If your childish ass got denied treatment, you'd deny The One. But it's not happening to you, so everyone else is a cry baby.
Oh please do tell.
No matter who's fault the shutdown is one key portion of that story stood out right away
These are not proven treatments and may not work to begin with.
If your childish ass got denied treatment, you'd deny The One. But it's not happening to you, so everyone else is a cry baby.
"Last Chance Experimental" is what I posted. Of course that means "not proven" as you put it. Nobody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes buddy. Either you support it or you don't. It's very simple, you either support Obama's actions or you don't. So let me break it down for you ricky0heart
If you were to label something essential or non-essential, (Assuming you're Obama) which of these would you choose:
#1 Keeping Camp David open for Obama so that he can continue to use it as a retreat and vacation spot. Also keep Obama's golf course open and fully staffed. Also keeping Obama's kitchen fully staffed with a lot of chefs.
Would you consider that essential OR
#2 Shut down Camp David, the military golf course, cut back on chefs during this shutdown, and then use whatever money is left over to help some kids with cancer?
Which would you choose? Obama can sign the proposal to exclusively fund NIH, and help these kids by tomorrow WITHOUT giving ONE THING TO REPUBLICANS. But he won't do it.
Thank you for proving yourself the asshole we love and know.
Why not offer something valid instead of resorting to name calling.
Really look at why the services were/are being cut to begin with, look at how the PUB's are the ones
who forced it by trying to have coverage for everyone cut.
Then come back and call me more names for speaking the truth. ricky0heart
"Last Chance Experimental" is what I posted. Of course that means "not proven" as you put it. Nobody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes buddy. Either you support it or you don't. It's very simple, you either support Obama's actions or you don't. So let me break it down for you ricky0heart
Why not offer something valid instead of resorting to name calling.
Democrats lost the House in 2010 BECASUE OF Obamacare....
John McCain, Mitch McConnell and other liberal republicans have been spewing out the same stupid argument as you have all week. So what the hell are you talking about? Obama, like a petulant little child better get his way, or he will take his ball and go home. If that wasn't bad enough, that shake down artist Obomber you love so much, is now shutting down the lot so that nobody with a ball can play. Amazingly finding resources to block and barricade anything he possibly can out of spite. How come every aspect of Obama's tax payer funded life is deemed essential? By HIM, and then for everybody else he decides its all non-essential? Is it because we have a narcissist in the white house?
Sorry I forgot there is a few intelligent left on the right like a plan designed by mitt romney! Lol A stupid argument is when u grasp at short straws to sideline what's really on at the kindergarteners tea party.
Obama wants everyone to have health care, ur right what a self absorbed narcissistic prick. Right wingers want to remove a measly 2.3% medical device tax for a industry that already has a huge profit margin lining their pockets. I'm sorry who's the narcissist?
Lol none of the righttards are talking about free market solutions now
Umm I should of known better! I'll try to explain this in my best elementary teacher voice. The government shut down because the republicans won't increase debt ceiling without defunding the affordable care act. Options include the repeal of a medical-device tax enacted to help fund the health law or abolition of long-standing health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress.
This is why children with cancer are dying and fallen soldiers families aren't receiving benefits.
If u read left to right u might of just learned something!
Umm I should of known better! I'll try to explain this in my best elementary teacher voice. The government shut down because the republicans won't increase debt ceiling without defunding the affordable care act. Options include the repeal of a medical-device tax enacted to help fund the health law or abolition of long-standing health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress.
This is why children with cancer are dying and fallen soldiers families aren't receiving benefits.
If u read left to right u might of just learned something!