Winter Woman
Well-Known Member
If it was your child you would want it.No matter who's fault the shutdown is one key portion of that story stood out right away
These are not proven treatments and may not work to begin with.
If it was your child you would want it.No matter who's fault the shutdown is one key portion of that story stood out right away
These are not proven treatments and may not work to begin with.
If it was your child you would want it.
just like cannabinoids?-
for stroke victims?
Yes I would, but be reasonable here. It is experimental, It is not proven.
So, IMO only proven treatments should be covered, if I want an experimental treatment I should have to pay for it.
I know there is allot of waste in our system, (Mostly CEO and upper management) but until something is a proven
treatment it should not be covered under general care.
Why should you have to pay for a peroxide rub that someone needs funding to keep their research going.
I knew, when I posted there would be those who are against care for all coming to argue for care when it has not been proven.
And odd stance to take IMO.
You can't have it both ways.
You can't have it both ways? Indeed.
Any compassionate program of "care" would not force people to participate under threat of force would it? You can't have it both ways.
The details of the plan get argued about, yet the WHETHER the program is morally acceptable in the way it is administered seems to be glossed over. Why?
Well one thing is for certain they should not raise the debt limit.
If we cant tax enough to pay for things its time to do without things.
I don't live off of a credit card why should our government?
The problem as I see it is the interruption of studies on these experimental drugs. They may have to redo years or at least months of research and treatments to attain the needed information that might actually save a life.
Look, the bottom line is if people want to be covered build a system that allows everyone to be covered.
Don't complain that you have to pay into a system of coverage and then complain when someone does not
fall under the umbrella of coverage.
It is that simple.
Research is essential, experimental treatments are not until they are out of the experimental stage and have become proven treatments.
It is disturbingly funny to see people who will refuse to support a healthy lifestyle for millions of children start shouting Obama is killing babies because an experimental treatment is not deemed essential.
The trouble with this is that insurers have a lot of say in what is "experimental". There is a conflict of interest here. Jmo.
I am so sick of listening to republicans blaming the president for shutting down vital necessities. like it or not, the affordable care act that was voted into law in 2010 n the majority of American people agreed when they re-elected president in 2012. And they will further agree in nov 2014 when republicans are voted out of the house.
The same Republicans in Congressional leadership today that combined to vote for a debt limit increase 19 times during the presidency of George W. Bush with no strings attached. In doing so, they increased the debt limit by nearly $4 trillion all for a war for a country with WMD's or Not!
Its t's about time the US takes care of its own!
Riddle me this? If money isn't backed by gold like the old days then where does it come from? Debt ceiling limit, I doubt it, we create money with the push of a button when we want!
Yes I would, but be reasonable here. It is experimental, It is not proven.
So, IMO only proven treatments should be covered, if I want an experimental treatment I should have to pay for it.
I know there is allot of waste in our system, (Mostly CEO and upper management) but until something is a proven
treatment it should not be covered under general care.
Why should you have to pay for a peroxide rub that someone needs funding to keep their research going.
I knew, when I posted there would be those who are against care for all coming to argue for care when it has not been proven.
An odd stance to take IMO.
You can't have it both ways.
I am so sick of listening to republicans blaming the president for shutting down vital necessities. like it or not, the affordable care act that was voted into law in 2010 n the majority of American people agreed when they re-elected president in 2012. And they will further agree in nov 2014 when republicans are voted out of the house.
Just because The One wins a beauty contest, doesn't justify his actions. I didn't agree to his raping me. That's straight up populist thinking and a page out of the communist handbook.
Wow you're an asshole. The One can do no wrong.