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    My main stem broke

    DONNYS is correct....ive even used plumbers glue and just so happens that was the biggest nug on the plant.
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    Supplimental Nutes (Bio Bizz?)

    Add some "SeaGreen" with your bio-bizz......also any other pk booster. i like bio bizz but i found an awesome new organic line that works's called "Nectar For the Gods" can find it at
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    Strawberry Cough?

    i love strawberry cough! one of my faves.....its is a bit slower in early flowering but then it takes off toward the end....similiar to the FI(fucking Incredible) is lower yielder though compared to other strains
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    Top or lst outdoor

    thanks for the rep by the way
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    Top or lst outdoor

    you top once for two colas....let it veg for a week or so then top each branch once more....this will give you 4 main tops(colas)
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    Top or lst outdoor

    top them if you want to keep them shorter.
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    Light green spots on marijuana leaf??? problem

    these are available at
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    Light green spots on marijuana leaf??? problem

    Foliar spray some CAL-MAG from botanicare......or even check out Optic Foliar. looks like some nitrogen/calcium deficiency
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    Grow area

    indoor or outdoor? indoor i would say 3x3 or 4x4.....outdoor i would say like 5x5
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    Help with Marijuana Plants

    looks like a marijuana dandylion hybrid or some shit lol.....stems way to hairy to be marijuana.
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    My air pump turned off for a day

    you should be fine...just keep an eye out for root rot.....and maybe clean one more time with diluted hydrogen peroxide
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    New Super Soil User - Yellowing 2 Weeks In

    foliar spray some CAL-MAG and also ad some veg nutes. compost tea always helps too.
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    Multiple reflective/insulation layers? [Small Grow;PC]

    the extra layers are for insulation....the mylar is the actual reflective part....i only use mylar....but if your grow room is having trouble keeping a steady temperature thats when i would use the other materials......people who have outdoor sheds,outdoor growrooms, etc.. would use the other...
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    Need help leafes browning

    need pics to really be able to answer your question.
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    Need help asap!!!!

    block those vents and let them heal.....thats all you can do
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    UVA-UVB light increases tricomes?

    any blue spectrum(flourescent light,Plasma light, or a white light) over 50watts will increase resin production noticeably.
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    Need a Couple of Quick Questions Answered for the Memory Banks...

    Question 1: Yes Question 2: yes after the first set of true leaves is when you can give half strength or even quarter strength Nutrients to be safe. even though veg actually starts after the seed shell has fallen off and the first two baby leaves are fully grown. the seedling itself has enough...
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    change in nutrient strength

    you should totally be fine.....just keep an eye on how they react to each increased dosage.
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    HELP! What is this please?

    this is happening because the bottom leafs are not receiving any light and possibly a nitrogen deficiency. if they continue to get worse(bottom leafs only) i would just cut them off. also try using a foliar spray called Optic Foliar.....or you can foliar spray some Cal-Mag......i buy these...
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    Yellowing and drying out of leaves

    your totally fine.....this is supposed to happen during late flower...this just means your close to harvest! most strains do this naturally. if this is happening before week 5 of flower then you might have a deficiency.