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  1. B

    Sea Of Green, best system to water??

    check this out..........get a 5 gallon bucket as your res... and a good water pump and some hosing.....get a check valve and a peice of pvc pipe......your basically making a home made water wand. this way your pumping nutrients through the wand like if it was a garden hose. makes things easy to...
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    How much water

    Blowincherrypie is totally right....thats the way i do it as well.
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    Buds sticking together?

    you just got some good sticky bud thats all......maybe let it air out a bit more.
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    Nute burn / wind burn or over / under watering?

    looks fine i wouldnt worry about it....looks like some sitting water dried up while on the leaf. if your really worried about it foliar spray some cal mag.
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    Plant Leafs are curling down problem

    also ph is to high wich can cause nutrient deficiencies.
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    Plant Leafs are curling down problem

    either its under watering or not enough light
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    Is my light too strong?

    need pics to help...
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    First grow Plant problems

    Raise the light like 4 inches....thats really close! also they dont look to bad.
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    Question about nute burn.

    if the new growth is good then your good to go....the old growth is probably to far gone to heal...if your plants are big enough(have enough fan leaves) then you can cut the burnt growth off.
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    Light power during flower

    it is not needed for full power but you will effect your yeild a bit. i advise doing full power through all of the flower cycle. i only dim my ballast down on really hot days to bring the temp down.
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    dirt/ hole question

    yes you can do the garbage bag with holes but put holes at bottom and also up the sides, maybe like 4 rows of holes on the sides. plastic does not let oxygen through....i really advise a huge fabric pot.
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    it kinda looks like a male....but it might be too early to is a pic to help
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    Question on future CO2 usage

    you can still air cool your lights but the room needs to be sealed better if you do not want to waste CO2 and if you want a steady PPM...also you do not need to run CO2 at night.
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    First time grow

    yes you can totally do this.......big scale green houses do the same thing. also if you use flourescent lighting it will only mark up your PG&E bill by a few bucks.
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    I need to understand biobizz!! Your help is appreciated!

    from what i understand that your asking....when you mix nutrients in anything, that mix is for how ever many plants you have....there is no set feeding/flushing schedule but i personally do two feedings of nutes and then one feeding of just plain water or a flushing agent. you want to water when...
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    Potential catastrophe with my scrogged plant :(

    try adding some potassium maybe....also that gunk in your res looks like some sort of any light hitting your res? if so when light heat and water are together...the water starts growing bacteria,fungi, and other things, keep a top on your res or keep it in the dark. also General...
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    Hey should I be ph adjusting my water?

    that is not true sir
  18. B

    My bedroom closet any good ?

    yes totally could do it.....make sure you purchase a carbon filter to take care of the smell.
  19. B

    what would this be?

    if your at the end and ready to harvest, this is supposed to happen to fan leaves.....if your in week 5 or below of flower its probably a nitrogen deficiency or cal mag deficiency.