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  1. B

    Plant deformation/growth problem, please help!

    looks like your in the early stages of Nitrogen deficiency....feed it some nitrogen and i would also foliar spray some "CAL-MAG". if your not comfortable foliar spraying then you can water it in as well.
  2. B

    I'm thinking its about 1 or 2 more weeks to harvest. Can anyone confirm?

    i say three weeks....but you need to look to see if 50% or more trichomes are a light Amber colored...thats when there ready. they look pretty white from here but you need a microscope to really see.
  3. B

    help with tent again please

    you need a bigger outtake create negative pressure and suck out all that heat. also oscillating fan needs to be inside the tent. looks like your getting hotspots from the light wich is why its hotter lower even though heat naturally rises. there is a product for your reflector called...
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    first time flowering. how am I doing? 3 1/2 weeks in.

    looking good! i would do two waterings with nutes and then one watering just plain water.....and so on.
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    Nitrogen toxicity?

    look fine to me
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    First four quark particle found

    very interesting......wonder what possibilities lie ahead.
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    Burned tips stress?

    lift the lights higher
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    HELP! Important question about making wax

    ice water method! look up "Matt Rize" on youtube. also you cant make wax out of butter but you can make butter out of wax
  9. B

    when can i harvest :(

    you want most of the trichomes to be amber 50 60%
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    Twisted Leaves

    they dont look too bad....just a little sad....need more info your ph stable? what light are you using? are you feeding nutes? whats your temp? how close is the light to the canopy?
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    my outdoor garden

    definetley get a cage for the pepper as well. couldnt answer you on the flowering bulbs sorry.
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    250W MH light cooling question

    is it in a reflector or just a stand alone bulb? cpu fan aint gonna do shit...those bulbs are going to run hot naturally. you need like a 4 or 6 inch inline fan. the cheapest ones i could find were the "REBEL" fans at
  13. B

    What is going on with my plants!!?? Heat Stress?

    way to hot.....also foliar spray some cal mag with some fish protein....this will help if its not already to late. you can find these items at
  14. B

    Droopy and yellowish leaves.....a few brown spots HELPPPP(PICS)

    too much light for babies thats my guess.....raise the light really high or buy florescents for babies. also there is a new product on the market called "Optic foliar Over grow" it works wonders and will most likely fix your can foliar spray with the lights on as well as it leaves...
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    Foliar Spray

    yes you can freely show pics.....just take a look at my signature......steeping is awesome....your basically making compost tea.....although for babies in veg i would make the tea as usual but then mix it with fresh water to dilute it.....1 part tea to 4 parts fresh water......also tea is not...
  16. B

    Plz help with weird fingered leaves

    totally bad genetics.......does this happen to be bag seed? be suprised if it even produces THC
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    Root damage from transplant

    let it be for a few days......then add some b1 supplement(to help with the shock) and an enzyme product(to break down dead root mass). hope this helps.
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    Need some info on a forgiving strain

    Blue Dream for sure
  19. B

    Has my crop reached maturity at day 50 flowering?

    sorry to say but these look horrible..if its bag seed you probably have weird genetics......because of the low light.....the plant metabolism is way slower than usual....which means you need to feed it less.....looks like your over watering and giving to much nutes.......when around %60 of the...