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  1. B

    Seedling leaf turning yellow

    those baby leaves are supposed to die off after it reaches higher maturity....but it does seem a little early for it to be doing that. don't feed any nutes to seedlings and make sure your at least 2 feet away from the light.
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    Day 9 Flower Black Dhalia

    looks okay but could use some cal mag to get rid of that yellowing. :)
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    Hey should I be ph adjusting my water?

    yes always ph your water.....check out this chart on how the plant uses nutrients according to the ph levels.
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    Newbie Grow Tent; comments and criticism!

    sounds like a good set mag is always good to have handy...also you will need a trellis or bamboo stakes. i would also ad an osculating wall mount fan or clip on fan to push the air around. hope this helps
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    Potential catastrophe with my scrogged plant :(

    woops forgot to ask what week of flower you were in.....if your past week 5 of flower DO NOT foliar spray.
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    Potential catastrophe with my scrogged plant :(

    looks like heat stress....and also a cal mag deficiency....try foliar spraying some cal mag.
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    Topping off my babies

    yeah what he said^^^^......i usually top when the plant is 4 to 6 inches.
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    Do I have a calcium def?

    it takes three days to see results. be patient. use a cal mag foilar spray.
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    Will my recipe work!?

    probably not
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    My im possible tiring hunt for a suitable reflector

    there is no reflector by is the BALLAST that is 400watts(or 600 or 1000) that works with any reflector. so your just looking for a reflector with those dimensions right? this is the closest one i could find for you~>...
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    growing 1 plant in a cupboard in the uk

    Lighting~> (probably need two of these) Filter~> Fan~>...
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    Transplanting, HELP.

    yes you can do that
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    clones in dome in basement are not taking yet?

    yes.....the cold rapidly decreases root growth. your lucky if they even root at all. if it's been longer than 15 days i say there not going to root.
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    Droopy, dry and slightly discoloured plants

    looks like some transplant shock and a cal mag deficiency. i recommend using CALMAG from botanicare as a foilar also has nitrogen in it. could also be to close to the light but im not sure what your growing with. they will LOVE the foilar spray. i see new growth so they are...
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    SMH my first grow

    use nutes.....and the reason its fluffy is because your using CFL' need more intense light.
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    To Top or To Not?!

    if you have a bunch of short plants right next to each other(sea of Green style)...then i would not top. when you have more space in between plants and fewer plants then i would definetley top them. when topping your plants will bush out more....super cropping: i personally super crop once a...
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    LED Grow Light - First Time Grow

    this one is the shit~> i own 2 of these.
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    grow tent advice

    dude.... great prices and shit dont break. hope this helps;)
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    What could this be??

    its gonna be fine......but it looks to me like your a little to close to the light.
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    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    your ppms are low so i dont think it's nutrient burn....its takes 3 to 6 days for them to snap back into shape after making changes to the grow. looks to me like you need to feed it some CAL MAG. i would use the CAL MAG as a foliar application that way you can see results within a day or so...